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A Big Thank You

Guest jeweler jim, SASS #50409

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Guest jeweler jim, SASS #50409

A simple posting does not convey my gratitude, but I wanted to try and thank the scholarship committee and all those responsible for contributions and help. Both my kids are starting college with a combine cost of over 60K a year. Both my kids have been awarded Scholarships from SASS. Leadfoot Lizzie 50411 & Sicilian Kid 50410 are both thrilled to have received the help and honor.


Learned of the awards at the NRA convention in Milwaukee and wanted to wait until formal announcements were made at EOT (didn't want to steal anyone else's fire). Thanked "The Judge" at the convention and "Chis" via e-mail. The only thing that could have made this better would to have found out before the awards night ceremony at their high school. Nothing would have pleased me more than to show the "educational community" what the "shooting community" is capable of doing. Perhaps embarrassed the kids by having a couple of cowboys in full regalia make the presentation and get to rub some of the administration's noses in it at the same time. Like many schools, their not real big on guns and it has sometimes made it tough for the kids in their defending of the shooting sports.


Both are going to pursue the medical field so this will be a long haul and every little bit helps. They have both now accumulated more 50% of their first year's expenses in scholarship and we hope to be able to continue this in future years.


P.S. Thanks again to those who sponsored the applications.



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Jeweler Jim,


The scholarships could not have gone to a more deserving family. Lizzie & the Kid are a joy to be around, and you as the devoted Dad should be quite proud. I know I'm proud just to know em' :D




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Congratulations to both of those fine young cowboy shooters! Knowing them and having shot with them I feel they are most deserving of the scholarships and will do justice to the faith SASS has placed in them.

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Guest talon macleod 29883

I would like to chime in here.My daughter Molly just was awarded the scholarship for the third year.She is very thankful and spends our money well.I wonder sometimes if it may be the best thing we all do.Anyway congrats to all.Talon Macleod :blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Talon, I agree wholeheartedly. Even if Molly never follows through on the Hotel Motel Management / Chiropractic thing, it's money well spent. Just kidding !


Seriously, with all the Lotto money Georgia wastes each year on useless scholarships, it's nice to see someone like Molly get a little financial help. We are all very proud of her.

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