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It Appears We Have Been Had by Sen. Leahy,Judiciary Chairman's Survey

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This came to light today here in Vermont about Sen. Leahys survey.
New information on his survey and how it's being used.

Subject: Senator Leahy's Gun Survey "NO! to Senator Leahy's Survey Trickery! "

Does it now appear to you that Senator Leahy
interpreted your participation in his electronic survey
as support for increased federal gun control laws?
Does it now look like Senator Leahy's survey could
have been created to have your participation be
inaccurately counted as supporting more federal
gun control laws?

Does it appear to you that Senator Leahy's E-mail
reports that the right of gun ownership, as affirmed
by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,
and upheld in the Heller and McDonald decisions
by the U.S. Supreme Court, has been reduced to
the status of a mere political football in a contest of
partisan politics gamesmanship?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions you
have every right to contact Senator Leahy and politely
ask for his explanation of the purpose of his survey,
how your participation was used and call for him to
act to place protecting your rights over political party

Or just say: "NO, to Senator Leahy's Gun Survey Trickery
and Our Constitution is Not a Political Game! "

You may contact Senator Leahy at 800-642-3193
and/or at:
info@leahyforvermont.com, c+leahy@trusted-sender.convio.net,

From: Patrick Leahy
Date: March 9, 2013, 9:00:32 AM EST
Subject: UPDATE: Guns legislation moves forward
Reply-To: Patrick Leahy

Dear XXXXX --
Good news! After nearly 5,000 responses to my call for comments -- including yours -- the Leahy-Collins legislation to help stop weapons trafficking passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday and was reported to the full Senate. The committee began work on Senator Feinstein’s bill to regulate assault weapons but was unable to complete action as Republican opponents of the bill filed over a dozen amendments to gut it.
Opponents of Senator Feinstein’s bill have shown they will try to delay the assault weapon ban from coming out of Judiciary by offering amendment after amendment. They actually hope their dilatory tactics will end up defeating the bill in committee. But those tactics will not work in the Committee that I chair if Democrats stay unified behind her bill.
We still have a lot of work to do. I will reconvene the Judiciary Committee on Tuesday to work through all the amendments the Republicans have cooked up against the Feinstein bill, Senator Schumer's bill to improve background checks, and Senators Boxer and Warner's bill to improve school safety. And we will continue marking up through next week to complete action on these important bills.
It would be great to hear your thoughts before we work to report these bills to the Senate.
Click here to let me know any more thoughts you have on these bills, and then forward this message to any of your friends who would like to share their thoughts as the committee continues our work next week.
Thank you for helping us strive to develop a truly comprehensive solution to help our country stop gun violence and protect our families.

Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator

This from a pro 2 A group chairman.

Senator Leahy's Gun Survey "NO! to Senator Leahy's Survey Trickery! "

Just talked to Senator Leahy's office, the survey was apparently sent by an organization called green mountain pac which is separate from the legislative side of his office. I asked if it was sent with the Senator's approval but It was not known. I chided that it behooves the Senator to know what is being sent around with his signature. I asked if there was an accounting that we Vermonters could know about the numbers of responses the Senator was getting for and against in the gun control issue. None of that information was available. I finished with a polite no thank you to any gun control.

I just called now myself,was on hold for 10 minutes seems as if they are a bit busy at the moment.

The staff woman in his Burlington office said she had heard of it but knew nothing further at the moment, about Green Mountain PAC and would leave word for Senator Leahy.

I left word that No new gun laws were needed and enforce the over 20000 that were on the books.

Keep the pressure on if you want to speak your voice the number to call is Senator Leahys Burlington Vt. Campaign office. 802-863-2525
Adios Sgt. Jake
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Seems as if Senator Leahy didn't care to represent Vermont's constutiuents or the Vermont and US Constitutions.

WASHINGTON — A divided Senate Judiciary Committee approved a Democratic bill Tuesday expanding required federal background checks to nearly all gun purchases, giving President Barack Obama an early victory on curbing gun violence in a fight that still faces difficult odds.

The vote was 10-8, with all Democrats supporting the measure and every Republican opposing it.

Adios Sgt. Jake

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