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Go West

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Posts posted by Go West

  1. My hearing loss is primarily in the upper register, a range often used by women's voices. That means I have an excuse when I can't hear the wife. ;) Many insurance companies pay some up through all of the cost, depending. A good audiologist will be experienced in submitting claims since few rely on cash customers.

  2. After a hearing test with an audiologist, I went with Oticon. First it was one ear, then I added the other a few years later. They are adjustable with Bluetooth. I hear pretty well with only a few sound sources, but noisy environs like restaurants, etc. are pretty bad. Some of the things I think I hear from the TV are pretty comical, like "reptile dysfunction." :) At matches, I pull one earplug out to hear instructions and conversations. They were spendy for the insurance company, but no cost to me.

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