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Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

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Everything posted by Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

  1. That is a better percentages than I have with my wife, during discussions.
  2. Except on Punxsutawney Phil. He got a pardon.
  3. Do silkworms work 24/7?
  4. Napoleon was a dandy?
  5. Napoleon cognac is dandy.
  6. Hey, it was just a little incident. King made way too much of it.
  7. DRAMA, Trailrider, DRAMA! That is all that matters to the camera. The director, if they are knowledge about the subject, probably think that a large portion of the audience will not know the difference and if it makes the story line dramatic, it stays in.
  8. Maybe they could skip the half time show and donate the money to the homeless or something.
  9. I have been trying to erase that from my memory and I succeeded. Please don't bring it up again. I think we are all better off having that behind us.
  10. Congratulations to you both. Bet she has second thoughts about that now. Seriously, the very best to you both.
  11. Apparently, nothing happened.
  12. Me too, Slim, but it is pronounced as wor, not wire.
  13. How could he have fallen off the scaffold? Musta been pushed.
  14. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. But it was a Dickens of a time.
  15. On this date in 1606. A.K.A. Guy Fawkes. Fell off the scaffold that he was to be hanged from, and broke his neck. Guess that is what you get when you hang around guys that use black powder.
  16. Just depends on where you were headed.
  17. At some point, he was noticed to be inactive. One does not function well without a head, not to mention he was a King. A King is the head guy, but I don't think it matters when the King loses his own head.
  18. Read once that the punishment for piracy was to put a feller in a iron cage and hang it from a post in the town square. Let the poor dude starve to death without food water and exposed to the elements. Tough crowd, those Royals.
  19. Seems like those dudes were all loosing their heads over some law or another, or hanging around with the wrong crowd. A few even got stuck with the wrong end of somebody's sword.
  20. Now, that was refreshing. Thanks Dan.
  21. Vin ve catch you, you vill be verrrrry sorry.
  22. Charles I, King of England, was beheaded for Treason. Just thought you might want to know.
  23. I would probably crack my own skull with one. I suppose a fellow my age carrying a Louisville slugger around would be obvious.
  24. Forty Rod = Mr. First Nighter. Be certain to wear the patent leather shoes with that top hat.
  25. Welcome back Jake. Like J Bar sed, we did miss ya. I kinda figured you was buzy wit a three card Monty game, and fergot about us. Bottles, keep his mug full.
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