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Buckshot Bear

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bear

  1. Did you have these in the U.S as well, back in the day?
  2. No no no Rip .....a Cornish pasty (another Aussie fav) has a different filling.
  3. Let me decipher this road sign for you. It states that Macca's (McDonalds) opens in the town of Yass at 6.00am Yass - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yass,_New_South_Wales
  4. Surveillance airship, Australian edition
  5. Never been a fan
  6. Some embarrassment for this officer back in the day
  7. A non-feathered Falcon in a tree
  8. Gonna need a bigger can of Mortein. An Aussie homeowner has discovered this 1.5m wasps' nest on their bathroom wall.
  9. School Canteen 1974 Prices
  10. No no no ..... that's part of the dining experience.....it's to show that it was grass fed
  11. I wouldn't ever touch one though - The platypus, renowned as one of the few mammals that lay eggs, also is one of only a few venomous mammals. The males can deliver a mega-sting that causes immediate, excruciating pain, like hundreds of hornet stings, leaving victims incapacitated for weeks.
  12. In the 1940s, Australian William McArthur 'invented' the splayd after seeing women struggling to juggle food and cutlery at parties. His design went into mass production and became the utensil du jour. Nearly five million splayds were sold in 52 countries until they fell out of fashion in the 1980s.
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