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Buckshot Bear

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bear

  1. Popular game when I was a kid, lots of us (most) had real bone knuckles though. Kids today wouldn't have a clue what they were or what we're talking about.
  2. Enjoyed the cartoon!
  3. These were a kids favourite in the '60's here
  4. The Aussie Hills Hoist
  5. Two mates that hadn't seen each other in a long time met by accident in a pub.Wow, I haven't seen you for a couple of years said Max,,, where've you been and what have you been doing ?Harry replied,, I've been up north on a cattle station marking young bull calves with house bricks.Max: Oh yeah,,,, how do you do that ?Harry: Well after being mustered and put in the yards, they are all thirsty and rush to the trough full of nice cool water.Then, while they are drinking we creep up behind em and smash their testicals between two house bricks.Max: Oooh Arrg,,,,,, doesn't that hurt ?Harry: Nah not a bit mate,,,,,,, as long as you keep your thumbs out from between the bricks.
  6. Slide in Queensland in the '70's ........imagine the safety nets etc etc etc etc etc nowawdays!
  7. This jar is from the early 1930's On the back is a serving suggestion - 'Vegemite contains the nutritional elements of yeast and is one of he most potent sources of Vitamin B complex,' the label read. 'Use in sandwiches, soups, stews and gravies. 1/2-1 teaspoonful in a glass of hot milk or water makes a nourishing beverage. That's me done, finally a vegemite recipe that's beat me down.....in milk and hot milk at that....no thanks mate.
  8. The buggers beat you to it -
  9. This is a DC3 that was converted into a McDonalds at West Lakes in South Australia, the plane was originally used by the U.S. Air Force from 1942-1944. It was built at Long Beach, California and delivered to the U. S. Army and mainly operated as a “Biscuit Bomber” around North Queensland and New Guinea. It has now been taken away and is being restored back to original condition.
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