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Buckshot Bob

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Posts posted by Buckshot Bob

  1. 4 hours ago, Alpo said:

    The last time I drove in the snow - it was February in New Jersey - it not only had snow on the ground but it was snowing. So I had the windshield wipers on.


    It was also night time.


    So I'm driving down the road and all of a sudden something went flashing past the driver's window - couldn't have been more than an inch away from the truck.


    Scared the bejesus out of me. I snatched the wheel to the right so hard, to avoid whatever the hell almost hit me, I almost went off the road.


    As the windshield wipers were clearing the fresh snow off the windshield, it was piling it up on the left side. And eventually the pile got big enough that the slipstream pulled it over the edge, and it went whipping down past the car. And that's what I saw out of the corner of my eye.


    Now maybe y'all folks that drive in the snow are used to things like that, but that was not only the last time I drove in the snow, I believe it was the first time I drove in the snow. And it was startling.

    The last time I drove in a snowstorm was Friday :) 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Mogollon Munk,SASS#303 said:

    If you want the best hand-priming tool, in my opinion it is probably the one made by Sinclair International, and sold through Brownells. No magazine tube, just one at a time. Requires it's own shellholder, but they offer them for a majority of cartridges. 

    One of my friends has one , extremely nice and accurate. But I would never want to handle each primer individually. I did that years ago and I’m not going back 

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