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Bisley Joe's Achievements
About Me
I am a writer, filmmaker, and artist who loves the Old West, Medieval history (especially the Crusades), and The Lord of the Rings. Also love Star Wars, but just the originals.
I shoot with one hand on one pistol, because that's how those guns were meant to be shot, and because I want to follow that standard SASS used to list on its description: "avoiding the technical gamesmanship that has ruined other shooting sports". Yep, SASS/CAS is a game: shooting guns from the era of the Old West, while wearing clothing from the era of the Old West. So why use methods that were not used until 100 years later?
I learned about SASS back in the mid 1990s, while living in Florida, and bought any magazine with an article about SASS that I could find. In 2000 I visited a match at Markham Park, just to observe. That's when Doc Whiplash introduced himself, let me try out his revolvers, and invited me to the next match, where he loaned me everything to shoot!
Withing a few months I started to purchase my firearms and accoutrements, starting with a pair of .45 Colt 7.5" Cimarron Bisley revolvers, which is where I got my handle. After that, it was a Marlin, etc.
Doc and I became close friends, and soon I also joined his group: Wyatt Earp Gunfighters, where I usually played Johnny Ringo and got shot down-except for the time when I broke out of script and burned down Wyatt Earp, which was funny, but another story...
Soon I met Hellwood Blues, and another lifelong friendship started.
I consider Doc and Hellwood to be my brothers, and love them both as such.
I shot SASS any time I was able up until 2007, when I shot and filmed the 2007 Colorado State Championship in Rifle, Colorado. Here I met Tim, who's handle I can't recall. Another great friend! I also met T.J. Casey, Montana's Singing Cowboy, performing at the Championship "after-party". He gave me two of his CDs and allowed me to use the music for the video I made, which made a world of difference!
After that, life just got in the way, and SASS became just a wishful thought.
Now I have a pair of 7.5" open tops from Cimarron, in .45 Colt, an 1866 "Yellowboy" Carbine, also in .45, and a coachgun in 12 guage. I like shooting all my firearms using real "black powder".
I am considering shooting my matches with 1851 Navy cap and ball revolvers in .36 caliber, and maybe eventually getting the Cimarron .38 "conversions".
The animated giff below is from a New Year's party we were hired to perform at, and acted out the Scene from Tombstone when Johnny Ringo and Doc have their first meeting. The pistol is a real, though unloaded, Single Action Army iwth a 4.75" barrel, in .45 Colt, which seems the best balanced for spinning.