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Canton Chris

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Posts posted by Canton Chris

  1. I pretty much cast for all of my pistol calibers. Started powder coating about 3 years ago when I was shooting steel challenge with my 45 acp & had great luck with it, so when I started Cowboy Action shooting I powder coated those bullets as well. I use clear powder so they look like natural lead. I use the shake method, bake them in a convection oven & size then through my star lubri- sizer. Alway have good results. Another benefit of using multiple colors is that if your working up a load, you can use different colors for different powder weights and for different powders. I cast my own bullets because I can get the exact weights I want & close to the bullet diameters I want. (Gotta tip my hat to Tom at Accurate Molds as he will cut you pretty much any bullet you want & the mold quality is one of the best!) I currently shoot 44-40 & 38 Spl but just ordered a 38-40 mold because I just bought a pair of pistols from Reverend Ledslinga! I suppose I could shoot bullets “as cast” but like knowing that what I shoot has been sized for uniformity! I enjoy this part of the shooting sports, knowing that what I shoot is produced by me from start to finish. Kinda makes you even proud of your misses! Lol

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