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Tyrel Cody

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Posts posted by Tyrel Cody

  1. Thank you. I was hoping someone would say something besides Photobucket.


    Your welcome. It used to be a close race between Photobucket and ImageShack. Now Photobucket is beyond awful and I believe ImageShack to only be free for 30 days(I think old accounts may still be free). I have thought about creating a place for us cowboys to host images but haven't found the right software and am a bit hesitant because of security(Russian hacking and such).

  2. My son's first Christmas was a nightmare. Got up early and opened presents at our house. Went to my parents about 8am for breakfast. My grandparents for lunch. Wifes grandparents at about 4 for a quick 10 minute hello. Finally wife's parents for supper; we were exhausted.


    Since then we have reached common ground. Her mom's(her dad passed away 2011) for Christmas Eve lunch. My grandmother Christmas Day lunch. My parents whenever it fits; this year for example, it's the 27th. Thankfully everyone lives within a 15 minute radius except my brother and he's only an hour away. We are blessed.



    Merry Christmas everyone.

  3. Are you using the 'more reply options' reply editor, or the quick editor?



    I can access your attachment, James. However, what they want is for the photo to show in the post, not as a link, and they want to be able to post directly from their PCs.



    I've mentioned this before, but in another forum that uses what I believe is the same software my full editor view has a section for attachments and after attaching the picture a button to "Add to post". This is the "Full Editor" screenshot of me editing an old post. They may have a plugin of some kind that I am not aware of but this is what it looks like at GolfWRX.com




  4. LOL! That didn't work. I selected a photo from my PC to post, using more reply options.

    When he gets it fixed their will be a Attach Files section in the full editor. You mat already have it as an admin.

  5. Just testing file attachments




    The other topic where we were discussing pictures is locked and we can't reply. There is still no option in the editor to allow for attachments. We are probably not in the security group that is allowed to do that, just a guess on my part. Thank you for your assistance on this.

  6. Near as I can tell, this feature is enabled.



    Sorry to bug you so much but here is a screen shot of another forum I am a member of that uses the same software that SASS uses. There is a section below the editor to allow for attachments. Thanks ahead of time.



  7. Near as I can tell, this feature is enabled.


    Must be a permissions thing then. There is no option and/or button in the editor for us to do this. We can link to pictures hosted on another site but not upload/attach. I've linked to a screen shot of me replying to this using Chrome.



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