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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Posts posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. Stoegers with single triggers seem to have issues .


    I bought two double triggered Stoegers about 9 years ago.

    Slicked one up and left one stock.

    Todate I have Never had to use the stock one yet.


    So I say the double trigger Stoegers are tough as heck !

  2. From right here in my home town .

    Grand Rapids Michigan.

    1/2 a mile away .

    Is Roger B Chaffe Blvd .

    When I was a kid that used to be Kent county airport.

    When they moved the airport .

    We road dirt bikes and go karts and snowmobiles

    and everything we could at the old airport for years .


    RIP Sr.

  3. LOL

    Pay phones ?

    The kids now adays never hear of a pay phone.

    The used to be everywhere .

    Now you would be lucky to find one.


    We used to tell the Oporator the phone took our money and she would just put the call threw for us.

  4. Later in this video I explain how I made some adapter parts so I could use a small Lee C press to load a cylinder. Keep in mind I was using the press setup for the first time in the video. And I was working around a camera. Also the press was C-clamped to a little crafts table and none to steady.

    I use the press setup at home where I can C-clamp it to a workbench mounted to the wall. It works well in this setting. I've not used it at a range as there wouldn't be a good place to clamp it. The C-press could be mounted to a portable loader stand - home made or factory made.

    This is kinda interesting .

    I like the idia more then the wood one myself.


    This could be improved upon .

    And I think it could work nicely .

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