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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Posts posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. 46 minutes ago, Stump Water said:

    I can't believe that no one has realized that, after the shooter "turned around, saw the officer peering over and pointed his gun at him", he then turned back around and quickly snapped off the three shots toward the Don. 


    IF that officer really did "peer over"  and the shooter really did "turn around and point his gun at him", then "by the grace of god Trump didn't get killed"  is on that officer because he interrupted the shooter and threw him off balance.

     I read that the Officer saw him, dried to draw his weapon, but couldn't hang on with one hand and fell to the ground which injured him.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

    Don't be ridiculous, that's why the red light is always on top and the green light on the bottom.B)


    41 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    Except in one Irish neighborhood in Syracuse, NY.


    And in some parts of Texas.:wacko:

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    #11 isn't an issue.  I dress the way that suits mt.  Always clean and well kept but seldom polished and pressed.


    #14!  Well now, there's an issue.  I'm trying to drop profanity from my "quiver" of language but there are so many instances in a normal day that just derail my intentions and I unload in my Gunny voice using Gunny language.  I usually catch myself after the fact and ask God to help me.  It's a long process.

    I don't consider that clothes need to be polished and pressed, but I DO think that men should wear long pants and footwear that cover the feet. 

    As for your Gunny voice and language, I'd bet anything you care to name that those that hear it deserve to. I never made Gunny, but as a Sgt. I still have both.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    OK, I finally have to say it:
    My first thought on reading the title of this thread was, "No, I just buy random ammo on special and hope to eventually have a gun that uses it."


    I feel so much better now.

    Well, I have a friend that has 150 rounds of .357 SIG that he doesn't have a gun for. Even HE doesn't know where he got it, since he's never HAD a .357 SIG.

    • Haha 4
  5. 2 minutes ago, Smokin Gator SASS #29736 said:


    Yes. They feel they are required to inform other cultures/races of when those groups should be offended. Because they actually look down on them and believe they aren't intelligent to be offended on their own. Then pat themselves on the back for being such good people. 

    When all this started happening a few years ago, I remember reading that the descendants of the woman who modeled for "Aunt Jemima" were really Peed Off about it. They were proud of here notoriety. 

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  6. As a young Marine, I could usually shoot a "possible" (10 rounds in a 24" bullseye) from 300 yards in a prone firing position with my M16A1. So half that distance with a modern rifle wouldn't be too hard. 

    So yes, Trump was VERY fortunate. Even he said, "It Was God Alone Who Prevented the Unthinkable".

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  7. None of that matters. The ONLY thing that matters to white liberals is virtue signaling. They don't care the the people that they are trying to "protect" think otherwise.   

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  8. 1 hour ago, Alpo said:

    I do the same thing, but I use nylon cases. They're cheaper than the leather.moonclipcarry1.thumb.jpg.6a6115c7af7ed21977f283ec78cea07c.jpg







    Sorry Alpo, while serviceable, nylon just doesn't have the class and style that leather does. Besides, the HKS pouches are only $22. 

    BTY, just how long have you been storing that ammo?! Looks like a lot of verdigri there. Mine are loaded with Federal Hydra Shok in nickel cases.moonclipcarry3.thumb.jpg.d9353e40fbbbc648a4f870d31cc2d2d7.jpg.14efff8cba3a16c26f067f803b770200.jpg

    • Like 2
  9. 37 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

    I have a gun in almost every room. They are all loaded. A couple have extra mags.  If I need more ammo then I deserve what I get. 

    I refuse to carry a gun at all times, though I always have a knife on me or within arm’s reach. 

    I'm pretty much the same way. I live in a manufactured home, so it's not that big. 

    I have guns by each door, both Taurus 85s, the front door gun being located where I can access it while at the door. The back door gun isn't as close to the door, but since the back yard is fenced and walled off, I don't consider that to be a handicap. The backdoor gun is located where I can get to it while on the way to the backdoor from the kitchen. Since I can also get to the backdoor from my bedroom, I have other guns there. My nightstand gun is my Ruger NMV. I don't have spare ammo readily available for these guns, but there's more.

    On my dresser is my EDC, Bigmouth, my 1911. Even though my NMV is on my nightstand, I'll probably grab Bigmouth first. There IS spare ammo available for him. I carry a spare magazine in my back pocket along with a knife when I'm dressed. There is also a magazine pouch with 2 loaded magazines on my dresser. Further, in a drawer of my nightstand is my S&W 625 in .45 ACP. it's also loaded, and I have a speedloader pouch with not 2, but 4 loaded Moon Clips , also on my dresser. By my bed is a Mossberg 500 with the 7 round magazine tube. It's equipped with a 7 round sidesaddle carrier as well as a 5 round carrier on the buttstock. 16 rounds of Tactical Buckshot and 3 rounds of Tactical slugs. I figure that as long as I can make it to my room, I should be able to hold them off.

    Oh yeah, in a lockbox under the driver's seat of the Jeep is a Star Firestar with 2 spare magazines.

    AND I religiously follow Rule 9, "Never go anywhere without a knife".


    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, DeaconKC said:

    I didn't know whether to hit the laugh, like or sad emoji on this one.

    He's actually better than the Disney princess of today. At least he's not escorting little girls into the Bippity Boppity Boutique. 

    Male Disney Employee in Dress and Make ...

    Bill Nelson July 7 2024 ecfc202c207ec265ff303c496e72695fa3e19f_1.jpg

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  11. 2 hours ago, Alpo said:

    Number 18. I do that. And that seems to upset a lot of y'all. :P

    It's not that you ask a lot of questions, Alpo. It's more a matter where in the world do these questions COME FROM?

    Number 11 is the one that I see REALLY needs to be promoted. I swear that the way some people dress looks like they're doing to very least that they can get away with to not get arrested for indecent exposure. As far as I'm concerned, shorts, an undershirt, (wife beater), and flip flops is NOT dressed. I don't dress full Cowboy anymore, (I got tired of fighting the heat), but if I'm out of the house I wear jeans, WITH a belt, a T shirt, though usually a Polo, boots and a hat/ cap, lately a MAGA cap. I don't even OWN a pair of shorts OR flip flops.

    • Like 3
  12. 20 minutes ago, watab kid said:

    we dont need one - we already got the shorter revolvers and these are just cool to hold and shoot , 

    Nope. GOTTA have a holster for it. Been working on it this afternoon. I'll probably finish it tomorrow. I'll post pics. THEN you'll be jealous!:D

    • Like 1
  13. 34 minutes ago, El Sobrante Kid said:

    I live in NM and I have followed all the local news stories. From the beginning it was pretty obvious that the investigation was poorly done second tier level work, and the prosecuting team was also second tier. If the investigation had been top notch, and the prosecution had been able to avoid the politics of taking on the huge film industry here in NM, they had a chance. Combine the glitches on the prosecutors side, along with AB having 3 top tier lawyers, there was no way he was going to be found guilty. This cluster**** rests solely on the shoulders of NM officials. What a shame!

    If he'd been convicted, Hollywierd would have told New Mexico that the state would no longer get any more Hollywierd money.

  14. 28 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    Oh, you hit one of my triggers!


    Yes, it's a technicality, and thank GAWD for those technicalities.  Do I like the decision?   No.  But, by Vulcan's left nut! I want every one of those "technicalities."  I want the omnipotent State to have to follow every comma, every jot and tittle of the law.  I want every obstruction possible to the terrible power of the State. Because one day I, myself, may need to avail myself of those "technicalities."  I want the State to have to follow the law EXACTLY the same way I have to.

    What shortcuts would you allow the State to take around the law?   

    I doubt that anyone will disagree on your point. The aggravation comes from the fact that a leftist, gun hating, Hollywierd type is getting away with what amounts to murder. Any of us would have been shot, hanged, castrated and boiled in oil if we had done the same. 

    He's going to just go about his happy little life doing whatever he wants while an Innocent is dead for something that so easily have been avoided if he'd have followed the rules that those of us that respect our guns do everyday. 

    If it was indeed a technicality that let him off, whoever is responsible for that should be stripped of whatever legal standing they have. Unfortunately, that probably won't happen either. 

    • Like 3
  15. 4 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    I have to chuckle at the fear of texting, the OHMYGAWD!!!!IFITEXTI'LLGETSCAMMED! mindset. 

    I'm not in fear of anything like that, I just don't see the point of most texting. If I have something to say, I will call and say it. If whoever I call doesn't answer, I leave a message. 

    If I want somebody to text me, it'll be something like "Text me the directions", or "Text me the address", so that I don't have to write it down. 

  16. Sounds to me like another reason not to text. When I order from anywhere and my phone number is required, it gets my landline. NOBODY gets my cell phone number unless it's personal. There's probably only a couple dozen PEOPLE with my cell phone number, and just about the only person that calls it is my wife, and THEN just when I'm at the store and she needs something. 

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