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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Posts posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. 2 hours ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:

    None happened? Do you remember any lines in gas stations about 10 years after the 60's?


    1 hour ago, Cypress Sun said:

    "Gas lines about 10 years after the 60's".... you mean the 70's? Purely political and not based on ANY scientific discovery or information.

    Quite correct. It was referred to as "The Arab Oil Embargo". We were getting so much of our oil from OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) that they decided to artificially raise prices by cutting our supply. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Alpo said:

    There's a long discussion on the Smith & Wesson board about whether you should allow people in when they come charging up that empty lane.

    But damn it, you are not going to break line if I have anything to do with it.

    I'm with Alpo on this one. I spent 30 years driving a truck and saw this behavior nearly every day. And it's usually some self important Jackwagon that thinks that since he has an expensive car that he's better than the rest of us. 

    I made more than a few of them stop and wait in my day, and if I hadn't been driving a company truck, would have made a lot more of them.

    I still do it in my Jeep when it seems to be needed to be done. 

    As a side note, when I have the top off especially, I really like it when one of them make a Big Deal about passing me, just to have me catch up to him at the next red light. I'll pull up beside him, clap my hands, and in my best Marine Corps Drill Instructor voice, give him a,


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  3. 1 hour ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    about Calvin Coolidge…

    Both his dry Yankee wit and his frugality with words became legendary. His wife, Grace Goodhue Coolidge, recounted that a young woman sitting next to Coolidge at a dinner party confided to him she had bet she could get at least three words of conversation from him. Without looking at her he quietly retorted, “You lose.”

    When asked why he chose not to run for reelection, he is reported to have said, "No chance for advancement."

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  4. 2 hours ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:


    In my 81mm Mortar Platoon, we were regularly described as a cross between Baa Baa Black Sheep, F Troop, and McHale's Navy. We had a VARIED cast of characters at the time.

    We even had a guy that could pass for a young Andy Griffith. 

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