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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Posts posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. 2 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

    What pizzes me off now is being called a Trumper just because I fly a flag.:angry: Ef em I say. :FlagAm: :FlagAm:

    It doesn't pizz me off, it tells me where the other person's mind is. What does it say about THEM if they don't consider it patriotic to vote for their side.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, watab kid said:

    ill give you that - media is already turning circles trying to add spin to what has been revealed so far , i take it you expect it to go the way of the "grassy knoll" in the reports ? when and if they come out .........


    i am old enough to remember all that quite well i was in my teens back then , 

    I doubt that any report of substance will be made public. If and when Trump gets back in, they will be so focused on Orange Man Bad stories, that they won't bother with it.

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  3. 4 hours ago, watab kid said:

    i hope not - there is more to go around here , should not have happened ....even us novice shooters would know that , i have no training but i can/could see this as a potential position , there is a lot more explaining to be done 

    Ask yourself this: How often has the government investigating themselves EVER found anybody responsible for any wrongdoing? And if they did, it was always politically motivated.  

  4. 2 hours ago, watab kid said:

    i expect a full review that results in those responsible for that failure and any other be dealt with - speaking of that the boarder situation needs some reviewing from the top down ,

    Unfortunately, those doing the investigating will be those that have the most to lose if such an investigation were to actually find anything, just like always. 

    The DEI head of the USSS has resigned. it will stop there. 

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  5. Another favorite. An Uberti, (I think) imported by Intercontinental Arms, which in the late 60s became Interarms. So this one has some age on it. 

    I got it cheap at a pawn shop looking like it'd been a stunt gun in the movies. I stripped, sanded, and refinished the grips, cleaned up the gripframe, and cold blued the barrel and cylinder. When I do my part, it shoots one hole groups at 10 yards.


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  6. 1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    Super powers be damned.


    I just want to be 25 years old again (knowing what I know now and with perfect eyesight).......... and stay that way.

    I'd like to have my 25 year old body back. I sure don't want to go back to work for another 40 years.

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  7. Seen it before, still love it. 

    Fun story. I was stationed at NAS Atlanta in Ga. back in 1988- 1990 with the Marine Air Group Reserves. We were doing a Toys for Tots event at Miss Kitty's there. (Travis Tritt filmed his first music video, "Country Club" there about a year before, and he was actually performing there that night).

    There was myself, a Captain, and a Corporal from my unit there, and a Color Guard from another unit. When the event started, the Color was to March to the front of the club, do their turn, and present the flag to the audience. We were then to march up and salute. The plan was to have them march up while the Star Spangled Banner was playing. Problem: The club didn't HAVE the Star Spangled Banner on hand. Now remember, this was before smartphones, or the internet for that matter, so we couldn't just pull it up.

    I asked the club owner if he had Lee Greenwood, and being as it was a Country Nightclub, he did. I told the Captain, who didn't know Country that this would work. Not having any other option, he agreed. 

    When it was time, the Color Guard marched up in silence. When they were in position, we marched up and saluted. The club owner started playing the song, softly at first. A little louder for the chorus, then back down some for the next verse. He did this for the entire song, until the final verse was thundering. The crowd went nuts! The applause was deafening, the cheering even more so. 

    We dropped our salute, about faced, and followed by the Color Guard, marched back to the back of the club And didn't pay for a drink all night. 

    We took in enough toys to fill a van to the roof, and raised about $600 on top of that.  

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  8. I don't have a dog in this discussion, but I have an observation. From what I have read, here and elsewhere, I would say that The specific military designations only apply to those military pistols: The 1911, and 1911A1. If the pistols in question are NOT military, then they might be best described as 1911 TYPE pistols. 

    Most of the 1911 makers have a military reproduction 1911 or 1911A1, like the one shown here. The rest would be 1911 TYPE pistols, since there are hundreds of different versions available. Even my own 1911 I would call a 1911 type pistol, even though it started out as a Norinco 1911A1 reproduction, since it has been somewhat modified since I got it. 

    We usually call our Cowboy guns SAAs, even though they aren't made by Colt, they're reproductions. 

    I understand that collectors have very specific nomenclature for those collector guns, the rest of us, not so much, I would say. 

    Just enjoy our 1911 TYPE guns. 1270076310_024-Copy.thumb.JPG.236efb24e5726f7f145af557590be17c.JPG

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  9. 1 hour ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

    I think that she already is. :ph34r:


    44 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


    Never was, but then....neither was Biden.:ph34r::ph34r:

    Agreed. They are both puppets for somebody else. Obama maybe. 

    But what I'm talking about, is that since that letter from, Biden came out, I think that there is a decent chance that when we DO actually hear from him, he will resign due to some medical reason, and let Kamala heroically take over AS President so that she can run as an incumbent. 

    I hear that there was some medical emergency in Las Vegas last week. He might actually be dead, so it could actually turn out to be a "Dave" type scenario, but letting her take over instead of replacing him with a look-a-like.

    But all that might just be the storyteller in me coming out to play. :D

    • Thanks 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, The Shoer 27979 said:

    You know I do when they do that to me, in less of a polite manor I ask them if they are accusing me of being a thief. Then tell them they better choose their words for when I take them to court for slander. That's the nice version 

    I don't have much of a problem with that. The employee is just doing their job. 

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