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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Posts posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. 1 hour ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    I like a good breakfast/brunch buffet. There used to be a good one at a now closed restaurant and bar.  Chafing dishes of scrambled eggs, poached eggs, bacon, link sausage, corned beef hash with diced corned beef,  potatoes o'brian, French toast, a waffle station,  once a month a prime rib carving station.  A table with various breads, including bagels with all the fixings, and a pastry table.   It was $16 or $18 per person. .

    Golden Corral has a "on Request" omelet station. They'll make whatever you want.

    • Like 1
  2. We go to Golden Corral every now and again. Foods decent, but it's gotten to the point that I just don't eat enough anymore to justify the cost. And when we do go, we try to time it so that it's not crowded. I hate crowds too.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Texas Lizard said:

    I guess they replaced the Beatnik coffee houses....


    Texas Lizard


    Am I dating myself...Maynard G. Krebs

    The Beatniks finally had to get jobs and become contributing members of society. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    What's really ironic about that song,  written mocking the supposed conformity of the huge housing tracts of Daly City,  CA, is that the folk singers like her advocated for a state-imposed, Stalinesque conformity.

     Basically,  she was mocking exactly what she was advocating for with her political activism.

    Quite typical for those types. Just like the "Climate Change" activists that want us all in electric cars, but travel around the world in their private jets to tell us about it. 

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  5. 31 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

    I don’t understand this. If you go to work early, while you’re getting ready, showering etc. make some coffee and pour it in a stainless steel mug (I’ve got 6 of them) and off you go! Pretty easy !

    That's because you're just drinking coffee. You're not getting a expressodoubleshotlatteesteampunk whatever. It's just coffee, it's not an expression of the lifestyle that you want other people to think you have. 

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    • Haha 1
  6. How does anything get this popular? Because it simply because it becomes "The Thing to Do". Somebody that people care, (for whatever reason), about does it, the sheeple follow along, and it becomes mainstream. Only those of us that are , for lack of a better word, outliers, that don't follow the crowd, stay away from it. 

    I didn't start out to be this way, but I was so NOT one of the "Cool Kids", or part of the In Crowd" in school, that it's how I turned out. Most of the people that have been my friends in my life were the same way. Quite honestly, if there is something going on that EVERYBODY is doing, I go out of my way NOT to do it, unless it actually makes sense to do so. For instance, I still have a flip phone. I either carry a 1911 or a revolver for my EDC, NOT a micro 9. 

    Many years ago, I was reading a New Years article listing the "trends" that had been popular during the previous year, that now were not. I was pleased to see that I had not participated in a single one of them. 

    • Like 2
  7. 56 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    A frighteningly large percentage of people behind the wheel don't think about driving.


    I was taught that when you were driving the most important thing in you life is DRIVING THE VEHICLE!

    As a truck driver, during training, we were reminded that WE were professionals, "four wheelers" are amateurs. I rarely saw anything to counter that.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

    I had only one officer ever have me get out of my vehicle after telling him I was armed.


    He had me step out and put my sidearm on the trunk of the car.


    He called in my information and found that I was legally carrying. He stopped me because of a taillight and when he got my bonafides confirmed, he let me go.


    I was two blocks from home!!

    Last time I was pulled over, (coincidentally for blowing a yellow light), when the Officer asked if I was armed and I told him I had a .45 on my hip, he just gave me a long look and said, "Just don't shoot me and we'll be fine".

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    YEAH, without them you would have better designed buildings, roads, bridges, electronics, sanitation systems, …., for your thatch roofed villages.

    Nobody's saying that engineers aren't important, it's just that they don't tend to look at the Big Picture. They look at a way to make something, but like Blackwater said, " they ignore the need for maintenance and repair!"

    There is a Chevy engine, for example, that has the starter mounted under the intake manifold in the valley between the valves. One has to nearly disassemble the top half of the engine to replace what in earlier versions was a 30 minute job that anybody could do lying in the dirt pretty much with a Crescent Wrench.

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  10. On 2/3/2025 at 3:51 PM, Calamity Kris said:

    Now now now.  I wouldn't call the term firefighter "Woke"


    I started in '78 as one of the first women in the midwest.  The tests, both physical and scholastic didn't change because I was there.  I had to make it or leave.  So I fought hard and made it. 

    Kris, I'm pleased that you made it the way that you did. 

    Back about the same era, I really wanted to be on the Columbus Ohio Fire Dept. However, starting in about 1972, the forerunners of the DEI crowd decided that there weren't enough "other" people in Civil Service, and I'm going to sat it, "other" meant Not White Men. They sued, and of course got their way. The decision came down that until the "proper quotas" were met, for every hundred Police and Firefighters hired, they had to take the top 50 white guys, top 40 black guys, and top 10 'other". 

    Now even the few black cops and firefighters that were already on their respective departments thought that this was so much Bravo Sierra. They thought, (correctly in my opinion) that they had made it without any special consideration, that anybody that wanted to do so should be qualified the same way they were.

    As part of all that, they had to start hiring woman for Patrol Officers and Firefighters. Of course, the women would NOT have to meet the same physical standards as men. They gave the first tests, and not enough women passed, so they reduced the standards again until enough women passed. 

    When they finally got the women on Patrol duty, of the six, two of them wrecked their Cruisers in the first week. 

    I said The He!! with it and enlisted in The Marine Corps.

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