I am not sure if you are asking who did the work? Cowboy Carty of Western Gunworks did the action job. https://www.facebook.com/people/Western-Gun-Works/100063633086433/
For those that don't know, his conversions are the considered the best of the best for the Marlin short strokes. He completely reworks the action, and that stroke is super short on these. I think that he even reshapes the trigger. The reliability is incredible. The only thing that you is the OAL. This rifle needs to have the 38 specials loaded at 1.450 or shorter. I usually loaded 1.430 to be safe. I have found that it reliably feeds all of the bullet types that I have tried (TC, RN, RNFP).
Not only that, you can open the lever with your little finger, so it is super fast.
He is also still in business, and if it ever malfunctions, he will be there for a quick repair.
The only Marlin job that is close is the Widdermaker jobs, and they retain the normal length of throw for the lever.