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Marauder SASS #13056

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Posts posted by Marauder SASS #13056

  1. Normally they have a lever action rifle caliber stage.  The 30 30 is fine for that.  If they have a Black Powder category, it would most likely work there as well.

    We nearly always have a pistol caliber lever action event so that is where the 44 works great.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Reverend P. Babcock Chase said:

    Plus one for Marauder. I kind of thought that the forward locking lug looked odd. It clearly is not providing any lockup in its current state. I wonder if it got peened that way due to the opening on firing issue or if it came that way from the factory. Or if purchased used, some prior owner decided to solve some perceived problem by buggering up the lug. Any way, I'm embarrassed that I didn't mention it before.


    Rev. Chase

    Sometimes they are not great when new, but generally because the latch does not go in far enough, there is not enough surface area to hold - thus it wears.  When you extend the lock, it significantly increases the life of the lock up.  If you weld it up as johmeir is doing, it is MUCH harder and will out last the rest of the gun.

    • Thanks 1
  3. (Larsen, that's for the great explanation and photos.)
    johnmuir The bottom photo is great.  It shows that your system is doing pretty well for the proper length, better than many.

    The problem is the wear - look at the downward curve of the locking surface.  It needs to be straight.  So you are in luck and can have a great, strong gun once more.

    So you need to find a good welder.  Have them weld up that curve.  Then you can file it down to a good level surface and the locking will be good and will not require a strong spring at all.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Wild Eagle said:

    Didn't shoot the state match.  Not ready for prime time yet, but I'll be there next year ready or not.  I won't really knowwhere I am until I start playing with the big boys.

    Never let that stop you.  The first year I shot SASS, I was also sorta intimidated so I missed a wonderful time at Round-Up.

    Remember it is abut fun and friendships as well competition.  As you shoot more you will generally improve.  Your primary competition is not so much other shooters as it is yourself - getting smoother and maintaining accuracy.

    • Like 6
  5. Some thing to consider.

    At my stage of life, a lifetime warranty doesn't mean as much to me.

    Plus my home windows have a lifetime warranty, but the company went under while with windows were in great shape.


  6. I find it almost funny that security is so strongly emphasized but we are generally not allowed the more secure methods ourselves - one of which is a VPN.  Many websites want to look into my computer for their protection, thus decreasing my protection.

    So 2 factor is sorta helpful but it reminds me of "duck and cover" during the 1950's to some extent.  :D

    What about those without a cell phone!  (I know, I can usually use my email.)

  7. Find a friend with a laser printer.  It is so much cheaper per page than ink-jet.

    • Like 2
  8. My experience matches Concho Billy's.  But I have to send to an FFL and pay a reasonable fee to them.  So often times, I can get almost the same deal from a local FFL, thus easier and help local folks.

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  9. Funny how times changed.  When I started several stages called for only some of the guns we now use.  Sometimes only 1 pistol.  Sometimes no shotgun, etc.  I still have a bunch of old stage instructions that way.


    And it was not uncommon to have a shooter come with only 1 revolver.  It was his or her choice to either reload on the clock or take the misses.  We didn't have the Gunfighter category back then.

    But now, you might be able to shoot gunfighter with 1 pistol - just taking a miss for every other target :D .   Don't see that it would matter much, but you could shoot in two handed category or duelist if you wish.

  10. 9 hours ago, Chicken George* said:

    I asked them and got this.... 


    "We tend to only send those parts out for gunsmiths but I'm currently working on opening it up with engineering and customer service" 

    That is definitely a change and is encouraging!
    When I spoke on the phone with them on two occasions, they refused to send parts to any gunsmith.  I clarified if they would send to ANY gunsmith and at that time their police did not allow it.  Everything had to be done by them or the warranty was voided.
    I certainly hope they come around!

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