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Marauder SASS #13056

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Posts posted by Marauder SASS #13056

  1. On 1/22/2025 at 5:26 PM, Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L said:

    My Church got hit with the same BS not that long ago.  I signed up for a IStock account so I could use the "purchased" images for our Cowboy match applications.


    This is about to get a whole lot worse as Getty Images/iStock is in the process of purchasing Shutterstock.  These companies are buying up the rights to as much digital imagery as they can and then going after anyone they think has money.  They contact the person who posted the original image, pay them some small fee and possibly residuals, then charge $15 or more to each person that uses it.  They are using AI technology to search for these images out on the world wide web and that is what is making all of this possible.  The result, I think, is that we will see be a significant drop in the use of imagery on websites world wide.


    If they keep this up, we will be back to the old BBS days....



    That explains a great deal!

    This partly, We are seeing a corporate level of what many would consider "legalized theft."  They use computers to find free images they like, that was created by other, then copyright it in their name. Now they "own it" almost like the people who are stealing homes, but using sort of a loop hole.

    Then they can make millions using fines as much as actually selling the images.

    This  is where our world has fallen, so we must be smart and adjust.


    We need a LOT fewer lawyers and  more honest lawyers.  

    Unfortunately, the law schools teach a great deal of dishonesty and encourage such behavior.


    God warns us about thinking being evil is being smart.  One day, we will all learn the truth - most won't like it.

    • Like 2
  2. Yep, as you know, Kentucky is a large state so they have 4 area codes - for those 4 phones that so many share. 
    Note, it does help that those 4 numbers are party lines with a few folks having instruments attached.

    They also have "ZIP" codes which is surprising as they only have the pony express and stage coach delivery.

    Back in the 60's when I wen to a small college in Nebraska, some of the students from the East coast said delivery was slow due to the stage coaches - and some of their friends actually believed it!  (Some of those may have lived in Kentucky, but most were in New York city, etc.

    • Like 1
  3. As others have noted, generally the load data for 9mm is for semi-auto guns which require a little more pressure for proper operation..  With a revolver that is not an issue, so you can readily download.  You can get 90 to 115 to 124 lead and coated bullets readily.


    As has been mentioned,  faster powders will work great, such as Bullseye, Clays, Red Dot, AA #2, TightGroup, Cleanshot,etc.  Even medium fast such as 231/HP38, Unique, CFE, etc will work fine.  A great source of info is the  Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook,  but there is a great amount of loads on line.  Just realize that since you are using a revolver, you can somewhat reduce their minimum listed loads.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. And watch for those double powder loads. 

    I won't trust a lifter lever that was bent as it may have weakened the steel.  Either replace it or check that it is perfect and have it hardened a bit.


    One at a match, a pard had that problem.  I fixed using a rock, believe it or not.  I had a lucky hit that was just right to straighten it. 


    We were both impressed - God is good!

    It was a very carefully calibrated rock... :D

    • Like 3
  5. I see nobody actually answered your question :D


    NEVER play in the Tool Head!!!

    • 1.  They are way to small for you to stand in.
    • 2.  Still sorta small for any playing with hands or fingers
    • 3.  They get too messy after any serious playing!

    I'm glad i could help you out..  By the way, which way did you come in?

    • Haha 2
  6. The website looks pretty good, at good prices, especially since they do put metal in the holsters so they stay open.  I don't know of any Mexican made that did that - maybe now they do, but never a few years ago.


    I wonder where they are located.  If possible talk to clubs in that area to see if they use the rigs and what they think.


    If you wish to try, do a custom order to give a 15 or so degree cant with the lower part slightly forward of the top.  I do see they have the leather strap as a "hold down."  A better option is a stiffened top loop to lock the holster in place without having to have a tie-down loop.

  7. On 1/7/2025 at 11:43 PM, Krazy Kajun said:

    @Dirty Dan Dawkins What Scarlett said.... (I won't ever admit she's right 🤣)..... she sells Clean Shot powder and bullets and her data is accurate, it's a good place to start and do whatever load development you want.  Clean Shot powder is really fine and meters like mercury.  Lots of cowboy shooters use it for anything from .32 on up to .45 and also for shotgun loads, pretty versatile powder.



    Leave it to Krazy to try to load mercury!!

    Clean shot is Fine!, very fine.  :D

    • Haha 2
  8. I always loved 44's.  And even though it wasn't the real 44-40 Cowboy load, it sounded cool. So I started with a 44 Mag because I was already reloading for it. 

    I didn't go for 45 Colt for 2 reason, I didn't want to buy and store another set of dies and the extra supplies AND I knew that it was never used in rifles until very lately.


    After a few matches, I quickly realized the cost difference and some speed difference and switch to 357/38 Special, which I already loaded as well.

  9. Have you ever heard of Wilson Combat?  Wilson is a top gunsmith that has worked on thousands of guns, designed parts and makes 1911's.

    So he has a lot of experience and knowledge.  The guy in the video was a cop, an experienced combat (IPSC, USPA,etc) competitor and is a court certified self defense witness.  He is a nationally known instructor.  He now works with Wilson.  So they would see more results than 10 of us combined.


    They are describing this because they have seen it.  Does it happen often?  I can't say.  But as Griff mentions the extractors are one of the weak areas of the 1911 as many of us know from having worn them out.  It is a common wear-point of most automatic pistols.


    So it may not be a problem for most of us, but it is your gun and so as you like.

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