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Posts posted by McCandless

  1. 541526579_EOT1996.InthismyfirstEOTthemembersofCAS-LtossedtheirmoneyinthepottobringMarshalHallowayandhisthenwifeSpringfromNorwaytoNorcotoenjoyEOT..jpg.96ad366be6aad86501c9c1ac68879a64.jpg

    EOT 1996. The members of CAS-L tossed their money in the pot to bring Marshal Halloway and his then wife Spring from Norway to Norco to enjoy EOT.


    (photo originally posted by Gringo)



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    China Camp was a 5-Time SASS Overall World Champion, and was in the first class inducted into the Cowboy Action Shooting Hall of Fame. This interview was recorded in 2006. 




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  3. Doc Peabody's website is still out there... so before it disappears I figured I'd transplant some of his pictures here!





    Doc Peabody's Roto-Recta-rootalator. A strange medical instrument developed after years of

    cruel experiments on Desert Tortoises.



    Doc Peabody's Homemade Rectal Thermometer. It is constructed using a Ford Model-A radiator cap and

    an authentic piece of Colorado Barbed Wire (wahr) as a retention device.



    Doc Peabody's Roto-Nasa-Vacuator. The perfect tool for those pesky sinus infections.  After which it can 

    be used as a cake decorator.



    Marshal Halloway and Marshalette meet Doc Peabody 





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  4. OK, here's my preliminary review of the Polish Capper:

    After I unwrapped it I looked it over and was pleased with the overall manufacture of the product.  Only one sharp edge on the lower portion of the lid, by the head.  I'm sure that just a quick pass with a stone will correct that.

    I used it first on a Colt 1851 and it worked perfectly.  Easy on, easy out with the caps seated nicely.   I use Slik-X nipples and they seem to be the perfect size.  There was enough clearance on both sides of the head to for easy operation.

    Not quite the same experience with the Ruger Old Army, the capping head is just a bit too wide, (I haven't taken a micrometer to it yet.)  But the sides of the capping head were gouged by the nipple opening of the ROA's.  I believe if I narrow the head a little, this will fix the problem.  More about that in the future.

    Middling success with Pietta New Armies.  I was using stock nipples, and often the caps would not stay on the nipples, but stayed in the capper head.  I'm going to switch out to Slik-X nipples and I'm confident that will fix the issue.


    Be sure to watch the Polish Capper Videos, they do not function the same as the Ted Cash Snail Cappers or the Straight Line Cappers.  This is a different product, and operates a little differently.  I managed to send a fair amount of caps to the floor until I got the hang of it.


    As I said, this is very preliminary, I've only had the capper for two hours, and I plan on spending much more time with it, and ever-so-slightly modifying it for easier use with the ROA.  Meantime, I'm all set to go with any of the Colt-type percussion pistols.  I'm looking forward to giving it a run at a match, Saturday!



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  5. 2 hours ago, levi littleton said:

    Great thread.  In 1984 Gordy Davis was trying to get us in the NW to shoot SASS.  This at a IPSC state match mind you.  Gordy was a great guy!  We did eventually start shooting  something similar to SASS in the late '80s but usually using just one six gun and many times the lever gun was a 30-30.   When did SASS events mandate a second handgun for most stages? 

    Wasn't until the early '90's that folks wanted twice the fun!  Before that most stages were 2 gun... pistol and rifle or pistol and shotgun.

  6. Courtesy of Justice Lily Kate:  



    A picture of the first End of Trail. Harper Creigh, aka Judge Roy Bean, of Harper Creigh Graphics & Models, and Gordon Davis, aka Diamond Jim Chisolm

    of Davis Leather ... the first two sponsors or End of Trail.  

    Artwork by the one & only Bill Hahn. Who also created John Dwayne (rocking horse cowboy) & the SASS cowboy logo. 



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