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Charlie T Waite

Territorial Governors
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Status Replies posted by Charlie T Waite

  1. Charlie.

    There was a call in to Hannity radio show 0n the 24.Rose unplugged was the hostA Socialist called inShe let him talk.It was very informitive abot they're agenda.I don't know how to post it but it needs to be put out there for all to hear.

    He called again on the 29th.


    1. Charlie T Waite

      Charlie T Waite

      Found and reviewed it - I agree that their agenda needs to get out but since the Second Amendment was not mentioned, I cannot put it on the Team SASS Wire - Wild Bunch has been very specific about regular politics Vs 2A.  Wish I could post it though.



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Charlie.

    There was a call in to Hannity radio show 0n the 24.Rose unplugged was the hostA Socialist called inShe let him talk.It was very informitive abot they're agenda.I don't know how to post it but it needs to be put out there for all to hear.

    He called again on the 29th.


    1. Charlie T Waite

      Charlie T Waite

      If you could send me a link so I could review and try to post it I would appreciate it.



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. package on the stage


    tracking # 9505 5103 5253 9222 3375 97

    1. Charlie T Waite

      Charlie T Waite

      Thank you sir - Gold was shipped the day I spoke with you.

  4. send to   rlluehr@yahoo.com



    1. Charlie T Waite

      Charlie T Waite

      Gold sent - You've sent $60.00 USD to rlluehr@yahoo.com

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