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Chief Rick

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Posts posted by Chief Rick

  1. I know a few here own or have owned a Glock 43x.


    Has anyone tried the PSA 15-round magazines?


    Reliable?  Not reliable?


    I was looking at the Sig P365 X-Macro.  Handled three different pistols and while all the triggers felt the same, I can't say I liked the feel.


    The Glock 43X trigger felt like every other Glock trigger I've used and while not great, felt significantly better than the Sig trigger.

  2. Try a pair of leather driving gloves.


    They don't have to be the most expensive, but I'd pass on cheap ones.


    I also prefer gloves that are snug but not tight, as opposed to less than snug (loose).

  3. I set up my FT-891 and REZ Ranger 80 Saturday evening.  Tuned the antenna to 14.5 MHz and made a contact in AZ before the mosquitoes started to carry me away.


    Next month (October 10th) our local ARES will be holding an event.  I will set up my radio and antenna to TX/RX on 14.275 


    If anyone is interested in making contact, I'll post back with times we will be active.




    Separately, if anyone wants to make contact one evening - what's a good day/time/freq?

    • Like 2
  4. I have my General license.


    I set up an end-fed half-wave (EFHW) tuned for the lower end of 80-meters in an NVIS configuration in order to make contacts with closer regions of the Gulf Coast during emergencies.  Still working on the height above ground because I was not able to hear much from South Louisiana during this past hurricane.


    I have been able to make contacts on 80, 20 and 15 meters.


    I have a REZ Antenna Systems Ranger 80 portable that I just received last week.  I plan to play with it this weekend and see what kind of contacts I can make hooked up portable to a Yaesu FT-891.


    I may also make an 80-meter center-fed dipole just to see, if I have the time.


    My wish list for a home antenna is a DX Commander Signature 9 or 12 for DX.


    I have an HT but I only use it for special events.  Not enough range to reach the repeaters in my area so it's not of great use unless there are other amateur operators within a mile or so of my location.  Very similar to using a CB radio.  The antennas on HTs, even the best ones, are not going to extend the range very much.  I have managed to get 10 miles with my HT after hooking it up to a 2-meter J-Pole 7-feet off the ground.




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  5. 1 hour ago, Idaho Gunslinger said:

    With all the fake scam accounts on here a bunch of people have changed their SASS number to have xxx on the end. 


    Now if you contact someone in a PM they can give you the last 3 digits and you can confirm them with SASS HQ to confirm you are talking with the real deal. 

    Not directed at you...


    As I said, if you're hiding something in plain sight I'm not going to contact you to verify you are who you are.


    My personal opinion, if you want to sell something on the SASS Wire classifieds section you should HAVE TO SHOW your WHOLE SASS number.


    If you're afraid to do that, then don't try to sell anything and just put "Guest" for your SASS number.

  6. 6 hours ago, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

    Back to the OP question.  If you are trying to find out if a person is a legitimate SASS member, I'd say that number is close enough that it might be possible and so I'd use other methods to try to verify.

    I did verify by other means and as I said, it's possible.  This was a legitimate SASS member/number.  Nothing else needs to be said from my perspective.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Cholla said:

    There are scammers that try to act as though they are members of this board. It’s just a little step to remove the information they can use to emulate me. 

    Because I'm familiar with you and your posts, I'd not question your signature or whatever that section is called with your SASS number.  I never even noticed you had an xxx in your SASS number.


    That said, if I were not familiar with you and you were trying to sell something, and I noticed, I would question it.  And I wouldn't go to you to verify your information.  If you're trying to hide something in plain sight, I wouldn't trust you to tell the truth in private.

  8. 14 hours ago, watab kid said:

    my prayers are woth you , i cannot imagine as ive never experienced this [only tornados]  but im certain it cant be a good experience for anyone 

    Hurricanes are easy compared to tornadoes (for me).


    Hurricanes you can prepare for.


    We made it through the night with only one tree limb down and about an inch of rain.  The storm seemed to part and the really bad stuff went around us.


    Others are not so lucky and many will be dealing with loss of power and flooding.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

    Prayers up for the folks in the impact zone!


    It’ll pass through here sometime later on Thursday with heavy rains expected.  We can use the rain, but I hope the flooding due to runoff is minimal!

    We need the rain as well.


    So far today it hasn't been bad at all. Less than 3/4 inch and very minimal wind.


    The heavy bands are just starting to get to us. The coast at the AL/MS border is seeing 30 mph winds with 45 mph gusts. We're at 17 mph wind with 43 mph gusts.


    Time for bed. 

    • Like 2
  10. Hurricane Francine is making landfall along the Gulf coast of Louisiana, in the area of Houma and Galliano as a Cat 2 hurricane with an eye of approximately 55 miles.


    The eye of the storm appears to be headed towards New Orleans, then Northward, East of Jackson, MS and into Memphis, TN.


    We have a lot of Cowboys and Cowgirls going to be affected.


    Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers

    • Like 5
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  11. 3 hours ago, Happy Jack, SASS #20451 said:

    I don't want to rain on the Garmin party but LabChrono has a NEW similar produce at the same price and it is in a METAL case so you don't need to buy a shell for it.

    You don't need a metal shell for the Garmin.  Am I missing something?


    I had a LabRadar.  It worked well.  The Garmin Xero works as well or better and is more portable.  Time will tell if a new product has the same ease of use and reliability as the Garmin.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

    At the past EOT swap meet, I sold two of the 9 oz. Jars for $40 each. Didn’t want to rip any one off and made $8 bucks per jar. Just as I started to pack up saw a guy carrying them (recognized the writing on them) and asked did he just buy them. He said yes at $80 each and was glad to get them. Just saying…….


    :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

    Gateway Kid

    Based on what I'm seeing in-stock powders going for in my local area, I'd feel comfortable saying $80-$100 per small bottle is fair market value.


    Available powders in my local area have shelf prices between $45-$80, depending on the powder.


    Just wait two months....

  13. If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it. 


    I also feel it's bad form (not really the phrase I'd like to use) to try and call someone out on their for sale post because you think it's overpriced. 


    Send a PM or carry on without replying.

    • Like 6
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  14. There is no standardization on what "X" means.  Each maker assigns the "X" value as they determine.  Even straw hats now have an "X" value.


    Historically, the higher the "X", the more durable and more expensive a hat was.  The "X" designating the amount of beaver fur in the hat body.


    A 10X had had 10% beaver fur and the majority typically rabbit fur.

    A 50X had 50/50 beaver and rabbit, while a 100X was 100% beaver.


    The more beaver, the more durable a hat typically is.


    Recommend you got to D Bar J website and check out his hats.  He makes great hats in all price ranges.  I'm particularly fond of his Crappy Cowboy hats.

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  15. 10 hours ago, Alpo said:

    So, is it the long fight upstream that causes the salmon to die after mating, or is it the breathing freshwater after growing up in the ocean?

    Per the USGS (we can trust the gov, right?):


    Most of them stop eating when they return to freshwater and have no energy left for a return trip to the ocean after spawning. After they die, other animals eat them (but people don't) or they decompose, adding nutrients to the stream.

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