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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. The “Can’t Seafood” diet Not so funny now, is it? John won the Joker Award at his lodge for this one.
  2. Not those pants. They’re nearly worthless to me except for the tailbone protection. There’s no knee or ankle protection. Anyone that’s ever ridden and ridden in hot weather wouldn’t wear them either. I looked into the jackets that detect an accident and inflate. I have talked to people that have them and they all said the same thing. They like the peace of mind but comfort in warmer weather sucks. Most do not protect the ribcage around the sides. I am a real skeptic when it comes to electronics and safety gear. The vests all use accelerometers and / or gyros to detect an accident and inflate. I made a darn good living off of failed electronics and electrical systems. I do not trust electronics with my life so I am dubious on the use of these vests. The one thing that disturbs me about these vests is IF the electronics fail you have a compressed gas tank somewhere on your back, either at your spine or lower ribcage. Unfortunately for companies to come up with better systems it requires a lot of testing and that takes capital. They don’t have capital if people don’t buy their equipment. Another thing about the companies that make these vests. They need good lawyers and underwriters in case of a lawsuit or lawsuits. That takes lots of money too. I go back and forth on whether I should spend money on one of these safety devices. The one thing that cuts the odds of an accident injury way down is to not ride a bike. I am not willing to give up my bike so I take a risk every time I get on it and go. There is a saying in the motorcycle community and it’s condensed in to this Acro-abreviation. ATGATT - All The Gear, All The Time. I follow that pretty well except for the riding pants with dedicated armor. My jackets are armored. I wear a good polycarbonate helmet and I wear boots ( not steel toed…never steel toed). Since I do not ride to and from work I plan to get some riding pants in the next couple of months. Pants with armor for the knees and possibly the hips. I will wear these on day rides along with the rest of my gear.
  3. I wonder if this is why @Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663 has the smaller cannons.
  4. Probably. I don’t really know
  5. The theme song from “Peter Gun” is rolling through my head for some reason…
  6. I get a kick out of that “pandemonium attachment” comment. On my bikes the “pandemonium attachment” was and is ME!
  7. True, and that idiot should know better than to ride on road stripes.
  8. I started to say that this girl is completely nuts, but then remembered that I have done a few very similar things and decided not to throw rocks from my glass house.
  9. What would you call these, Oddsmobiles?
  10. Where’s the cooling system and tranny? It’s probably electric.
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