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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. I’ll bet a bus would make a great bridge. Just cut the body off, front and rear and expose the frame ends. Imbed the frame rails in a concrete abutment and you have a bridge for light vehicles.
  2. A properly placed improvised device and a set of tools and “WALLAH!!!” I got me a Gatling gun! If our gov’t installed these within a short time I would be labeled a vandal and a thief…if they ever caught me. I ain’t kiddin’ neither!
  3. My 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Lively, told us “Ain’t ain’t a word.” Then she told us that ain’t was a contraction of “are not”. I remember asking “If I say to someone ‘I ain’t going’ should I change that to ‘I are not going’? That doesn’t sound right.” She then said it could be ‘are not’ or ‘am not’. I am not sure why I remember that so well. More info: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ain't
  4. Oh sure, guys. There’s an alligator behind me…Ha-Ha-Ha…Why don’t you go bother someone else?
  5. I saw that one. That is impressive.
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