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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. This has become my philosophy these days.
  2. Not a motorcycle. It looks more like a sand buggy.
  3. "Motorcycle Chariots At New South Wales Police Carnival, 1936"
  4. Hubba-Hubba Ya gotta love a woman that rides her own motorcycle, but a woman that does cross country touring on a bike and the crappy road conditions that they had back then? She’s a goddess! Well, not a goddess but pretty close. Thanks Joe
  5. Looks like a Pennsylvania license plate. I’ll bet this knucklehead loves to stay in the fast lane (left lane) and go 5mph under the speed limit.
  6. Yep! I used to encounter chuckleheads in SoCal that seemed to think that they were stuntmen. They would ride through neighborhoods and on boulevards raising hell and doing rear wheel wheelies and generally causing mayhem. I would encounter similar idiots doing crazy stuff on the freeways. I would occasionally get asked if I ever do that crazy crap on my bike. These knuckleheads make all bikers and motorcyclists look bad.
  7. I think she’s laughing. I wouldn’t be. There doesn’t appear to be any cones or warning signs.
  8. That was cool! Thanks Joe.
  9. GIFs Great come back This is funny Sprinkler Test
  10. In WV I have several a few “No trespassing. Violators will be shot” signs on back roads. I felt stopping and taking a photo might be unwise. I do remember where they are though.
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