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SASS Wire Forum

Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. It is humor. Every branch of the Military is fair game in the types of threads including the Nat’l Guard. I am pretty sure that up until my posts the National Guard wasn’t mentioned. Y’all got to skate. If I got mad every time someone made jokes about the Navy I would probably be perpetually pizzed off. This thread is military humor by military folks... Or anyone else that has a funny military meme. No serious insult is meant. As Sgt. Hulka said in “Stripes”:
  2. You do understand this is humor, right?
  3. I just posted that picture with the number of laps equalling miles. I touched the 1.2 miles image and my phone popped a window open showing how many kilometers are in 1.2 miles.
  4. I love that 1930’s looking cartoon graphic on the rear of the…the….the, uh… is that a tank or a bed? That’s really nifty, but can he cook?
  5. Not a photo, but funny. Me, me, me take a photo of me smelling flowers with my butt in the air unnaturally..
  6. Rosie O’Donnel’s engagement ring
  7. Not sure, but every male Coastie I have encountered was 6’ or taller, but that was years ago. The ladies were average height. Crap! That was 40+ years ago. Going for a motorcycle ride so I don’t feel or act my age.
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