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Pat Riot

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Posts posted by Pat Riot

  1. 1 hour ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


    The hasty pudding was grains or flour boiled in milk or water with some salt.   Or mixed as a batter and boiled in a pudding cloth until it was cooked through, like a very dense dumpling. 




    I am kidding! :lol:

    • Haha 2
  2. 55 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    The other version,  the slapper held his hands out,  palms up, parallel to the ground and about shoulder width apart.  The slappee rested his hands lightly on the hands of his opponent.  Slapper could try fakes, if his opponent broke contact before he committed to a slap he was subject to a free hit.  Slapper could break contact and flip his hand over for same side hits, break contact and cross under or over for opposite side hits.  If he broke contact but didn't try a slap he was subjected to a slap and roles changed. 

    Ah! I remember that one as well. We played it in Arkansas. Good game. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

    I've been in the game since 2005. The rules were simple and was issued each year and carried in ones shirt or back pocket. I looked forward to every match and made reservation months ahead at Motels and reloaded for these matches with special attention. I travelled far and wide and met many great shooters as well as made many new lifelong friends. Along the way, I also seen many shooters and friends who let the "old man in".

    Somehow either myself or the game has changed  and the fun except for the friends I still see and look forward to seeing, its not the same.

    I have already sold over half my gun collection which I thought I would never do. I have sat down and calculated how many primers, bullets, and powder I have left and when gone have decided to hang it up as well as attending less and less matches. 

    Is it age? Health? or the game has changed and the excitement is no longer there?

    Has anyone here been through these decisions?

    I have. 
    It’s not age or health in my case. 
    I started in ‘98 (joined in ‘97) and I quit in ‘05. I left California in December ‘04 a few months after EOT ‘04 and SASS moved to NM. 
    I went to some matches in the Carolinas to see which club I would like but my heart was not in it so I just quit. 
    In 2016 I came back to SASS and CAS, but it was a new and changed SASS. I stayed with it until mid ‘19. When I crashed my bike in July that took me out of service for a couple of months and when I was healed I shot a couple of matches then Covid hit. When things started settling down decided I wasn’t shooting Cowboy Action any longer. My heart just wasn’t in it. I found no joy in it. 
    Once I moved to West Virginia some nice folks invited me to matches but I politely declined. 
    I still have 2 revolvers, my Vaquero and New Vaquero, my trusty Stoeger Coachgun and my Winchester 94 Trails End, which I will never part with, but they are for fun and perhaps teaching some of my younger relatives how to enjoy shooting something besides tactical guns. 
    Now I belong to a shooting range I really like. I shoot .22 benchrest and soon some groundhog and turkey shoots. I do a little hunting and I  thoroughly enjoy shooting and competing with myself. 
    I love my new shooting life.
    I have some great memories of my days in Cowboy Action Shooting. I just no longer wish to do it. 

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  4. 32 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    Wish I could open this but I DON'T HAVE, NOR WILL I EVER HAVE FACEBOOK.

    Neither do I but for some reason I can open it and see it once. If I try again it freezes me out. 

    • Like 1
  5. I remember a game we played as kids called “Slap” (at least I think that was the name)

    You put your hands together out in front of you. The other guy tries to slap your hands. You try to move your hands up, down or separate them like scissors to avoid contact. If the other person misses then they have to put their hands out and you try to slap their hands. This goes on until there is a miss then roles are reversed. 
    Quitting means you’re a punk, a sissy or any other demeaning name guys call each other to taunt the quitter. 
    Pain is an incentive to get quicker with this game. :lol:

    • Like 2
  6. I have found a few phones. Mostly in stores or restaurants. I just turn them in to the staff. 
    I have found 2 smart phones at boat docks. 
    One I turned in to a park ranger. 
    The other I was on my way to the boat landing security shack at the gate when it rang. I answered it hoping to tell someone that knows the owner was calling. It was the owner calling. An obnoxious butthead with a NY accent. 

    ”I found it on the boat dock at (blank) Landing.”

    ”LISTEN HERE (colorful expletive) YOU BETTER NOT BE (bleep) WITH ME. WHERE ARE YOU? I WILL COME OVER THERE AND (rant, rant, rant, threat, threat, threat)”

    I couldn’t get a word in edgeways to explain to this goombah that I was trying to do him a favor. 
    When he paused I said:

    ”I’m at your Mama’s. She said to tell you ‘Hi’ and that we need more K-Y.”

    I turned off the phone. I turned my truck around and went back to the dock. I got out and went to the dock and dropped the phone into the water on the boat ramp, about 2’ of water, so Pinhead would see his bright silver phone in the water when he arrived to fulfill his threats. 

    I tried to do the right thing.

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    • Haha 1
  7. I think I sat next to his sister on a plane from Sacramento to Atlanta. I had half the window seat. She had the center.A petit young lady had half the aisle seat. There were no other seats available on the plane anywhere. 
    My back ached for days.
    I just wanted to get home, but I should have walked off the plane. 

    In the photo above he did the right thing and got 2 seats. 

  8. Thanks Joe. I wasn’t aware of this. 

    Can you imagine the uproar if a nuclear powered plane crashed?

    Or worse, a new “reactor buster” missile designed to take out the plane and pop open the reactor over a city?

    Nuclear weapons are supposedly “single point safe”. If a shape charge or directed explosive charge is used to destroy the warhead, in theory, the warhead should not detonate but the explosion would scatter radioactive material. 
    I’m sure that doesn’t work with a reactor. 

    In the Navy I slept 80’, as the gamma ray flies, from a nuke reactor. I came out of it perfectly fine…or did I? :lol:

    • Like 2
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  9. 6 hours ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

    The "irony" regarding prisoners making plates with such a statement is nonexistent.


    Live free or die applies to Liberty being stripped away from an entity/ individual/ peoples thru the unethical/ unfair actions of others and is supposed to remind us the importance of fighting for and willingness to sacrifice everything for the preservation of those liberties.


    It does not IN ANY WAY apply to those who willingly cast aside their liberties thru their own actions.

    A criminal has no right to "Living Free" - they have willingly forsaken those rights when they CHOSE to harm/ infringe upon the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of others.

    Agree 100% and very well said. 

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