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Grizzly Dave

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Posts posted by Grizzly Dave

  1. Just now, singin' sue said:

    Shanley Shooter and I finally got our registration in! 

    I think it has been 5years!!!

    Can't wait to get there!!!



    You go Sue!  Sadly I am unable to attend this time around.  I know that you will have fun!

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  2. The OP asked if it would be a prop failure. I used target failure to distinguish what happened from a. Prop failure which would allow for a reshoot. Target failures don't.


    ROII page 8


    Got cha, you were ahead of me.

  3. One miss on the pistol and shoot where it was on the rifle. I myself would avoid using the use of the term 'target failure' so as to avoid having to look up in the books to see what that might or might not imply. JMO.

  4. It's not, in the first email clicking either link would take you to the January edition, they have since fixed those links and send another email.


    In the original email clicking on the cover picture would take you to the February edition.

  5. Bronc - There are many now who feel there are too many, perhaps way too many categories already. Adding a major / minor power factor category, or divisions to all existing categories would just not be practical.


    Back when things moved from pretty much just Modern and Traditional the powers than be chose to break out the ages, costumes, and shooting styles rather than power factor. With shooters from about 8 to more than 80 that seems to make sense.


    Classic Cowboy is the only category with a caliber requirement other than just the basic minimums, but it doesn't have any power factor restrictions other than the minimums for all categories.



  6. grizzley dave,

    that was a great video. if you come back for the match this year we promise to put you on a prettier posse.

    colorado blackjack


    Blackjack - The ladies on that posse were mighty pretty.... the fellers not so much, but it's the ladies I care about anyway :D


    I'll do my best to be there, but I'm not making any promises.

  7. For the 2016 CO State match Pawnee Station did some nice metal and wood trophies with a water tower



    Side match and costume contest winners got license plate type things



    Here is a picture of one of the medals that Stirrups club handed out



    I thought these were nifty, metal cutouts on a horse shoe



    Here is another interesting one, a stained glass type of thing hand made by one of the host club's family members


  8. Some folks can laugh at their miscues and plain bad luck, and some can't. Often it can take a little time to be able to laugh at something and get over it.


    As to things that people do that annoy me, sure there are some things. Some I can write off as just a different way to enjoy the game, and some are just simple rudeness. If it's something that needs to be addressed, I'd rather do it right away and get back to the fun. If not, I do my best to overlook it, look past it, or otherwise ignore it as I don't want it to effect the fun I am having.


    If someone has a problem, it is their problem, I have enough of my own that I'm not gonna take on theirs too.

  9. DAGNABBIT ALL TO SNOT! Short version, range is a muddy snowy mess and this weekends matches are cancelled. Long version from Ted follows --


    Howdy Pards, well as fate would have it, I have had a good friend and partner check out the Great Guns, Pawnee Station range today. And to my dismay the range is still covered in snow, everywhere. There is a healthy layer of snow on all bays, and the entrance to the range is under water. There is also thick gooey mud from the last two days of thaw under the snow. So its with a heavy heart that once again The Saturday (1-21-17) CAS match and Sunday (1-22-17) Wild Bunch match are both cancelled.
    Hang in there folks, we'll get to shoot one of these days.

    TriggerHappy Ted


    I could handle the snow, I could handle the cold, but the mud, well mud and me don't mix.


    I knew I should have hibernated.




  10. I remember jumping off the roof of the garage just for fun, then climb up and do it again.


    My left knee is reminding it's about time for another shot, don't know how much longer the shots are gonna be enough.


    Best of luck with your rehab.

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