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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Posts posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. It was remarkable it didn’t crash in foul weather like the helium-filled USS Akron (1933) and USS Macon (1935). Those two crashes ended the rigid airship era in the US. The Hindenburg ended things forever in 1937. 

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  2. At my polling place, the machine spits out a printed tally sheet with your selections listed. You are given several chances to review your selections before hitting the print button. You then walk the sheet over to a scanner and feed it in. No one can touch the tally sheet but the voter.


    Like a restaurant receipt, it’s incumbent upon the voter to review the printout before scanning, which is when a protest can be made. After that, well, too bad, as the sheet disappears into the scanner. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


    That's interesting since those are Instagram links. 

    Yeah, but it was Tik Tok on Instagram. Since I don’t do Facebook, Instagram, TT et al, I have to make an effort to find the sound button on these ‘links to links’ in order to hear them. When I saw there were no F100s and just someone spouting off, I didn’t bother. Usually I don’t bother, regardless. 

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  4. Years ago we had a power outage that just affected 4 houses. I called it in and a crew came out. I pointed out the pole that connected our houses. The crewman spent the next several minutes looking around the base of pole. 

    I asked what he was doing, since he never looked up at the transformer. He said, “I’m looking for the squirrel.” Then he said, “Got it.”

    Sure enough, in the pile of leaves was just a fried tail standing straight up like a Wile E Coyote cartoon when he’d been electrocuted. 


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  5. 9 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    Around the 1960s, Pepsi decided to expand its business to China only to find a literal linguistic barrier that almost ruined the whole venture. At the time, Pepsi’s slogan in English-speaking countries was "Come Alive With the Pepsi Generation." However, when directly translated into Chinese, the slogan read something like "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead," turning the favorite cola of millions into a powerful dark magic concoction that—as one could expect—wasn’t very well received by the Chinese population, who just happen to hold their deceased ancestors in great esteem.

    I read the exact same story years ago, but it was with the Coke campaign slogan, “Coke adds life.”

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

    One fighter jet not often mentioned was Grummans F9F Panther. I always thought it was a cool looking plane and built several models of it in my youth.


    My dad flew the F9F Cougar, a swept wing variant of the Panther.



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  7. 4 hours ago, Two Shoots said:

    Kudos and shout out to the Illiowa Regulators for a great Buffalo Shoot.  The range facility is spectacular, the shooting was fun, challenging, and entertaining, and the host & match director could not have been more helpful and accommodating.  If you're into long range cowboy shooting, try to make it out there sometime because this match is a hoot!  


    Many thanks to all of the Regulators for putting on a superb event!


    Cool! What were the distances?

  8. I used to drive from Kansas City to the Colorado Rockies and back every year to ski. I addition to stuff to stay warm, I always traveled with a full size snow shovel like this. Western Kansas can be as treacherous as the mountains!


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  9. 3 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:

    I stand corrected; there IS a firefighting appliance that requires neither ICE nor 'lectric.


    Image result for McLeod Tool Fire Rake. Size: 176 x 185. Source: shop.vallfirest.com


     'course it won't put out a fire by itself and needs a little human help to perform it's task ...... 




        ... and I take my hat off to those who do ......


    That and a Pulaski like my son used:


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  10. 9 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

    That's pretty darn neat family history. 

    And yes a biplane like that!

    Back in the mid 80s, I had a chance to buy a 47 Travelair! They wanted $5'500 for it! Wife was not having it!!

    Sweet. It probably would have broken you financially to keep it airworthy. Plus, there is a condition called AIDS - aviation induced divorce syndrome. 😁

    • Haha 4
  11. 38 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

    If I could own a plane, I'd be a vintage one, preferably a Bi Plane.

    Like this? My great grandfather learned to fly in one at the Wright Brothers flying school and then brought one back to St Louis. Orville Wright signed his pilots license. What a contraption!



    my idea of a biplane I’d like to own:



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  12. 19 minutes ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:



       ........ when it grows up I bet it wants to be an airplane with a tail .......  😉

    Erco Aircoupe. A remarkable little plane designed to touch down in a crab angle because it had no rudder pedals. The theory is it was safer because the pilot couldn’t cross control the rudders & ailerons when landing in a crosswind. It worked, but later versions were retrofitted with pedals because pilots found landing without them too unnerving. 


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