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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Posts posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783


    17 hours ago, Buckshot Bear said:

    I think they work, you don't see a lot of smokers these days down here












    I’m sure they’re heavily taxed too, which makes the government addicted to the revenue. 

    The dirty little secret in this country is the taxes collected on tobacco, which they say is to defray the cost of treating smoking related illnesses, are mostly diverted for general spending. 

    Years ago the states sued the tobacco companies to “recover” health expenditures. Each state received several billion dollars. Audits later showed that the state of Missouri only spent 6 hundred thousand dollars on health initiatives, while the rest of their 2 billion settlement went to general revenue. That was just one example. I'm sure most states did the same.

    The hypocrites can’t afford to have anyone quit smoking. 


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  2. 8 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

    And weren't they a joy to step on with bare feet.

    Yup. Just like Legos!

    3 minutes ago, Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 said:

    worse that leggo blocks 

    leggo blocks hurt 


     metal jacks make ya bleed 




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  3. On 10/20/2023 at 9:45 PM, Subdeacon Joe said:
    This photograph goes back some time, believed to be around 1914-15 outside the Enfield Cycle Co office.
    Capt. J.E. Alkin & Segt. J. Cocker can be seen trying out the the Royal Enfield 6HP V-Twin with machine gun sidecar. What a fascinating setup!
    May be an image of 1 person, motorcycle and text

    Sure would like to have that setup for all the morons who insist on tailgating at 70 mph. Honestly, some are so close their grill isn’t visible in my rear view mirror. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Ozark Huckleberry said:

    It's less math, more observation.


    earbuds = 10 per pair

    person = 5 each

    watch = 4  per pair


    So -- last line:

    1 earbud = 5 

    1 watch = 2

    1 person = 5

    BUT WAIT! The person in the final line is wearing a pair of earbuds AND a watch!

    Therefore, person with pair of earbuds and a watch = 17


    Therefore, final equation is 5 + 17 X 2

    Order of ops with no parentheses, brackets, or exponents is multiply and divide left to right, then add and subtract left to right



    5  + 34



    Edited, because I noticed the person is also wearing a watch. Such fun:wacko:

    Sum of yous guys iz smart! I ar not…


    Fun brain teaser! :)  

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  5. 22 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:


    Because even after the house is washed away, the owner still has to pay back the loan. Unless they’re part of a disenfranchised minority. Then the government picks up the tab. 


    Lots of other scenarios here that all end with the government picking up the tab. Maybe it’s the insurance companies, who pass the cost on to their customers. And when they can't, the government picks up the tab...




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