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SASS Wire Forum

Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Posts posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. I met a B-52 pilot while waiting for a turn to fly the B-2 simulator at Whiteman AFB. When showing our ID, I noticed he had a Caterpillar Club card in his wallet. Of course I had to ask how earned it.


    He said he was deadheading in a B-52 that suffered a catastrophic structural failure during refueling and broke up in flight. He was in the crew bay in the belly without an ejection seat, so he just found himself suddenly falling thru space. One of his strongest memories was that of having one of the engines remaining next to him while he fell until deploying his chute.


    Saw palmetto tablets are supposed to enhance the prostate gland.


    If one is to believe the "experts" it helps reduce the size of the prostate.


    ED: Saw Palmetto has pumpkin seeds in it. I am not certain how that

    works as I am not a chemist or physician.


    I no longer have a prostate. If I take the palmetto tablets, I'm afraid it might reduce the size of something I can ill afford to have reduced. :D:lol:

  3. I first post a photo on Facebook, then here. Easy peasy.

    • Right click on the FB photo.
    • From the pop-up menu, select Properties.
    • Copy the address.
    • In the text box here, click the square Image Properties icon.
    • Paste the address there.


    I do not know why we cannot post directly from our PCs. That question has been asked many times.

    I used to be able to do that with photos I have on Google. Now the SASS wire says, "you are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."

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