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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Posts posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. 31 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    My gunsmith for ten years (ever since we moved to Arizona) has been David Fink.  He was working out of a shop in his back yard in Chino Valley about 17 miles away,  and picked up and delivered guns, and did amazingly good work.


    Then he moved from Chino Valley to Pauldin, maybe 10 miles further away and took over the gunsmithery at Gunsight Academy (Jeff Cooper's baby.)  He doesn't pick up nor deliver guns any more and his prices have gone up.  He's added equipment, master smiths in different areas of expertise, and has learned new skills in all fields of smithing.  He's also made such a good name that he has a massive backlog, mostly for combat and specialty guns, BUT HE STILL DOES GREAT WORK on cowboy guns, collector pieces and everyday "let's go have fun" and sporting guns, even restorations on Grandpa's old  "meat-in-the-pot" guns.


    He introduced me to Rachel Wells, an internationally known and respected engraver.  She's amazing and has pictures of her work that will melt your heart and burn you brain.


    You'll have to wait for either one of them, but I'm here to tell you he and Rachel are both worth the time and cost for their work.


    I don't have a lot of their finer work, but what I have is top of the line.


    Know what else?  Both are wonderful, friendly, and enjoyable folks to be around. 

    It appears Rachel passed away last year.





  2. 4 hours ago, Sixgun Seamus said:

    I have two Hornady Lock n Load AP. Great machines and not nearly as pricey. Warranty service second to none. I've never paid for any replacement part even when it was my fault. 



    I learned to load on a pard's 550, a really excellent machine. Bought a LNL though, because at the time it was much less expensive - especially when all of the accessory/necessities costs are factored in. The primer feed is much simpler, caliber and die changes a breeze, will hold up to 5 dies vs the 550's 4, and it auto indexes with each pull of the handle. I now have two of them.


    You won't go wrong with either press.


    My opinion of the Dillon's - skip the Square Deal because it requires proprietary dies. The 550 is the king of KISS among Dillons. The 650 is excellent except it has a cantankerous primer feed. If you must have an auto-indexing Dillon with a 5-hole head, the 750 is the way to go as they've improved the primer feed from the 650.


    One last bit of advice. Take your time when loading and be deliberate. A progressive can load just as many bad rounds in a hurry as well as good ones.


    Good luck!


    • Like 2
  3. I’ve been on Plavix and one baby aspirin a day since bypass surgery 6/23. No side effects except for easy bruising, which is new for me. I often don’t even remember what I did to cause the bruise. Minor cuts and scrapes are no more of a problem than before. 

    Glad things turned out ok for you!


  4. 6 hours ago, ORNERY OAF said:

    Got the 43 spanish cases from track of the wolf, they are a no go,won't chamber. Seems about a hundredth or so too long, or maybe the rim is a little thick. Won't fully seat. Brand new brass. Not gonna fool with it anymore, Tuesday, she is going for a re-bore/chamber! 50-90. 




    While I’ve never loaded a cartridge like that, I’ve found that even new brass needs to be sized first. Have you tried that?

    The new .44-40 brass I get from Starline has a neck that’s more of a suggestion than anything and nowhere near to spec. Starline says to size first. 

    Is the case length to spec and/or would trimming make a difference?



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  5. 10 hours ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

    I am not sure if I have met the SASS minimum velocity or exceeded the maximum.



    Dead chronos tell no tales. 😆 

    • Haha 1
  6. 53 minutes ago, Erasmus said:

    I second that statement on cap fragments. 


    Also, depending on how big your mitts and the gun are, your support hand might get a little hair burnt off it. 


    That said, I think it would be bad to be shooting two handed if you had a chain fire. Not earth shatteringly bad, but not great. 

    Chain fires are nasty, regardless of how many hands. 

    • Like 1
  7. I’m just piling on/agreeing to what others have said, but this is what works for me after 15 years of loading real BP. 

    AA hulls (very used after 2-3 smokeless loads). Toss ‘em after firing BP. 


    1 oz #8 shot, pink Claybuster wad


    Win 209 primer


    #30 Mec bushing which is around 36 grains Goex 2 or 3f. I’m with Griff and load without dippers, so I’ve no idea how many CCs that is. Keep in mind that the weight of the charge is irrelevant. I’ve just found that volume of real BP works for me. 

    Stack height is a whisker short, but the crimp closes without shot leaks. 

    Water is the main ingredient for cleaning fouling. You can add Murphy’s Oil Soap, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, Ballistol etc. as additives, but it’s the water that does the bulk of the work. The hotter the better. Wait 5 minutes or longer, and the plastic snot pushes out with a tight paper towel wad. It’s a non-issue for me. 

    One editorial note/opinion for those who like “artillery” rounds. If that’s your thing, fine. But please let your posse know as you approach the line. Some of us have little hearing left and that boom is more than uncomfortable, even with the best hearing protection. I’d like the option of stepping aside, especially where the stages are semi enclosed like at my range and Land Run, et al. 


    The above suggested load is mild on recoil, more than enough to knock down a target, yet still provide a satisfying boom, smoke and flame. 





    • Like 4
  8. I seriously doubt only one end of the can would bulge from pressure. If there was pressure, the large slab sides of the can would bulge first. The other clue is the top of the cans appear to be identical, suggesting they were made that way. 

    You’ll know when you break the seal on the lid. If it goes “phffft” when you do, I’d pass on using it. Even if it doesn’t, I’d still be hesitant. A call to Hodgdon would be helpful. 

    BTW, I picked up a couple of bottles of IMR 4895 a couple weeks ago at my local Scheels for $62/lb. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

    Kinda like the end of "Border Wars" between Missouri and Kansas:




    Rivalries can be fun!!

    Those were the days. During my KU career, Ted Owens was the b-ball coach and Norm Stewart was MU’s. That was when they were student athletes who played their 4 year eligibility. It was fun to watch teams mature thru the years.

    These days they’re one and done and head to the NBA. Division I is now an NBA/NFL farm system with players making a lot of money. I don’t follow it any more. 

    • Like 1
  10. Saw this topic over on the Wire. This feller in Sweden isn’t getting much help and thought you might able to?

    (For some reason I can’t copy and paste the link. See the thread on the drop 2 mod on a Chiappa.)


    • Thanks 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, Lefty Lead Shot said:

    All 3 of.my Cimarron 1873 have an "H" At the beginning of the serial number. Also the lever doesn't come all the way back to the frame with the short stroke toggles. I can get it to hang up on occasion levering slowly. I am not seeing anything that looks off.

    With the lever closed as far as it will go, how far does the carrier block fall in the receiver, as compared to your other guns? (When looking at the bottom of the frame.)

  12. Does the serial # of your rifle have a “W” in front of the numbers?  If not, it’s an older model where the Pioneer SS kits won’t work. I ran into that problem several years ago and was able to return the kit without issue. 

    As Larsen said, call Joe at PGW. great folks there. 


  13. On 7/25/2024 at 8:29 PM, Last Call Saul said:

    I found a like new Rugged Gear 3-gun cart with the muzzle-up setup.


    Now I need to figure out the pistol stowage options and figure out how to mount a shotshell taper tool on it.  Does anyone have a similar cart that you "cowboyed up"? Share some pics for ideas on how to arrange storage, pistols, and such.  




    This is my 3-gun Rugged Gear cart bought new in ‘08. The only things I’ve added are an extra gun bracket, making it a 4-gun cart and a fabric tray that hangs from the push handles. 

    Handguns reside in the bottom on either side of the soft orange tool bag. I’ve never felt the need for separate pistol holders. I rarely carry backup long guns unless I’m a long distance from my car.  

    I like to roll lightly without all the weight of extra things I very seldom need. 


    • Like 1
  14. On 7/23/2024 at 6:08 PM, Jack Spade said:

    My wife and I are also moving to Missouri. We are both from there and moved to Florida about 8 years ago.  We are moving back to be near my aging parents.  We will be relocating further north just outside the Kansas City area.  I am looking forward to shooting with the clubs down around Branson. 

    You’ll be close to us at The Powder Creek Cowboys. Come see us!




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