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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Posts posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. 1 hour ago, Sedalia Dave said:


     The kid has the bow because his dad called an Uber to take the two of them to the archery range.

    So there was no where to leave it when the ambulance showed up to transport them to the ER. 

    He doesn’t have any more arrows with him because the nurse wisely chose to confiscated them. 

    She must have snipped the bow too, because it’s unstrung. 😁

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  2. On 2/17/2025 at 6:27 PM, Trailrider #896 said:

    When I used to fly light planes, we were told not to try landing with 90 degree crosswind exceeding 35 knots. Did it one time. Was a little hairy, but the Cessna 172 could handle it much easier than any commercial airliner, including DC-3's, which are very forgiving. Not sure if the tower had reports of high crosswinds, or the result of a freak gust. Would have thought the pilots would have requested a different runway. Lucky no fatalities, though several critically injured.


    "Run as fast as you can. There is no place to hide! Fate is the hunter!" Earnest K. Gann.

    Crosswind limit for a C-172 is 15 knots*. One needs to carry a little extra speed and 10 degrees or no flaps under those conditions. Yes, it’s hairy landing on one wheel when it’s blustery!


    *vs 25 knots for the CRJ 900 Delta plane. 



  3. 10 minutes ago, Roger Rapid said:

    Does anyone still have load data available for .45 Cowboy Special loads under either 160g or 185g RNFP - for Trail Boss?



    *Yes, I know TB is no longer available but I have a bunch...

    4.1 gr under a 160 gr bullet works great for me. That’s a mid-range load. Burns really clean. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, Trailrider #896 said:

    Why?  Saw one in Lake Michigan just off the peninsula at the Chicago lakefront when I was a kid.

    They’re extraordinarily expensive to keep airworthy under normal circumstances. These last two (Hawaii and Philippine Mars) have reached their life limits and would require millions to refurbish. Sort of like making the Queen Mary seaworthy again. 

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  5. On a lighter note George talks of his being a pilot instructor in this clip. A lot of Hollywood celebrities served in WWII, including Dan Rowan of “Laugh In” fame, who was a P-40 pilot with 2 aerial victories. Eddie Arnold of “Green Acres” fame piloted a landing craft in the Pacific. Saved a number of Marine lives by putting his craft between enemy fire and them. God bless those who served and now serve. 


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  6. On 2/9/2025 at 8:52 AM, Rooster Ron Wayne said:

    I load most of the time with ether 

    Goex , APP or Unique. 

    This pretty much covers everything a Man needs for powder .


    You’re reloading with ether? 😁

    • Haha 4
  7. 1 hour ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

    We are using "What's App" to communicate with our granddaughter in Tasmania.  Free, similar to regular texting on iPhone, messages encrypted. Check it out.  I don't use Facebook either.

    I use WhatsApp to keep touch with my son living on island Majorca, Spain. It has a great telephone feature that is so far, free. 

    Also no FB here. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. Whatever, the sound didn’t play well with my TV and sound set-up. The announcers were crystal clear, but anything from the public address system like officials, was significantly diminished. 

    No matter, turned it off before the half. A pretty uncompetitive Superbowl. 

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  9. I had the opportunity to visit the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, AZ  in 2019. What can seen in the visible spectrum without computerized imagery is staggering. I got to see a collapsing star thousands of light years away and the planet Saturn. 

    It’s humbling. 



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  10. 19 hours ago, Rooster Ron Wayne said:

    Premium   ? 

    I do pay 13.99 a month for a membership on YouTube. 

    I don't have to watch advertising. 

    My wife and I cut cable a few years ago. 

    We got Amazon Prime and a Amazon fire stick .

    We watch free TV. 

    We watch YouTube or Westerns on Pluto TV. 

    With a membership on YouTube you don't have to watch advertising so we watch a lot of YouTube. 

    Just about anything you want to watch is on YouTube. 

    It's definitely worth the 13.99 a month IMHO .


    Same here. I watch a lot of YouTube videos. The commercials became so intrusive that I pay to be rid of them. 

    Unlike broadcast TV, the programs aren’t designed for commercial interruptions. On YouTube, they cut somebody off mid-sentence. For example, an 18 minute Jay Leno’s Garage episode will be interrupted 3-4 times at random intervals. 

  11. 6 hours ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

    The desk man at the Continental has been dead for 2 years! AI/CGI.  I predict it will flop like the Ghostbusters with an all woman cast.

    Or they had already filmed the scene before he died. These movies are put together like Legos, where scenes are all shot at the same time for sequels. Saves a lot of money. 

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  12. 9 hours ago, El Sobrante Kid said:




    Assuming the LOP is around 14 inches, about how much are you cutting off? Are you cutting the stock at the factory angle, or are you changing the angle like CC did (about minus 2 to 4 degrees iirc)? Thx

    I don’t know. It’s a Cap gun, so it’s whatever he would have done. 

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