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Buffalo Bill Mathewson, 37826

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Posts posted by Buffalo Bill Mathewson, 37826

  1. I shot with the Ozark Posse at Cassville Mo today. I was pleasantly surprised to see Noz show up and shoot the whole match. It was good to have at least half the Evil Twins shooting with us.

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  2. Hell on Wheels was a fun shoot and well worth my drive up from Oklahoma. The stages were not P traps the targets were shootable and plenty of movement. I enjoyed the whole match. Thanks to The folks that worked hard to make Hell on Wheels an enjoyable and fun shoot. 

    • Like 7
  3. The Arkansas Lead Slingers have a nice private range that is tucked away in a valley in Northwest Arkansas. Not too far from the Rogers / Bentonville area. It is a SASS club that works at following SASS rules without forgetting the cowboy way (friendly) in doing so. Blackwater Bruce is the clubs TG, and does a fine job with that duty. I have sent you a PM with his e-mail address. PM me with questions and I will try to help.


    Buff Bill

  4. Anytime two carriers interline it is a disaster. The UPS / USPS shipping that Midway uses is the worst. I think both UPS and the USPS try to make each other look bad when they interline. Either one on their own does much better. Our local FEDEX delivery drivers can't find an address two days in a row. If they don't have to have a signature they just throw the package at the door from the street. My last Dillon shipment was almost on the porch.

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