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Cypress Sun

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Posts posted by Cypress Sun

  1. 7 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:

    This may contain: a speed limit sign sitting on the side of a road next to a lush green field


    When I was growing up, the family vehicle was a '63 or 64 VW Beetle. Top speed (with the wind behind you) was about 65mph. I think they got it up to 70 + or - going down the downside of the old Sunshine Skyway...of course by the time it had got to the top of the Skyway it had slowed down to about 30mph!

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  2. 1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

    Did you see this video? I would call and talk to someone about hand picking a nice one. I had a hard time getting around the sound of guns being banged together but these guys ended up with some interesting ones in the crate. 



    Yeah, I was less than impressed with the way the guns were handled, even less so with Mr. Muscle man's dry firing and cylinder slamming during his test firing session.

    I'm still thinking about it, For less than $450 shipped, kind of makes it hard to pass up though it's a gamble.


    Wish I could find a S & W M36 for $255 like 3' did, that's a helleva deal there! S & W revolvers in .38spl or .357 are impossible to find locally for under $700 - 750 and those are generally in mediocre condition. I have a feeling that with a new administration in office, firearm prices will come down. Good for the buyer, bad for the retailer with a large inventory.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Griff said:

    I actually prefer clothes.  Just a cloth or two still leaves a person pretty exposed!


    2 hours ago, Texas Jack Black said:

     Why I wear cloths when I go out.😉


    Obviously, a he's man of the cloth.

    • Haha 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 said:



    You ever read the fine print on the waiver you signed to enter the match? Many of them have a line about waiving rights and approval to photograph and/or video. Not going to say they all do, but I'm reading one for a "big" match right now, and it is right there in the fine print.


    Yes, I have read the waivers. Match directors don't like it when you cross out the word 'indemnify'. When the waiver refers to taking pictures, video or the like...I am of the opinion that it refers to match officials/employees/etc. doing the pictures/video/etc., not match participants. Either way, there's nothing I can do about it.

    Just stating my personal preference.

  5. 13 hours ago, Matthew Duncan said:

    Yes.  As long you are on public property or in areas that are readily accessible by the public you have no legal expectation of privacy. 


    That's the "legal expectation" of privacy. Truth is that anytime you walk out of your residence, you are extremely likely to be on some type of recorded surveillance that has the possibility of being posted to a public domain.


    That said, I would prefer to be informed of being videoed during a match, or otherwise....and the ability to opt out of video recording. 

    • Like 1
  6. An "unplanned disassembly". That's the most expensive fireworks show they'll ever see! 


    Musk can afford it though.


    Gotta wonder if any of the debris made it to the ground.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Pat Riot said:


    Question: If a filthy dirty homeless guy knocked on your door and asked to use your bathroom would you let him in? 


    Trick question!


    He's already used the bathroom in your yard, now he just wants entry into your house. No, I wouldn't let him in.

    • Haha 2
  8. I really think that most people would appreciate to chance to buy nostalgic type collectables in the Classifieds as many here have other interests other than CAS. I have seen some real 'garage sale' type ads in the Classifieds and quite frankly, I thought many lacked taste, class and were out of line for the Forum. Somehow, I don't picture you doing that.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Brazos John said:

    At the Summit in Houston (now Joel Osteen's House of God and Money), girls would use the Men's Room at big concerts. It was funny, when the stalls were full, some would use a urinal! Didn't know chicks could do that!

    They also got on their boyfriend's shoulders to flash their charms on the big-screen tv's!

    And you could smoke indoors, too!  

    High times were had by all!


    It's amazing the things you see at parties, at least, some of the ones I used to go to back in the '70's. Watched a bunch of he-man bikers lose a pissing contest to a woman. She wasn't shy.

    It was an interesting party to say the least.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  10. 1 minute ago, Charlie Harley, #14153 said:

    I'm loading on a Dillon 550B.


    I don't know what current rules say about publishing load data, but I was at the bottom quartile of the published range.  It was a light load, but still within range.


    Could be a couple of things.


    - Make sure that the powder funnel/case bell is clean as the powder could be bridging. If it's bridging, you may need to attach a device to vibrate the powder measure to assure uniform drops.

    - What powder charge bar are you using. Make sure that it's not the Xtra small bar. 

    - Make sure that you have a positive return on the powder bar. The older ones have springs that return the bar for the next charge. The newer ones have a "fail safe" system. If the "fail safe" system is not set up correctly, the bar will sometimes not come back all the way resulting in a low powder charge.

    - I have to ask, is this the new Trail Boss or the old? If old, has it been stored in a controlled environment?

    - What temperature have the failures occurred.



  11. 55 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    AND  a Full Moon to boot.


    Time to lock the doors and stay home.   


    I leave the doors ajar and unlocked. My "other" personality doesn't have opposable thumbs and, therefore, trouble with doorknobs and locks. On the other paw, I do have perfect hair at night!:ph34r:



    • Haha 5
  12. 30 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

    Well, true as far as licensing, but shipping AMMO is a PITA for most people. There are a lot of details and requirements. It does help to have a UPS Scheduled Pickup Account or must ship from only from certain locations (my nearest UPS store is not one of those locations). I recall FedEX tightened requirements some time ago so I do not know all the current hoops for them.


    For those without a UPS Scheduled Pickup Account or those that aren't located close to a UPS "Customer Care" location, it probably is a PITA. I live somewhat near a UPS "Customer Care" center (UPS hub) so it isn't that much of a PITA. 


    BTW - The UPS version of "Customer Care" is they don't Care if you're a Customer or not.<_<

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  13. 48 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

    Just FYI, you can sell the factory loads privately face to face, but not your dad's reloads. You can give those away. In either case, you can not ship it so a local club is your best bet.


    If nobody there wants them, other options may include a local range or a local ammo remanufacturer. Or the police department.


    Start with local clubs. Where in Texas are you? Someone here might know someone nearby.


    Loaded ammo can be shipped legally without any special licensing. It must be properly packed and have the proper ORM-D labeling, but it can be shipped via UPS and supposedly FedEx (not USPS). For the record, I have not used FedEx but I have used UPS multiple times.

    Powder and/or primers cannot be shipped without proper licensing.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, Cholla said:

    It hangs in the sun on Live Oaks put the amount of sun and shade will change during the day. The big issue is plenty of humidity. Low humidity, it will die. Check the humidity in Northern Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. It grows best in coastal areas with lots of humidity. I lived in Mississippi and Florida longer than I carried to but the Spanish Moss was cool to look at but it also harbors bugs.


    It can and will overwhelm Live Oaks and may cause the tree to slowly die. It grows fairly fast. I think that you'll end up regretting introducing it to your area. Like Cholla stated, it harbors chiggers/red bugs (nasty little burrowing mites). 

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