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SASS Wire Forum

Cypress Sun

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Posts posted by Cypress Sun

  1. If there is a vehicle, or other obstacle blocking the mailbox in any way, shape or form and they can't reach it by truck (meaning so they don't have to get out of the truck)...they won't deliver the mail...however, if the mailbox is multiple days, they'll get out of the truck to put an official USPS notice in the mailbox informing you that they won't deliver the mail if the mailbox is blocked. We don't ever block the mailbox, but we live on a cul-de-sac (pie shaped properties) so occasionally someone visiting a neighbor will block it not knowing, or not caring, about mail delivery.


    They won't get out of the truck to deliver a package IF they can somehow cram it in the mailbox. They will crush boxes and whatever is in a plastic envelope smash it into the box. Complain to USPS? You can't get a live person on the phone to talk to.


    We'll have the same person on the route for about a month before they get switched out with someone new. We had a mail lady that did an outstanding job for about a year but she moved to another state. They replaced her with a complete class A lazy a*****e who doesn't want or care to do the job he was hired for.


    My gal sells crafts on Ebay and other sites. She prints out shipping labels and mails the stuff from home. The mail person is supposed to check in the package when they take it out of the mailbox. Do they do that? No, they don't 95% of the time. Sometimes it doesn't show up on tracking for days. When they don't check it in and she has informed the buyer of the tracking number and that the package is on the way, it makes her look like a liar even though the package has been in USPS possession for days.


    About once every three months, we'll get someone else's mail in our box, I'll take it to the intended recipient. The neighbors on either side of us do the same.


    They won't deliver mail during a hurricane or tropical storms...I don't blame them in the least

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  2. This may not sit well...but here it is anyway.


    If the SASS Wire Forums become restricted to SASS members only, I foresee...


    The Wire Forum will become a BBQ gun picture forum, a WTC bickering site and very little else. Many potential members ask questions about many different topics. They ask questions on everything from firearms suggested/required, dress, reloading/ammo, general rules, membership, etc. 


    The Saloon will become a ghost town. Many of the folks that post here are past SASS members, some have never been SASS members but 99% of Saloon posters have been very informative and fun. A few past SASS members have stated that they will renew their membership just for the ability to post on the Forums. Many have stated that they will simply say goodbye and/or post elsewhere. I think that the ones that do actually renew the membership will drop it on the next renewal as the Saloon would now be a dying ghost town.


    The Classifieds would be the only forum where required membership would be a plus and a scammer deterrent. It would cut out many buyers however as many prospective buyers are NOT SASS members yet. The non-members are the ones looking for good deals, gathering equipment, clothes, accoutrements and other items to complete their entry into SASS.


    The other forums are (no offense to SASS or regular forum visitors/posters) pretty much a ghost town already with very limited viewers and/or posters.


    For the record, I'm a current SASS member (not life) and have been continuously since 1998. I haven't shot a SASS match of any kind in almost two years, yet I renew. Why? To be honest, mainly so I can sell items in the Classifieds and secondly to support SASS. I'm not a wealthy person, not even close, so the $69 spent on SASS renewals is an expense that I consider necessary to make a few bucks in the Classifieds that cover membership fees...and possibly make a few extra bucks. Without the extra non-member traffic, I don't see the Classifieds being frequented enough by 'approved current members' to justify the cost of renewing my membership.


    With that said, I believe that establishing a required membership for the ability to post/participate on the SASS Wire Forums is a mistake that will not have a positive result for SASS for the reasons, and more, stated above.


    If I'm one of the ones that posted pictures, videos or cartoons that caused a problem for SASS, I apologize and can honestly state that I never thought that posting them would cause any problem for SASS. 




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  3. 14 minutes ago, bgavin said:

    It is 64 and sunny here today.

    I figure it is SO cold in Florida now, the club girls have to put on their long beads.


    Seriously, I do hope your citrus crops survive.
    This bit of Canadian cold weather will pass, but citrus damage doesn't.


    It's so cold here, the teenager girls actually are having their jeans patched up.

    • Haha 9
  4. 9 minutes ago, bgavin said:

    It is 64 and sunny here today.

    I figure it is SO cold in Florida now, the club girls have to put on their long beads.


    Seriously, I do hope your citrus crops survive.
    This bit of Canadian cold weather will pass, but citrus damage doesn't.


    Actually, cold weather will make citrus taste sweeter so long as it doesn't experience freezing weather. I've heard that all of my life but really wouldn't know as I'm not a citrus product lover.

  5. 3 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    There’s a little bit in the video where he says it fell on the ground and was lifted. Trees don’t grow like that


    I was told a long time ago...."Trees grow from the top up."

    I was a kid looking on a Civil War battlefield searching the trees for the undiscovered cannonballs like I'd seen in displays.

  6. Fill up a small, clear jar with snow. Take a picture of it. Then put it on Ebay as Authentic Florida Snow From Historic Snowstorm of 2025. Then just fill up jars with water and ship 'em out! Probably get $10 a jar + shipping.

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  7. If I believe the local news reporters, the snow forecasts for northern Florida has resulted in a type of what I'm calling snow tourism. Being as many Floridians have never seen snow, some are packing up vehicles with friends, or family, or both, and are headed to north Florida to see it. 


    I wish them luck! Freezing rain is forecast to the south of the snow. Should be interesting. Icey roads and Florida Crackers....I hope they get video!



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  8. 36 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said:



    That looks like the door to a 1973 Olds Custom Cruiser. We had one and that's exactly what the door on the driver's side looked like, same color, same fake wood trim, same everything.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

    Generally anti gun presidents increase gun sales and prices skyrocket. This new administration will probably slow the sales down and therefore maybe lower the prices some. Just MHO 😉


    That's been my observation also, as is a few of the local gun store owners I've talked to. They were talking "lean years" to come as far as sales.

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