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Cypress Sun

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Posts posted by Cypress Sun

  1. 5 hours ago, Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L said:


    The 4PM Saturday update shows it wiggling to the north of Tampa Bay just a bit.  Looks like landfall is going to be at my front door!


    Still a long way to go, and a lot can happen, but damn, barely 10 days apart.


    Buckle Up!


    I need it to go south of Tampa Bay. That way it blows the water out of the Intercoastal and Tampa Bay.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Chantry said:

    I don't see Israel nuking Iran UNLESS Iran nukes Israel or uses chemical weapons.  Iran's ability to project power seems to be limited to rockets and everything I've heard suggests that the rocket attack was not very successful.  I've read at least one report that Iran actually fired 400 rockets, but half of those landed in Iran and exploded.


    What I expect is attacks on high value Iranian targets such as :airfields, important leadership or oil production..


    Might also see some more surprises like the pager/walkie talkie attacks.


    One thing to remember is that when (it's not a matter of if any longer) Iran is able to produce a nuclear weapon, they will not hesitate to use it on Israel. 


    Like Iran's crazy counterpart, North Korea, Iran has no intention of ceasing it's goal of producing a nuclear weapon for immediate use against it's long time enemy. In Iran's case, that is Israel (#1) and USA (#2). I don't think that Israel has any viable option for peace with Iran or it's proxies. Since the brilliant morons in Washington gave Iran billions of dollars and started "looking the other way" on Iran's nuclear weapons development, Israel doesn't really have any option other than taking out Iran's nuclear facilities and/or Iran itself.


    I really don't think that Israel can win a conventional land war against Iran. They are not connected by land and would have to use air and naval forces to physically invade or go through Iraq which isn't going to go over real well. Doesn't really matter anyway, they would be overwhelmed by sheer numbers of Iranians, who are Iranians by present name...they used to be called Persians.






  3. 8 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:



    I obviously took his question to mean what good registration does to reduce crime or violence. Other than give the DA one more "gun crime" to claim he prosecuted.  Or bargain away. 


    Joe, you took my question right...sort of.


    I guess I'm just not used to gun registration as I've never lived in a state that forced it upon it's citizens. Florida has no such registration and law enforcement would have no way of knowing who the gun actually belongs to if they run the serial number(s)...or at least they're not supposed to be able to know. The best they will be able to do is run the number to see if the gun has been reported stolen or missing. They will also find out if the person claiming ownership of the gun is legally allowed to possess a firearm.

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

    CGI representation of an actual event that was obviously not filmed; could not have been filmed at the time, and would be impossible to recreate and film today.


    Entertaining, and perfectly acceptable, in my opinion ~ every bit as much as any re-enactment or historical dramatic production.  :)     


    You mean that Johnson didn't have a cellphone camera, a selfie stick and six camera planes in a WWII dogfight?


    What a ripoff!:rolleyes:

    • Haha 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L said:


    While I don't have first hand knowledge, communications from the association said the entire property was flooded, but I don't know to what extent yet.  Still trying to get in touch with the neighbor that watches our place when we are not there, but have not been able to do so yet.


    We are on the third floor of a 3-Story building so I don't expect to have had any real damage as the winds weren't that bad, but I know the elevator pits were flooded so I suspect the first floor units took some flood damage.  I suspect we just lost power for a couple days, but we don't keep anything in the fridge when we are gone so that won't be an issue, I just want to make sure the AC came back on so we don't end up with a moldy sweat-box.


    I was holding off making a trip down as the last thing the area needs at the moment is another body sucking up resources, so I am being patient.  The association has had the Insurance guys and the FEMA guys out already to start assessing the damage, so at least the association is on track with that. 


    We weren't due back down until the first week of January, but I will probably make a trip down sometime before that, just to make sure things are OK before we show up.  I may also have to meet with the insurance folks as they are assessing the whole property and want to do a unit by unit inspection.  Going to be a mess, and some of the folks down there got totally wiped out, but we fared much, much, better than a lot of people so I will consider us very fortunate.


    From what I have seen on the YouTube videos, the surge made it up to Bayshore Boulevard.  The shopping center at the intersection of Bayshore/Curlew/Causeway got flooded out, but not wiped out.  Benedict's was back in operation, as was the Cricketeer Pub, but the Sheriffs Thrift Store probably lost everything they had in there due to water damage.


    I saw on another thread that you came through the storm without too much impact, and we were glad to hear that.  Hoping to hear from some more folks in the northern part of the state, they at least seem to have power back in most areas.  A lot of the Clearwater area is still dark, so hopefully, that gets fixed soon, but I know that the crews are stretched thin, over multiple states, and there is a lot of infrastructure that needs to be rebuilt, and that just takes time.  Let's hope this is the only one that hits this year!




    If you need me to go check on your unit, let me know...I'd be happy to do it. 


    The surge, in some places, went well past Bayshore. I have no doubt that the elevator pits/equipment were submerged in salt water. I don't remember where the electrical service equipment (main breakers/meters) are located but if they are on the 1st floor, they got it also. If the main service gear went under salt water, it should be replaced. I'm glad you are on the 3rd floor, at least you didn't get flooded and wind damage is doubtful as the winds only got to about 45 - 50 sustained for about an hour and all from the south/southwest.


    Let me know.

    • Like 2
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  6. 41 minutes ago, Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L said:

    I keep checking back here, hoping to see some members from the affected areas having chimed in that they are OK and with updates on their local area, but I understand (from looking at the various YouTube videos) that many of them are still dealing with much bigger issues.


    Prayers continue for the safety of all in the affected areas!


    How did you make out?


    I know your place in Dunedin is right on the intercoastal which saw 6' - 8' surge. Hopefully you didn't sustain any damage.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said:


    Unfortunately that Luddite fool is the head of the Union and currently has an inordinate amount of influence at the negotiating table.


    My gut feeling is that this is going to be a long and nasty strike. Harold Daggett is not going to back down. I doubt he'll back down even if he looses the support of the rank and file.


    He's already got his ($900,000++ yr salary)...what does he care.

    Just another greedy narcissist. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  8. Ex NASCAR driver, Greg Biffle, has been flying his own helicopter in and out of the disaster zone, looking for stranded survivors and delivering food/medicine/water/supplies all on his own dime. He has already helped rescue several people. He is also delivering StarLink systems to various locations.


    A big Hurray to the normal, everyday civilians that are doing everything they can to help out...while the Feds sit on their thumbs wondering what to do.

    • Like 2

    Pizza - Extra cheese, pepperoni, Italian sausage and anchovies. I'll eat most any pizza and pick the items I don't like off of it, but pineapple permeates the taste of the pizza and there's no way to "pick it off" and not still taste it.


    Burgers - Burger, cheese, bacon and Thousand Island dressing.


    Nastiest (supposed) food - beets...no matter how they're made.


    The way to make most any food better...add bacon.

  10. 34 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

    Remember Billy Beer?? 🙄😂 



    I do, it's somewhat collectable now.


    Is a can of Billy Beer worth anything?

    A can of Billy Beer is worth something, but the value is highly dependent on the condition of the can and its availability in relation to other collectible items. A Billy Beer can in “mint condition” can fetch anywhere from $50.


    00 to over $150. 00 depending on the uniqueness and rarity. Billy Beer cans from the late 1970’s and early 1980’s were made with mostly flat tops instead of the modern pop-top style and are therefore more sought after by collectors.


    Generally, the older and more rare the can is, the more it is worth to a collector.

    Is Billy Beer collectible?

    Billy Beer is not typically considered collectible by collectors. It was first brewed by Falls City Brewing back in 1977 and was only brewed from 1977 to 1978. There were only some limited runs of the beer and it was only widely distributed in the United States.

    After the initial limited run, Billy Beer was only produced for a short amount of time in the early 1980s and again in the late 1990s. Since then, it is only sporadically produced for limited amounts of time.

    Because it is not consistently produced and has not been around for an extended period of time, it is not widely collected. Additionally, it has a low value on the collectible market and is not a particularly valuable item.

    Therefore, while some people may have a few cans of Billy Beer in their home, it is not typically a collectible item.

    What beer cans are valuable?

    Some beer cans are unique enough that they can be extremely valuable. Some of the most sought-after cans are rare and hard to come by, and people are willing to pay a high price to get them. Cans from limited edition runs and brewery-sponsored promotions can be worth more if they offer something unique or special about their design.

    For example, cans featuring art work by well-known artists, limited colors, intricate colors, or out of print cans can often fetch a higher price. Cans from small breweries, foreign countries, and older breweries can also be sought after by collectors.

    Some of the most valuable cans show up on auction sites and can fetch tens of thousands of dollars.

    What is a can of unopened Billy Beer worth?

    The value of an unopened can of Billy Beer depends on the can’s condition, rarity and the location of the seller. Generally speaking, an unopened can of Billy Beer (first produced in 1977) can be worth anywhere in the range of $5-$50.

    Based on evaluations from seasoned beer can collectors, an unopened can of Billy Beer with the complete original packaging can be worth up to $200 or more. However, since the beer was produced in large quantities, most cans are not considered to be particularly rare.

    1. EiPSlCckWX2_EsufPv.jpg?w=640
      Current Time 0:42
      Duration 1:09
      1. EiPSlCckWX2_EsufPv.jpg?w=640Now Playing
      2. vU-k0N_AxJj5_j1727106967919-fqfupq_t1727
      3. mW70f3-YkqbO_upload_t1704651597-HYOzuh.j
      4. mEGm1VxddOsW_j1697475060191-yso3a2_t1697
    Play Video

    Additionally, the excitement over collecting items associated with Billy Carter (the brother of former U. S. President Jimmy Carter) has waned since the beer’s initial production run. Ultimately, what an unopened can of Billy Beer is worth really depends on the value placed on it by the collector or seller.


    I couldn't find a new bolt action, tube fed rifle on the internet although I didn't look too hard.


    If you're in the market for a rifle like that, look at the Mossberg 46M with the flip over peep sight. I used to have one and it had a very smooth action, high capacity and was an absolute tack driver at 25 - 50 yds. Still kicking myself for selling it to a guy at the range who offered me three times what I paid for it. Seemed like a good idea at the time.:(

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