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Cypress Sun

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Posts posted by Cypress Sun

  1. 37 minutes ago, Rip Snorter said:

    My first thought was to have a limited redemption period for penny hoarders at 1.5 cents - many folks I know have a beer mug or similar full.  Be enough for long circulation and a saving.  At one point I had two Almaden jugs full - my then new wife didn't like my Lamps idea.  A good few bucks when I took them to the bank - can't recall just how much.


    When I first met my gal 19 years ago, she had "spare" change in two large Igloo Playmate coolers. The quarters, dimes and nickels, I rolled in coin wrappers. The pennies, I took to a couple of the 'Coinstar' type machines in the grocery store. I say a couple of them because there were so many pennies that they filled up the first machine so we had to go to a second machine. I don't remember the exact amount of pennies but it was over $47 and that is with 10% (or whatever the vig was for using the machine) off the top. The other coins we took to the bank, it was about $500 + or - a few bucks. That was a bunch of coins!


    Years ago, a friend of mine and his wife saved their change by putting it into a 5 gallon glass water dispenser jug When it got near the top, they decided to wrap the money in coin wrappers and turn it in for paper money. The second they tried to move the jug, the bottom broke out of it and made a helleva mess all over their green shag carpet!

    • Like 2
  2. 29 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

    The US Mint system produced 3.2 billion pennies last year at a cost of $.02 apiece!  A net loss in production vs. value of 32 million dollars!!


    It’s only a drop in the bucket considering the size of the budget and the national debt, but just how ridiculous is this??

    Pennies cost 3.7 cents each to make. Nickels are even worse @ .14 cents each to make. I just read that somewhere recently. I also read that only Congress can approve the elimination of U.S. monetary coinage.


    Edit - Marshall beat me to the punch!

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  3. I was just reminded by my gal that for the 5 minutes or so that I had the displeasure of viewing the halftime show (muted) that there wasn't one white person in the show, not one. Imagine the outcry if it'd been an all white show.


  4. 5 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    Spring training starts this week.


    So does auto racing, although it actually started a couple of weeks ago with the 24 hours of Daytona.


    I'm looking forward to the upcoming MLB and racing season.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 37 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

    Normally I don't like a blowout in a championship game.   But with all the hyperbole about the Chiefs, and all the questionable calls during the season in their favor,  I have to say that I like that it was a blowout. 


    That's exactly what I liked about the game! Between Mahomes, Kelce, Swift and the hype surrounding all three...I've grown to intensely dislike the Chiefs even though I no longer follow the NFL. I'm glad they got their asses handed to them. Too bad it wasn't 40 - 0.

    • Like 3
  6. In the late 70's and early 80's there was a buffet in Clearwater, I don't remember the name now, that cost $11 and included drink/dessert. It had fairly decent food and was a great place to go with friends when you had the munchies.


    A group of us went there once and there was a big guy, that wasn't with us, fill up 3 heaping plates with fried chicken. He ate those 3 plates, went back and got another 3 heaping plates of chicken before most of us were finished with the food we first got. When I went back for seconds, he came back for 3 more heaping plates of chicken. By now, he had probably ate at least 5 to 6 whole chickens. By the time I finished up my seconds, he was going back for more but we didn't stay to watch. My guess is that he ate at least 7 or 8 entire chickens. and was still going when we left.


    The best local buffet I found was in 2004 - 05 in Holiday, Fl. It was named Barnhills and had great food with a wide variety. They only lasted a few years, probably because they didn't charge enough for the quality of the food. They also had an outstanding breakfast buffet.


    The other best buffet was in Valdosta, Ga near I-75. We used to stop there on the to and from the S.E. Regional in Georgia. I don't remember the name but they had a bunch of pig/hog decorations and figurines all over the place. The bbq was pretty damn good as was the vegetables, potatoes and desserts. 

  7. My gal KNOWS there are three days out of the entire year that I will not do anything during the event or for about an hour before the scheduled start time...the Super Bowl, the Daytona 500 and the Indy 500.

    The Super Bowl isn't very high on the list these days but it is held at night (dark at 6:30pm here) so it's pretty much of a non factor and I don't watch any of the pregame hype.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, watab kid said:

    my thought as well , 


    the texting and talking without hands free is illegal here but i see it every day , they run red lights , they stay stopped holding up traffic on the green lights and they swerve all over the place while moving , i guess the fine isnt big enough , 


    They have the same type law in Florida, the cops NEVER enforce it, so I guess you're right...the fine isn't big enough. Not enough of a fine makes the cops look other places that pay heavy fines....like speeding and doing a right turn on red without coming to a complete stop. I've had at least 3 friends get blasted while stopped at red lights by people texting a driving. All three friends vehicles were totaled by the insurance companies (which didn't pay what it took to replace them) and one friend ended up with serious neck/spine/nerve injuries. The injuries resulted in an lawsuit that the lawyers took 1/2 of the judgement for their fee. The offending, texting drivers? A careless driving ticket with a small fine and a few points on their license unless they took a "defensive driving" course, then it was a reduced fine and no points.:angry:

    • Like 2
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  9. I used to have a couple of these for water balloons. Couldn't use a big water balloon, but one the size of a small/medium avocado would fly about 300' with 3 people using it as shown in the picture below. We tried a pineapple type hand grenade (inert of course) in it once, it went about 300' also. We got pretty accurate with the launcher after a while. I don't think I'd ever try a real, armed grenade in it though.


    Water Balloon Launcher; Water Balloon Slingshot;Beast Waters Balloon ...

    • Like 4
  10. 28 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    I was watching this video this morning. Guy got pulled for running the red light.


    He told the cop that it was yellow when he started under it and it turned red while he was passing. Cop told him that it was red when he started under it. And they went back and forth like that for a while.


    Maybe that woman had had a similar experience. And it was yellow when she started under and when it turned red she stopped. Because she was ticketed the last time.



    Interesting video by the way. The driver told the cop that he was carrying, so the cop had him get out of the truck. Then the cop would take the man's gun, "for everyone's safety". The cop did not take the man's gun. The cop's partner took the gun.


    The man was wearing it IWB on his right side, and the partner drew it from the holster with her left hand. And as soon as the trigger guard was clear she put her finger in the trigger guard. Want to guess what happened next? That's right. Glock go bang. She shot the driver in his leg.


    They had good video. The first cop's body cam. The woman's body cam. The dash cam on the cop car.


    And after shooting the man she continued to have her finger in the trigger guard until the first cop told her to put the gun down.


    It took about 2 weeks but she got fired.


    I saw that video. The male officer kept his head about him, the female cop was completely clueless and had very poor training, firearms training in particular.

  11. My understanding is that once a driver completely passes over the stop bar (white line on the road indicating where you should stop for the traffic device) with both front and rear tires, whatever color the traffic signal was at the time of the crossing dictates the severity of the infraction, if any infraction. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Eyesa Horg said:

    Dillon has also always taken care of me as well. For little I've needed parts! 


    Every time I've broken a part or a part wore out, Dillon has replaced the part(s) promptly, without question and without charge.


    One time, I broke an ram arm through my own fault. I happened as I was reloading for a State match that I had waited until the last moment (week before) to make match rounds. I called Dillon and told them about breaking the arm by my own fault and procrastinating making "big match" ammo. The Dillon rep said he'd take care of it, didn't matter if it was my fault or not. He didn't tell me they were going to do it, but they overnighted the arm and I had it in about 24 hours. Now that's customer service above and beyond expectations.


    Dillon's No BS Warranty is just that...No BS.

    Your fault, my fault, nobody's fault....they'll take care of it.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Rip Snorter said:

    Will never have a RR, but Dillon has been fantastic down decades in respect to customer service and warrantee.


    Dillon still has one of the best warranties around although they no longer have the No BS Lifetime Warranty on electronic parts or accessories....but that seems to differ on the customer service person you talk to.

  14. We'll see.


    There has been some statewide pushback from, guess who (surprise), the Dems and liberal special interest groups.:angry:


    My yearly budget will probably be spent by then anyway.:mellow:

    I guess I'll have to push a new budget through the local the Congress here at home....yep....that ought to work!

    • Like 1
  15. M55 target pictures.


    Offhand @ 25yrds for five 5 round sets.


    Rear sight adjustment after 1st five round set. Sight picture adjustment after that.


    The open bolt delay is barely noticeable. Surprisingly easy to load and loads quickly. The safety is kind of an annoyance but that's what it is. Trigger isn't bad at all.



    I'm keeping this puppy!



    • Like 2
  16. 4 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    I've only seen one of then and was able to fire it a few times..


    It belonged to a Presbyterian minister who live behind us in Logan, Utah.  My parents were friends with him and his wife.  They had two kids about the same age as my sister and me.


    The son and I would go down the  junk yard on the south-west side of town and shoot rats, he with the Winchester and me with a single shot .22 that Dad had "won" on  a ten cent punch board at a local gas  station.  I was about nine years old at the time and we had only lived in Utah about a year.


    I don't remember the make of my rifle.  It was cheap and flimsy, but it was pretty accurate.  


    So was that little Winchester.


    I dry fired it today, w/snap caps, after lubing and cleaning it when I got home. It's weird dry firing a small, lightweight rifle with an open bolt firing operation. Quite the delay.

    The gun has a nice trigger and is in very good shape. Looking forward to shooting it tomorrow. I'll get some pics if I remember to do so.

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