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Trigger Mike

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Posts posted by Trigger Mike

  1. my son was shooting my 1873 rifle as he loves cowboy guns.  He was paying attention and noticed a light poof sound when he fired and realized nothing came out.  A hollow point round was stuck 2 inches from the end of the barrel.  I told him to take it inside near where i keep my tools.  He decided to try his hand to fix it.  he forced the round back to the receiver but couldn't get it out so he took off the side plate.  He took the parts out when I caught him.  the lever was locked open .  i asked him if taking the plate off helped him access the bullet to which he admitted it didn't.  I don't mind he tried as he has to learn but I wish he had waited for me so I could put it back together .  I usually keep it together when I take the plate off to clean.  


    these were factory rounds.  surprised it happened.  

    • Like 3
  2. 9 hours ago, Chantry said:

    Some of it might be the switch from a single multi-megaton nuclear warhead to the multiple kiloton nuclear warheads designed to hit multiple targets.

    That does make sense like the one Russia sent the other day, 6 warheads instead of a huge one(yes it was conventional this time)

  3. When I was a teen I read a book about nuclear war and it showed a map of destruction that showed a fireball damage out to 100 miles possibly further .  Then in the army I was tasked with protecting fallout from a NBC attack for our platoon should it happen and was taught the blast radius was substantially large.  

    now days when I google blast radius it shows maybe 6 miles or so and at most wind damage at 100 miles and fire really small radius.  

    when did it change?  

  4. I evidently missed a lot of drama about Danica Patrick but whenever I see her on TV I point out to my wife how they look alike and how when she used to run from me in her car they drove alike.  

    she usually replies that she wished she looks like Danica but I think they do.  

    • Like 3
  5. 5 hours ago, Capt. James H. Callahan said:

    A mare's leg was always one of those "why" things. I guess because Steve McQueen had one on that show. I always wanted to see him load the .45/70 shells off his belt into a '92. I guess I'd rather have one than a derringer in a gunfight.

    JHC :P

    I figured it'd be a way to help smaller shooters ,plus make a good truck gun

  6. Now hybrid f150 was used by some in town to power their house .  Also got a glimpse of a EMP as some places still only take cash. Major bank in town Truist closed much longer than a local bank.  Keep cash on hand for

    emergencies.  Get a spare generator as some generac generators burned the oil up and locked up.  Also check the oil regularly.  

    also the city lost water so having a well is a definite plus.  Power company reports today that still over 5000 without power 17 days later.  

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  7. Lots of crews from elsewhere.  Overnight they restored another 700 meters they said.  It took them a couple of days just to cut thru the trees to the substations and then had to rebuild them from scratch.  There is power two houses down because their lines are underground but our line comes from a different road and is all above ground and blocked with trees so we will be a while.  

    Yes my generator runs off propane . 

    • Like 2
  8. i know people in Tennessee and North Carolina have it much worse than Georgia but we are at day 11 since the storm and the power company said of the 21,273 meters all of which went out during the storm, they still show 11,456 yet to be reconnected.  they have 1,500 broken power poles left that are known but might be as many as 2,500 by the time they are thru.  No land line phone still and no internet, except for cell which finally came back but still has slow periods.  my generator is nearly empty again.  Gas company promises couple of days.  We have more injuries since the storm due to houses catching fire when power is restored or due to chain saw accidents removing the countless trees.  my road is still blocked on one end with several trees stacked well above my head and several different piles a few feet apart.  

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  9. Lost internet right after the last post.  We are hearing some will not get power until Sunday.  Some subdivisions in vidalia are a wasteland .  Lots of houses with trees down the middle. Thankfully no fatalities in our area that I know of.  

    lessons I’ve learned are:


    1). Get an on demand generator with twice the size tank they tell you to get.  Treat like you are buying the right size gun safe and get bigger than needed because you will need it.


    2). An ATV or side by side is invaluable.  Main roads still have lots of trees on them and my son works for a tractor dealership and drove my side by side to work it also uses less gas than his truck.  

    3). Have working chain saws on hand and hope your son doesn’t run over the chain saw accidentally while moving cut up logs as they are rationed and if you can find one.  

    4). Have a backup generator to your main generator as that is what I will resort to shortly as I’m on a long list for gas delivery.  

    5). Learn all you can about generators and food storage 


    6) frozen food is great until the power has been out long enough for it to rot and stink up your house like my mom and son found out.


    top off your cars before storms etc and don’t drive with less than half a tank.  My son was out of gas in his truck by the second day and few stations had gas and the line was a couple of miles down the road if they had some. 

    8).  be kind to your neighbors long before disaster comes, you may need them.  be kind during a disaster as well . 

    9). Keep spare gas on hand.  

    10). Try to have enough on hand to last while everyone else is panicked so you can stay home out of their way until things improve.  

    get starlink internet otherwise you are in the dark.  Satellite phones are a good idea but don’t do you any good if not activated before the storm 

    • Like 5
  10. I’m in vidalia ga and just now have spotty internet and text and cell service.  Landline still gone and if not for a generator and propane tank that is less than 20 percent left I’d have no power.  Took my boys and I nearly a day to clear half the driveway from fallen trees.  I live on a dirt road and some neighbors cleared a path one way but couldn’t the other way due to size of the tree and power lines in the midst.  We used atv to get around and still struggle to find a path .  Every trail is covered in large trees dropped from the root.  Large oaks fell more than anything along with pecans.  Small pones survived well in comparison.  Will come back 

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  11. I want to sell my Winchester Garand that according to the book all parts numbers are correct for the serial number.  There is even the correct stamp on the stock though faded some.  What are they going for these days so I know how much to ask?  Has a low TE and MW

  12. 15 minutes ago, Charlie Harley, #14153 said:

    Interesting comment.  I’ve never been anything but pleased with Savages, especially their bolt guns.  Sorry your mileage with them varied. 


    I can’t say I like the aesthetics of this one, but I confess an intense bias for my 1950s vintage Marlin 39A.

    I had a 30.06 bolt savage and it sometimes wouldnt eject the round and had a hair trigger so i sold it.  I had a .223 and the bolt kept getting stuck and wouldnt close even after cleaning and was also really inaccurate.  I bought a pink one for my daughters to use and it also jams and is not accurate.  

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