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Widder, SASS #59054

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Posts posted by Widder, SASS #59054

  1. 2 hours ago, Tennessee williams said:

    Yall been dealing with NIAA every time yall talk to Widder, so I don't see why AI is much differnt


    The weather tomorrow will be loud and partially smoky.


    The weather tomorrow will be smokey and kinda loud.


    The weather tomorrow will be ..... 'tomorrow'.   I've not been programmed past midnight.  Sorri Partner.






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  2. 6 hours ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:


    A number of folks on this forum have years of experience; boxes of trophies and many a story of trainwreck - the scars of which we wear just as proudly as the buckles on our belts.

    These are the folks whose "opinions" I seek out when I am exploring improvement.


    And don't forget the REAL scars from cuts on thumbs and fingers from sharp edge 97 bolts.


    And calasis and sometimes a small blister from hard practice with pistols and SG.


    I now put a bandaid on my thumb and finger when I dry fire practice to help eliminate some cuts when I 'bump' the edge

    of the bolt.   The cuts don't hurt so much but its hard to practice with blood running down your hand (I take blood thinners).




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  3. 6 hours ago, JoeCalhoun said:


    Remember, speed is important, but accuracy matters more. Focus on developing a smooth, controlled draw while maintaining pinpoint accuracy.

    Keep practicing, partner! And feel free to share any insights you discover along the way. This forum is a great place to learn from each other's experiences.


    "....... pinpoint accuracy".


    I don't know where you shoot, but "pinpoint accuracy" ain't exactly a big requirement when shooting at 18" square targets

    at 6 yards.




    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

    It is a highly competitive match for sure, but well worth the trip if you have the testicular fortitude.


    Well stated...... especially from a man who TW don't even like.   :lol:




    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Shooting Bull said:

    Widder’s right. You talk a lot. :wacko:


    42 minutes ago, Tennessee williams said:

    As usual, I agree with half of what you said.

    Widder is not right!


    You fellers 'quack' me up.   I'm glad you're both into 'Chickens' and not ducks.


    TW is correct in on thing he's told me......... Shooting Bull ain't good enough to shoot the TN State.  :D




    • Haha 3
  6. I agree with you, Randy..... 100%.


    If a person really wants to be fast, ya gotta pull out nearly all the restrictions to find out those 'impossible' limits.


    Soon, the practice sessions will reveal areas of sloppiness that can be worked on.    AND, those fast practice sessions

    will also reveal that your previous 'limitations' are changing because your speed has improved.


    Assuming you don't have any restrictive health issues,  you gotta believe in yeowndangself and believe those

    'unreachable' speeds are actually not impossible to reach.


    Sooooooo, I would suggest you practice hard and practice fast.

    At a match, its o.k. to throttle back a little.   But when its practice time again, as Randy stated, ya gotta practice

    fast to know your speed limits..... and then exceed it.


    You might be the next 'speedmeister'.







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  7. I might add...... "PROPER" practice is most important.


    Its easy to get sloppy and use bad techniques in dry firing.   So be cautious.

    Some of the posters above have world class credibility in shooting Duelist.   Take their advice wisely.


    Another world champ duelist is TN Williams.   I'll call him on the phone and get him to post some

    info for you.   Then one day........ you can kick his butt.     :lol:




    • Like 5
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  8. Wouldn't it be funny if some of these folks that have been missed were somehow put on

    the 'Ignore' list by some Pards in the past and then forgotten about..... ;)


    And now, after a few years, some are wondering what really happened to them........when all along,

    they've been right here with us..... :lol::D




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  9. Walter & Leroy got ambushed by a couple Coyotes a few months back.


    Walter quickly grabbed the phone and starting dialing for help.


    Leroy said: "Quack, quack, quack"..... (who you calling?)


    Walter said: "Quack, quack, quack"..... (I'm dialing 9-1-1 for the Police.)


    Leroy said: "Quack, quack, quack"..... (Tell em some varmints are stealing the Donuts. They'll get here quicker)


    When Walter hung up the phone, Leroy ask: "Quack, quack, quack"..... (well, what did the Police say)


    Walter said: "Quack, quack, quack"..... (sorri, we don't respond to Quack callers)



    Those 2 crazy ducks never cease to amaze me.




  10. YIKES.


    Well, now you fellers know why I DON'T bet on sporting games, especially football.


    I was hoping the Falcons would take home the prize but just let it slip away.


    Congrats to the Patriots and all their fans.


    Its a 60 minute game..... and the Falcons showed up to only play 45.




  11. when a skunk gets run over and lies dead in the road, you only smell it after you drive by.


    You never pick up the scent until you drive past the skunk.


    BUT, when you drive back by it again from the other direction, you only smell it again after you drive by it.


    WHY don't we ever smell the skunk on the 'approach', no matter the direction of the approach?





  12. my new toy is a SIG P220 in 10mm. I think its called the 'Match Elite'.


    Anyhow, I want to dress it up with either a good 'on top of the slide' reflex sight with maybe a Leupold Delta Point or attach a good rail attachment light/green laser gizmo like a Veridian unit.


    Any experience with these?


    The pistol will mainly be used for some close range Coyote's (day and night) and possibly some close range (under 40 yards) groundhogs.


    p.s. - I leaning towards the Veridian rail attachment light/green laser gizmo.





  13. When I worked for Civil Service, I had a terrific boss, who was actually Director, Civil Service.


    But she also knew that I would make up a bunch of stuff to tell everyone, as though she said it. I think she thought it was kinda funny and added a little flavor to the office.


    Anyhow, anytime I had to go to her office about anything, I would sometimes walk out of her office going backdown a hallway to my office and I would loudly tell everyone..... "Vicki says there won't be any pay raises until morale improves".




  14. Wait till someone brags on how well your fried seafood tastes and you explain that Mountain Oysters do not come from the ocean. :ph34r:




    now that is a classic.


    And I can hear someone asking..... "where did you get the Mtn Oysters"?




  15. Mgmt never understands and at oft times, looks down their noses at US working class folks.


    Like one Christmas, our office had a party where everyone brought a dish from home with a favorite 'recipe'.

    Well, I happen to have an ole oriental recipe that I thought would really enlighten everyones holiday spirits.


    During the luncheon, a couple folks enquired as to the flavorful dish I brought from home and I told them it was...'Tennessee Long Tail Rabbit'.


    They said..... "Tennessee Long Tail Rabbit. Never heard of it".


    I looked at them and said..... "CAT".


    They just don't have a sense of humor..... :lol::lol::lol:




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