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Widder, SASS #59054

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Posts posted by Widder, SASS #59054

  1. TJB,   here are just a few of the best, atleast those I am aware.   Hopefully, you can find some YouTube videos on them.


    Red Knee

    Deuce Stevens

    Sante Fe River Stan

    Missouri Traveler


    Hells Comin

    Copperhead Joe

    The Outlaw Travis James

    Arcadia Outlaw

    Midwest Hale (fast Cowgirl)

    AND, the fastest I've had the pleasure of seeing..... Gut C Gunman and his brother, Scrap P.


    There may not be a video of him, but PHANTOM is pretty darn fast with his 97 also.


    I'll probably think of a few more after I finish my Nanner Split......... 😀





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  2. 2 hours ago, DeaconKC said:

    Don't remind him or he'll be licking old calendars!


    AND.... calendars were free back then.   Everybody offered free calendars.


    A good milkshake was 25 cents.   A good doughnut was  5 cents.

    I no longer drink many milkshakes nor eat a good doughnut.


    But I still shoot a lot of .22's.   😀




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  3. 17 hours ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

    Come on up and shoot with us in Las Vegas; 117 Saturday (real feel 119) and 122 Sunday (real feel 125).


    Nice and cozy.


    Jedi Creeker,

    There are some on this Wire that have thought you were crazy......... and you may have just confirmed it... 😀



    Of course, I'm not one of them..... 😇


    I like summer and warm/hot weather..... but it sure can take its toll on some of us if we push our luck.

    Those temps are beyond my limits, unless I have a death wish.

    Have fun!




  4. PRIMERS........ I wish I could post a picture.


    I have a Brick of CCI large magnum pistol with a $7.95  price sticker on it.

    Actually, I have 2 of those bricks.  Yes... 1000 primers per brick.




    • Like 2
  5. Y'all be careful.   I find it a little hard to breathe in hot weather (95 and up).


    I love warm summer days, but it can be hard on ya and before ya know it........ you're zapped and bad things

    can happen.




    • Like 2
  6. WOW..... I love these stories.

    Here's another of mine:


    I was born in 51, so at around 1960 and visiting Grandpa's farm in the country, I fell in love shooting one of his boys .22 Remington.

    It was the semi-auto model and really a nice rifle.   


    Back then, Mr. Caton owned the local Mom/Pop neighbor store and he always stocked a few boxes of .22 ammo.

    I don't remember the price but some of us boys could always tell a 'yarn' about how good we could shoot a .22 rifle,

    especially with that ammo that could shoot.  "........ 1 Mile".

    I faintly remember he carried boy Remington-Peters and Winchester-Western brand.

    And I remember the potbelly stove he kept in his store for heating during the winter.   Such fond memories.


    Kinda funny how the topic of .22 ammo can bring back memories for many of us.

    My older brother's first .22 rifle was the Nylon 66.

    Mine was the Winchester 9422.   When my daughter was born in 93, I bought her a new 9422 that very week of birth.

    She's 31 now and that rifle is now sitting in her safe, along with the original box.

    Its been shot...... but its still in new condition.




    • Like 4
  7. I thought I would inventory some of my stash of .22 ammo.


    Some of it is old...... darn old.


    I found a 50 round box of CCI Blazers priced at .97-cents.

    AND... I found a 50 round box of Winchester-Western .22 LR priced at .89-cents.


    And I've got some CCI .22 LR in the 100 round packs with a sub $2 price sticker on em.


    Sure wish I had bought a few cases of those way back in those 'good ole days'.


    Back around the mid-80's, a friend of mine and I picked up a case (5000 rounds) of Winchester .22 LR at a gun show for

    $100 even.   Of course, back in the mid 80's, my friend and I were lucky to have $100 between us, especially after paying

    about $6 to get into the gun show in Knoxville.


    I still feel blessed to have $100 in my pocket.... But my friend has become a multi-millionaire and has been overly kind to

    me with a couple nice gifts thru the years.  He gave me a Like New Remington Nylon 66.   Really love that rifle.

    And, he gave me a darn nice Marlin model 101, which was a single shot .22 rifle that requires the bolt to be pulled back to

    manually cock the rifle.  What is neat about his rifle is that the cocking bolt is shaped like a 'T', which makes it easy to grasp

     to cock.


    P.S. - The friend I referenced IS NOT TN Williams.   He too tight to give ya anything, BUT..... he has offered me my money back

    on those .22 ammo.    Mighty kind of him, don't ya think?




    • Like 9
    • Haha 5
  8. 9 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

    I'll bet if you kept the stats that misses also increase when it is really hot.


    Howdy SD.

    Some of those 'Misses' are probably missed because the spotters are also getting hot and having attentive issues.  😀




    • Like 4
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  9. Just curious.

    In today's match, it was hot.  


    The stages were relatively simple and no obvious 'P traps' or shooter ambushes.


    BUT........ it seemed that thru-out the match (and not just one particular stage) there seem to be an unusual amount

    of 'P's earned.


    Just wondering if at your hot weather matches if the 'P's increase in relation to rising temps.


    And yea..... I earned one also.  😊




  10. 9 hours ago, DeaconKC said:

    Best rumor I heard lately was that Widder and Tennessee Williams actually like each other!


    He is a likable feller................AS LONG AS HE STAYS IN HIS PART OF TENNESSEE and don't come over into my part.   😀




    • Haha 3
  11. This is just too good to keep secret, soooooooo, here is the story.


    The 'Identity' of TN Williams wife was recently stolen.

    As I was expressing my thoughts and displeasure of such news,

    he told me that whoever stole it was spending LESS than she did.

    So, he decided not to report it stolen.   😀


    Ya gotta love his outlook on life!





    • Haha 10
  12. Hey Scarlett..... :wub:


    There is a post on the thread about 158 grain bullets and H110 powder that states "Outlaw Bullets is under new ownership".


    I'm guessing that somebody has your company name mixed up with another company and is highly confused.


    As for me, I haven't heard any negative rumors concerning your excellent bullets.   Keep up the good work.





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  13. 11 hours ago, Garrison Joe, SASS #60708 said:

    If the mag follower seems not to push shells hard enough to shove out the rounds, first clean and inspect the mag tube for dirt, fouling, rust, etc.  Then check and perhaps replace the mag tube spring.  My previous recommendation has been to trim off extra spring so that uncompressed spring is 4" longer than the mag tube.  I'm now believing and switching my 97s to have more spring - about 6" extending.  Just enough I can still load 6 rounds in the tube.  Mag tube springs DO get weaker with age and use!


    good luck, GJ


    This ^ would be the most logical advice to start with.   GJ give good info.




    • Like 1
  14. Call Fast Eddie first and see if he has any available at this time.


    Your other options are wisely numbered.


    Best regards




    • Like 4
  15. Is the statement...... "I got nothing" a paradox or oxymoron?


    Is the statement...... "I have nothing" a correct statement?


    To imply you "got" or "have" indicates ownership or possession of 'something'.    If you 'got' nothing or if you 'have' nothing,

    contradicts the usage of "nothing".


    Our English language is strange...... yet fully understandable to those of us who speak it..... :lol:




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  16. I was taught:


    "The dog stood on the burning deck,

    a ring of fire was around his neck.....

    Hot Dog".


    I hated my English classes..... but I know the difference between There, They're, Their.

    And I kinda know the difference between TO, TOO and TWO.


    And I know a preposition is the worse word to end a sentence............ with.   (I had to do it).  :P




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  17. Since I was a kid (back in the 50's and 60's), Thunder Road and Robert Mitchum was always one of my favorite

    movies/songs.    WHY?


    Because I lived in Knoxville, right close to Kingston Pike, where the REAL character is 'rumored' to have

    died while running from them revenuers.   The story is told of a real person, BUT..... I'm not sure any actual

    death happed from a crash on Kingston Pike.   But those of us who lived close to there thought it must have

    because it was in the movies... ;)


    NOPE, I don't actually remember when/or if it happened, but I did live close to that spot, ....."Right outside of Knoxville".




    • Like 2
  18. Mad Major,

    In my 20+ years as a SASS member and Cowboy shooter, the 158 grain bullets are probably the least favorites for our 

    normal match setups.

    As mentioned in a previous post, the 105 and 125 grainers are the most popular in the .38/.357 caliber.


    Your loads don't have to kill the steel....... just 'ring' it.


    Go to the match.  Ask questions.   And be prepared to shoot a little because you may be invited to shoot a stage

    or two.   And if someone loans you their guns, feel free to use them....along with THEIR ammo.

    Most of us don't like 'unknown' ammo to be used in our firearms.




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  19. 15 hours ago, Mad Major said:

    yes, I was tracking its a full power load.  I was wanting to use the Hornady LSWCHP bullet for full power hunting or self defense cause it is cheaper than the XTP.


    Needless to say, but you've probably spent more time and money on all the stuff to remove lead buildup on your revolver

    then you would have spent on a box of some really good jacketed hunting bullets, or even some gas checked,

    hard cast bullets for hunting.




    • Like 7
  20. Some the the hardest work will be when somebody else tried to 'smith' a gun and failed.

    Then YOU get that 'reworked' gun to fix.


    Its one thing to fix a factory 'gremlin'.

    Its a totally other ballgame to fix an 'owner induced' gremlin.




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  21. No doubt, he will be missed.


    Writers such as he kept my interest in the monthly gun magazines.  Enjoyed his articles.


    Condolences to his family and close friends.




  22. 54 minutes ago, Santa Fe River Stan,36999L said:

    Hey Joe....contact Delta Glen......send me a PM if you don't have his info




    I would do THIS ^^^. first.




  23. 1 hour ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:

    my Marlin .32 Mag has a really short stroke


    Yes, indeed.  And the SS is from the factory design.

    And those .32 H&R mag rifles are rare as a hen's tooth.


    Rumor has it that only about 600 were ever produced.

    Once set up right, smoothed, etc........ it can be one of the finest rifles to own and super fun for CAS.




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