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Widder, SASS #59054

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Posts posted by Widder, SASS #59054

  1. A barrel maker like Shilen might make a special one for you with one of their barrels.


    They made a special barrel for me a few years back AND they also attached it to the receiver.


    There are some gunsmiths who produce octagon barrels, but mostly for pistols, due to length restrictions of their machinery.


    My first step would be call Henry firearms and ask who makes their barrels, or even produces the blanks. That might help you somewhat.




  2. Widder, I sure wish Marlin would hire you to straighten out their 1894 production problems.


    Remington contacted me about my 1894 work but so far, the communications have been limited.


    One of their employees have one of my Widdermatics, which I modified on a new 1894 in .38/.357.

    When I returned that rifle back to their employee (fully modified), I documented 9 QA issues in that rifle.


    They are aware of this rifle and of those QA issues I found.


    As for any other communications, they have indicated a desire to talk with me again.


    This contact was initiated by Remington, not me.


    I did express my willingness to help them, basically with problems they seem to have with feeding and timing issues.


    Quite frankly, I doubt anything will become of it.




  3. LARSEN,


    You and I are just alike in that WE BOTH are in charge of our house.


    Anytime I want to scrub my floors, my wife knows better than to try and stop me or discourage me..... :lol::lol::lol:




  4. ANY powder usable for the .45 ACP for an appropriate 160-180 grain LEAD bullet is good for the C45S cartridge.


    I used 160-180 grain bullets with Clays and Red Dot for 3+ years and loved it.


    I have recently tried Clean Shot and also found it a good powder choice.


    And these powders were used in my Ruger 3.5" barrel pistols.


    I haven't tried any of those powders you listed, so therefore, I don't have much to say about them in the C45S case.




  5. Lost Vaquero,


    The carrier in the CBC is basically the same as the carrier in non CBC models, respective of caliber of course.


    The problem that may occur is that some carriers have bad timing, even when new from the factory, and will give erratic performance with shorter OAL ammo.




  6. The Marlin 1894 does not have to be short stroked in order to handle the C45S cartridge, nor does a separate carrier need to be utilized.


    The 'impossible' function of the Widdermajik (not Widdermatic) allows the rifle to function with the C45S, 45 Schofield and the .45 Colt cartridge lengths interchangeably.


    p.s. - I have been told by a couple gunsmiths and numerous Marlin owners that the function of the WIddermajik is suppose to be impossible..... until those same folks actually operate one.




  7. J.Frank,


    in reference to your last question, case length does not matter. BUT, OAL of your ammo does matter because your initial timing is critical when loading shorter ammo.


    Hope this helps.






    I've owned about 6 model 41's since the mid 70's.


    Wish I had kept a couple of them.


    Ten's of thousands of rounds and none of them ever failed.


    I could buy a new one thru the S&W Performance Center but I honestly think my Buckmarks will more than keep me happy.




  9. WOW, Congratulations to both Seamus and Sue on their new family members.


    Seamus, this Saturday, my daughter will open the original box with a Winchester 9422 inside. As pristine as when I bought it in April 1993....... at her birth.





    ..........Widder (Walkin in a WidderWonderLand)

  10. Mongo,


    You will probably really like the Victory with that option.


    Volquartsen is also making aftermarket barrels for the Victory, which give you even more options.


    See you in the spring time... when the weather is warmer..... :)




  11. 25 replies, 18 powders. Seems like a pretty forgiving round!



    Howby CR.


    Pretty much.


    Available load data and components are numerous.


    And because a lot of Pards own, shoot and reload for the 9mm, a lot of good info is from experience shooters.


    Hope You and Yours have a Merry Christmas.




  12. MONGO,


    I've heard a couple good comments about the Victory .22 pistol. I haven't heard anything bad.


    Slater and I both own Browning Buckmarks.

    He has the Contour URX in both 7.25" and 5.5"


    I own the Buckmark Carbon Fiber with 4.0" and the Buckmark Firld Target in 5.5"


    The Buckmark is an outstanding .22 pistol.


    Get into YouTube and check out all the videos on all types of .22 pistols and those videos might help you decide before you buy.




  13. YUL,


    of the semi auto pistols I am familiar, the trigger has a 'reset', which means the trigger must be relieved somewhat for the internals to function correctly for the next shot.


    Please note that I did not say the trigger has to be 'released' from your finger but rather 'relieved' a little to reset the action correctly.

    Some semi autos have a great reset distance while others have a short reset, like the SIG P320, which is a striker fire pistol.




  14. With his Sleigh piled high

    and full of good cheer

    He tuned on his GPS

    and flew to the southern hemisphere


    A shotgun for Doc

    and a rifle for Darlin

    Some pistols for Duke

    bringing cheers of good holler'n


    First stop at the 'Pines'

    for Lemonade and glitter

    The team would get thirsty

    while flying down to Widder's.



    ..........Widder (Walkin in a WidderWonderLand)

  15. So, based on the info above, Dillon is selling those Gunslinger springs using an advertising name of Lee Fisher, which is Ringo..... although Rowdy Yates owns (or did own) the company.


    Tha advertisement actually reads:


    Gunslinger Spring Kits

    From Lee Fisher, one of the premier "cowboy gunsmiths".


    Is that ad referencing Ringo or Rowdy?




  16. Reference: Dillon January 2017, page 54


    The advertisement for Gunslinger Spring Kits list a 'premier cowboy gunsmith' with the name of Lee Fisher.


    What is or WHO IS the cowboy name of Lee Fisher?

    I wish Dillon had also listed the cowboy name.







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