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Widder, SASS #59054

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Posts posted by Widder, SASS #59054

  1. Do any of you have a 'pet' load you prefer in your 10mm.


    I plan to get a SIG P220 in 10mm. There is plenty data in the manuals but I'm wondering if any Wire Pards might have a good PET load to share.


    If my PM box is full, feel free to email me at:





    Much thanks,



  2. Good Post, J Bar.


    I was wondering why the OP had ruled out a Marlin.


    Its not like they can't run 10 shots in under 2 seconds, with proper mods and tuning.


    And its not like the Marlin can't run thousands of rounds and still be tough as an anvil.


    I like the 73's and 92's. But if a person is looking for a rifle, ya owe it to yeself to also check out a couple Marlins.




  3. If I remember correctly:


    2 years ago, Ohio State lost a home game and finished the season with a Natl Championship


    Last year, Alabama lost a home game and finished the season with a Natl Championship.


    This year, Clemson lost a home game and finished the season with a Natl Championship.



    Vegas will probably post odds on this happening, or not happening, again.




  4. Congrats to Clemson and all their fans, supporters, etc...


    Bama played a good game but they seem kinda 'lack luster'.


    I'm not any kinda football wizard, but I felt like their offence was missing Kiffin (and I'm not a Kiffin fan).




  5. Thanks EVERYONE.


    I checked out the website info and although it appears that their specialty is 'engraving and checkering', I will probably contact them about 'stippling'.


    Thanks again.




  6. I'm with Rooster on this one. I own the DVDs and have watched it several times.


    My own family is part of a famous feud. If you go to certain parts of the southern highlands of Scotland some folks will say, "Feuding like the [my name] and Colquhouns." We feuded for 400 years and killed a lot more of each other than did the Hatfields and McCoys! The king even had to step in between us several times.


    Was your feud over something worthwhile like a pig?




  7. So.......you want laser cut precision irregularities


    Howdy Wyatt.


    I couldn't think of a better description although stippling does have a specific 'design'.


    Anyhow, there is a difference between stippling and checkering.




  8. That was interesting.


    I wonder how many of them had serious back problems later in life..... plus I wonder how old some of them lived.


    That kind of work would probably kill me before lunch time..... :o




  9. Thanks PAT...yes, that is what I refer to as 'stippling'.


    Checkering is an 'organized' pattern where stippling has no set pattern.


    Larsen and Chief Rick: Thanks for the recommendation.




  10. Who does good laser 'stippling' on wood?


    If ya got any good recommendations, post em please.


    If ya got any that I need to stay away from, send me a PM.






  11. I like Costner in his movies, but I agree.


    Costner doesn't carry a 'character' like Duvall does. Of course, this is just my opinion.


    I liked that mini series but it did drag on somewhat.


    Besides, my boss (before I retired), is a Hatfield. She married into that same 'Hatfield' blood line. It made watching the mini series a little more interesting.




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