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Widder, SASS #59054

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Posts posted by Widder, SASS #59054

  1. BLKWTR,


    they stick it to ya with the truck. THEN, they stick it to ya with bad ball joints. And to top it all off, they put temporary rubber on the road and try to make you feel like you got a good deal.


    If ole Mr. Goodyear knew what they were doing with his rubber, he would roll over in his grave..... :o


    Next thing ya know, we'll have to put a new light in the front grill or a new battery in the radio..... :o:o


    p.s. - at least my truck has lasted longer than the groundhogs and most crows in this area..... :lol::lol::lol:




  2. 261,500 miles later, my 2001 little Toyota Tacoma busted a balljoint this morning.


    Obviously a bad investment on my part back in 01..... ;)


    I'll probably have to put some gas in it next..... :o





  3. I'm waiting.


    I think it might pass.


    Suppressors might have to be purchased like a firearm with a background check requirement, but no special tax or waiting period required.


    This of course, is just an assumption on my wishful thinking.




  4. Howdy KEY. Missed you at the NC State last summer. I plan to be there again this year, which I think is in November. Hope your Marlins are running well.


    Warden: You must be talking about my Warthog, firesnortin .32 Marlin..... :lol::lol::lol:

    My opinion, but the .45 in a lever rifle like the Marlin or Rossi can become a very formidable round for deer, hog or bear, when loaded properly. As I've stated before, a good handload in a short barrel rifle can give the same ballistics as a .454 Casull in a 6" barrel pistol.

    Hope all is well with you.




  5. Its common knowledge that we can get our 66's, 73's and 92 rifles with little efforts.


    And we can get our Rugers, Cimmaron and Taylor SIX Shooters with little efforts.


    When it comes to SG's, some are a little harder to acquire, AND so are some Marlins.


    But I thought I would share a little known secret that might help some of you Pards who are looking for a Marlin 1894.


    Boomstick Jay. That Texas outlaw/renegade feller is hiding all of them at his bunkhouse. This is unsolicited info but if I were looking for a specific 1894 Marlin (32-20; 25-20, .32 H&R, .38, 44, 45) I would pick up my phone and call him at his hideout down in TX.


    Matter of fact, I think I might try to weasel a .45 Colt Cowboy out of his hands.





  6. The ability to switch between grip frames is being way over-hyped imho. From the linked article;


    "If you want to change from a 9mm to a 45ACP gun you don’t need a new firearm, just pay $350 to your parts supplier of choice and a conversion kit will arrive at your doorstep with everything you need to get running with your new chosen caliber…no FFL required. Or if you want to go from a full size gun to a compact carry version, $400 for a new barrel and grip is all you need."


    An additional $350 and $400.00 puts me in the used gun market. Even if I have to add some change I have two complete guns. As a admitted gun crank give me two handguns over one any day of the week.


    My comment isn't intended to be pro/con Beretta, 1911, etc.....


    But I will comment on Seldom Seen's post about the cost of switching calibers, gun sizes, etc.... on the P320.


    As mentioned before, I like BOTH of mine. And SS is correct in the fact that the cost factor of a new gun vs. buying barrel/grip from SIG was the exact reason I bought a whole new pistol.


    Paying out $350-400 was just too close to the price of a NEW gun and I choose to buy a new P320 in .357 SIG to go with my 9mm.




  7. Hey Widder! I want to see a video of you shooting that 10mm at night!


    I'll be sure to make up some 'special' fireballs for you and do some night shooting. Probably this spring.


    Side note: Spent the day with Curly Bill Kelly putting the final touches on a Marlin 1894 Cowboy converted to the .45 ACP

    Its set up to run .45 ACP with anything from a 160 grain lead slug up to the 230 round ball.


    If I can tweak the ejections of empties a little better, its gonna be a super fine little rifle.




  8. I own two P320's


    9mm and .357 SIG.


    They are great pistols. Mine have been 100% reliable and consistently accurate.


    I like those SIG so much, I also got me a new P220 Elite in 10mm. Ain't had time to shoot it yet but I expect it to be a hoss.




  9. He is a great singer. Another you wouldn't suspect is Jim Nabors. He did an amazing version of the Impossible Dream.


    He not only sang The Imp Dream at special events, charities, etc..... but he also sang it in one of his 'Gomer Pyle, USMC' episodes.


    Question: Didn't Festus also appear and sing in 'She Wore A Yellow Ribbon'?




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