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Badlands Bob #61228

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Posts posted by Badlands Bob #61228

  1. If you've got a personal preference for the larger calibers, go for it.  However, the vast majority of Cowboy shooters are using 38 special rounds because they are relatively easy to reload and the components are less expensive than the larger calibers.  More bang for your buck.  


    If shooting the larger, more expensive calibers is what you like, then that is perfectly acceptable, but you don't get extra credit for it.  Precision accuracy is not really an issue at the ranges we shoot at.

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  2. Wow.  This is an example of why I don't like large crowds and big events on holidays.  They become targets for nut cases and terrorists.  I hope all of our UGA football players were safely under guard in their motel rooms.  My prayers for the victims and the New Orleans Police officers, who will bear a lot of overtime on this one.

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  3. Camping on the range is a big factor when I'm choosing which matches to attend.  36 gallons of fresh water will be fine if you take Navy showers.  Wife and I have gone 5 nights on 40 gallons but that's pushing it.  Don't dump the gray tank on the range.  You won't make any friends that way.  Using the black tank is fine.  Just dump and flush it when you leave the range.   Most campgrounds will let you dump your tanks for $5-$10.


    Quiet time is usually between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. on ranges and is pretty standard at campground too.  Smaller campers usually don't come equipped with inverters.  You can install one to run off the batteries with a small learning curve.  A small $50.00 inverter will run a CPAP machine or the TV set.  I will not run the AC unit.  


    Generators come in all shapes and sizes.  The inverter generators are considerably quieter than the open frame construction generators.   Quiet comes with a cost.  The 2000 watt Honda generators are very good machines but they run about $1,000 and still won't run the standard AC unit.  You can buy two of them and link them together to make it work.  I went with a Champion 3500 watt generator with remote start.  Runs the AC and i can crank it up from inside the camper for that 1st cup of coffee in the morning and I can cut it off without going outside at bedtime.  The only drawback is that it weighs about 100 lbs.  They run about $1,000.  

  4. Effective, but sloppy hit.  I'd give it a C+ only because the victim ended up dead.  Getting caught on camera and leaving shell casings/bullets and possibly a cell phone behind is the mark of an amateur.  Riding away on some rental bicycle/scooter is sloppy too.   Too many leads left for the police to follow up on.  

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  5. I think I'll just sit here and look out the window and watch the mailbox.  I'm waiting on a part to fix my Dillon 650 and a cartridge to fix the drip in the Moen shower faucet.  I'll  be done watching by 7:30 because that's when the Ga / Ga Tech game starts.  


    Uh oh.  The wife just stopped by my perch and told me she needs me to help her wrap gifts today.  

  6. 8 minutes ago, Black Angus McPherson said:

    I've never used a lock out die.  Are they specific to caliber, or is it more of a one size fits all thing?



    The RCBS lockout die comes with several different sized shafts for different calibers.  When properly set, it will lock up the progressive press when there is a double charge or no charge in the case.  It does not help with small powder variations.  Very easy to set up.  I found used ones on Ebay for about 1/2 price.  They only work on straight wall cases.

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