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Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619

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Posts posted by Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619

  1. I like them. They work. My 2011 Sienna has them. Had to replace one after a long time running on flat that I never knew about-- dealer told me at service.


    Beats changing tires or calling AAA for tire change when one is in one's 60s and has done enough of that over the years......

  2. Canadian whiskey is blended whiskey and was traditionally called "rye" in Canada (I have a lot of Canadian relations), but it was not rye whiskey-- i.e., straight whiskey made with a mostly-rye mash (rye the grain, that is). "Rye" back then to a Canadian meant, simply, Canadian whiskey.


    Nowadays, with craft distilling, there are a lot of true rye whiskeys being made, whereas before, there were very few; Old Overholt being the main one.


    So when one hears Canadian whiskey now being called "rye", I'd want to be sure it was truly a rye whiskey.....not just the old nickname back for marketing purposes.

  3. I think we may be losing sight of the original post.

    As usual.

    Right, but the original post basically calls for a false comparison (no offense to the pard). Two totally different actors in most ways, both of whom made some really good, really different Western movies.


    Apart from many personal differences, they represented different eras and outlooks. I suppose that since they "overlapped", that gives rise to these sorts of comparison questions.


    I was born in 1948, but while I grew up watching the great TV Westerns, I never saw a John Wayne Western until I joined SASS in 2004. So I had no sentimentality toward Wayne, and I always have a hard time understanding the Wayne sentimentality that is out there.. But I finally got into Westerns big time back then, and my own personal judgment was that John Wayne was much better, and his movies were much better, than I had expected.


    Nobody ultimately had such a great identification with the Western than John Wayne, with the only possible exception in my opinion being Randolph Scott. But while Scott made some of the truly great Westerns, and I have become a big appreciator of his movies, he never came near the larger-than-life quality of John Wayne.


    You can't really compare Wayne with Stewart, or Eastwood, or several others. You can compare him in many ways with Scott: he was always the solid, upright, laconic hero. He had a charisma that Scott lacked. But, apart from The Quiet Man, and maybe a couple of other examples, John Wayne was not a great romantic actor. Randolph Scott was pretty good in that department: he always got the girl, and often as not, he stole her from somebody else! Wayne was always kind of being disappointed in love in his movies.....

  4. Gosh, Sorry Trailrider. I thought Red asked about any stories about the logistics.


    Current ratio of support troops to line troops is about 7 to 1.

    Yes, I did. An interesting conversation leads in many directions. I am interested in any writings and stories about logistics; a subject that seems to get short shrift in the literature.

  5. Interesting, Ramrod's note that "nobody serves breakfast". In my many times in the UK, I'd say that pretty much every place serves breakfast.....


    I've racked up about 8 weeks total driving in the UK. You adjust quickly; not hard at all.....


    Love the place. As for London; Samuel Johnson said, "when you're tired of London, you're tired of life." I agree with him!

  6. That's exactly right... Uturn... real fleece is wool. Guess folks never saw Jason and the Golden Fleece.


    But if it ain't real wool... or fleece... I don't want it.


    You want to develop a tolerance for cold... stay outside a lot... and go campin' this time of year. I tent-camped over the weekend with a buncha SCV fellas... but I had a log-perch... right close-like to the fire. May be gettin' too old for that. But it is still fun.



    Winter tent camping is great but for me it's "hot camping": an outfitters'-type tent with a wood stove and cots. Do a lot of it with kids and grandkids. I definitely agree you get a tolerance for cold-- as long as you're prepared for it!


    Wool is best, but modern polyester fleece has a place. Both keep you warm if wet, the main thing in winter. I use a lot of wool but still have polypro pullovers and especially long underwear. But mostly I use wool pants and shirts.

  7. Here's a question: does anybody know of a good, readable, even adventurous book about wartime logistics, or logistics units?


    All good military histories will devote some ink to logistics; mostly to acknowledge the importance, etc. They may have an example or two. Everybody knows that an "army travels on its stomach", etc. Everybody pays some passing homage to logistics.


    We all read about how the railroads were torn up, then repaired, in the Civil War, to use just one example. But it never has much detail.


    But is there a really good book (or more) about it? Stories of how the supplies were organized, how they got through tough opposition, on and on? There must have been a lot more guys in logistics than in combat, and there must be many stories to tell, from many eras.


    There must be some little-known gem out there about the subject.....



    The standard answer to that is, "Well, the Germans and Italians didn't launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor!" But that simplistic answer ignores the Nazi spies, and attempted sabotage, in the US.


    My dad's take (as indicated, he was there, with several friends interned) was simpler: you couldn't tell who the "Germans" were.

    As for the Italian-Americans, I don't think anybody ever worried much about them.

  9. My dad had several high school friends who were interned. The Puget Sound area had lots of Japanese-ancestry families, especially in the local farming communities.


    His observation was that it was powerfully unfair but that the early-war hysteria was big, and it served a protective purpose to some degree. But that it went on too long, long after there was any question of necessity.


    One issue seldom talked about is how neighbors, etc. reacted. Some acted very nobly, farming the land, paying the taxes on behalf of their interned neighbors, and banking rents for them. Others far less so; buying their land at forced tax sales and otherwise taking advantage of them without recompense.



    I can see why a non picture carry permit would not work for valid ID. I did not imagine a state would issue a carry permit without the holder's picture on it.


    I don't have a photo on my license to practice law, either. Or some other licenses I have held.

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