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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Posts posted by Phantom, SASS #54973

  1. 27 minutes ago, Dusty Devil Dale said:

    My "cavalier" remark was not directed at you personally, Ph.

    Let's see...you referenced my post...and then used the word "You"...oooookay....


    You seem to want to pretend that this discussion is not in the context of CAS...why are you completely dismissing this fact?


    You write: "The likelihood of it discharging when dropped is very high, when its safety is disengaged (like most of our SGs). (emphasis added by me.)


    What data do you use to make this claim???



  2. 2 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

    Agreed, and I don't do cross-draw. But I do promise to take a closer look. I'll be back to this and another topic, though it may be a few days. I will make well-considered posts.

    There are lots of 180 violations on non-XDraw holsters...



  3. 2 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

    I'll follow up on that, my newbiness considered it for all firearms and am not aware of a different rule for long guns.

    Well you don't holster long guns.



  4. 3 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

    I would call a 180 violation. It is the standard in other sports. SASS is stricter and it makes sense. I like it. Stay away from 180. I'm not promoting using a protractor to make a determination, but do see 170 is not 180 (at a glance). It is a good thing.

    First, the 180 was in reference to clearing and returning a revolver to holster...but...


    If you go to a shoot...someday...go ahead and call every 180 violation...after you've learned about the 180 rule...which is different than the general 170 rule.



  5. 12 minutes ago, Dusty Devil Dale said:

    Since you asked:

    For the last 22 years before I retired, I worked for our State Department of Fish and Game as the Manager of a 12 County region covering much of Central California.  At times, my job included the unpleasant task of leading investigations into hunting accidents occurring on any of our State operated wildlife areas.  I investigated 18 fatal hunting accidents during that time.  Over 1/2 of them were when a hunter accidentally shot and killed a son, daughter, or hunting companion while placing an "unloaded" shotgun into a pickup truck back seat rack or storage compartment.  

    Everyone swore that they had unloaded the guns, but we are human and mistakes happened.  The worst case was a father who killed his 13 y.o. daughter, then committed suicide on the spot, in front of witnesses. 

    Be cavalier as you choose, but there is a reason why we were all taught at some point to "Treat every gun as if it is loaded"

    (Since you asked). 

    Awe shucks...you almost made it through the whole post without attacking my inquiry as "Cavalier"...


    First off, we are not hunting. Completely different environment. To use "Hunting" as an example is a false analogy...unless you actually have an RO, Spotters (3), and a whole host of observers watching the hunter. Then of course in this "game", we have known shots being fired out of a SG that was known to be empty at the beginning of a Stage.


    So nothing on the comment about SG's going off when you drop them...???



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  6. 4 minutes ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

    I remember when the 170 degree rule was a big deal with cross draws and reholstering pistols.  The ROC proposed a new way of holstering pistols.  I found the old videos for those that want to learn a little SASS history.  On paper and in the first video the "Circle of Safety" concept sounded good.  Then when people saw the part two video it became jokingly referred to as the Cone of Death.  Watch if you want otherwise skip to the next post.




    I was initially against the Cone of Death...Safety...now I'm for it.


    NO ONE is consistently calling slight 180 violations. If one actually called all the 180 violations they would have no one to shoot with.



  7. 11 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

    I do hear you hold the best intentions for this sport. Good thing I don't let you turn me off to it. Any new folks should take a lesson from me. Shoot when you can, local clubs are very welcoming whether every month or every year. There is no minimum participation requirement you define.

    I asked a simple question and you reply in a snarky way...I responded in kind.


    And run you off from where??? The Wire????





  8. 9 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

    According to the Florida Center for Instructional Technology (source of clipart), 5 degrees from vertical.


    10 degrees looks bigger:



    I know you like to be cute...rather than like to be an actual CAS'er...


    Well done! You've succeeded!!!



    • Sad 1
  9. Did the shotgun barrels point within 5 degrees from vertical???


    Don't understand the question. It did or it didn't. 


    That said, many folk will give a warning at a monthly match if the violation isn't approaching and egregious one. 



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  10. 7 minutes ago, Erasmus said:

    I, personally, prefer to keep my favorite places clean for the benefit of myself and my pards. Other people are obviously happy to recreate among their own detritus.

    Keeping things clean...and what it is that is polluting are two separate things.


    And are you sure the use of the word "detritus" is appropriate as used?



  11. 31 minutes ago, Erasmus said:

    Not having to stare at plastic shot cups left by other hunters while walking up pheasants or decoying ducks is a couple of good ones. Not having to bend over and pick up shot cups on the cowboy range is another one. 

    You really have an...issue...with plastic wads.


    Perhaps you should make peace with plastic wads.



  12. 9 hours ago, Dusty Devil Dale said:

    When the shooter fell (SG was closed), both hammers released (on empty chambers).

    So...did you tell the shooter that their SG was faulty?

    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Dusty Devil Dale said:

    The likelihood of it discharging when dropped is very high, when its safety is disengaged (like most of our SGs).

    Where do you get the data to make this claim?



    9 hours ago, Dusty Devil Dale said:

    Do you realize how many deaths have occurred from guns that were known to be unloaded?

    No...how many?



    • Like 2
  14. 10 minutes ago, Seminole Sam said:

    There is no 20 Ga pump shotgun that is the right type for this.  20 ga pump shotguns are specifically banned.  It is a rule you actually cannot break as no 20 ga pump is acceptable anyway.


    With 20 GA lever actions they are not mentioned in the rules as not allowed because they do not exist at all in either an acceptable model or not.


    If 7/8 Oz and 45 grains works I am happy with that, I just needed someone with experience to tell me that would work.  I am trying to save on lead, cost of powder is not an issue for me.

    I know the rules...your statement was tragically ambiguous. Hence my question.





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  15. 2 hours ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

    makes them look like refugees from a gypsy camp

    I'm a refugee from the China Camp...


    Soz I'z gots to look good...sometimes...rarely...never mind.



  16. 6 minutes ago, watab kid said:

    Spotters mantra!

    If you see a hit, it's a hit!

    If you think it's a hit, it's a hit!

    If you think it's a miss, it's a hit!

    If you see a miss, it's a miss.

    Slight correction on the last line:


    If you KNOW it's a miss, it's a miss.



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