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Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

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Posts posted by Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

  1. Has anyone bought any of the new Remington shells and reloaded them yet? I always liked the STS hulls to reload, so when I got a chance to buy a flat of 28ga I got them. I have never had so much trouble loading any other hull in my life. First when I sized and deprimed them I had to pull the hull off the decapper pin, I could plainly see plastic around the  hole for the primer, I was thinking that was going to be a pain if I had to fight the hulls off the pin every reload. Then I primed them, primer kept backing out, Plastic was pushing them back out. Had to take a drill, just under primer size and drill the plastic out. Then came the nightmare of crimping, could not get them to crimp right, finally measured the overall length, and the were .06 to .08 longer then AA hulls. So is it just me? Just the 28ga? Or have other people had trouble with the new hulls?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

    plenty of country artists would have jumped at the chance!

    I think the Republican party is trying to ditch that "red neck , country bumpkin" image ,( ironic since they nominated a self professed "hillbilly" for vice pres)  a country act would have enhanced that image among some demographics.

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  3. I actually liked it. Rather listen to her version then Rosanne Barr's. As far as Kid Rock, who else they going to get? Most rock singers are so far left they'd never even let their songs be used by a Republican candidate,  never mind coming to the convention.

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  4. 42 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    That doesn't really make sense.


    Based on what the Luftwaffe did to England in 6 years of aerial war, I would be more inclined to believe that the British would shoot prisoners. Any German prisoners, but especially Air Force.


    Yeah I could see Americans shooting Japanese prisoners, because of what they did the Pearl Harbor. But the Germans didn't really do anything to us.


    Unless it was because of the concentration camps. But then, it would seem like any of the Allies would be killing the Axis on sight, if that was the reason.

    Wouldn't surprise me to find out the SS spread rumors to keep the  troops from surrendering.

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  5. limage.jpeg.041dde19e54df39f779955d6b88eb394.jpeg

    Look at the handle bars in this picture, see how long they are? Some were even longer. When the G.I.s came back from the war many bought motorcycles and customized them. Taking bars like this, putting them on straight up, then bending the ends down is where "ape hangers" came from.

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