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Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

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Posts posted by Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

  1. 4 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

    You just sent a shudder through my digestive system. Having been food poisoned twice by the improper handling of mayo I would never eat unrefrigerated mayo. 

    Wasn't all that long ago that mayo bottles did not state " refrigerate after opening" the vinegar content is high enough to control spoilage. It was probable something else in the food, like onions, that made you sick.  

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  2. My parents made maple syrup for many years after they retired. I love it, better than any commercial syrup. They made the syrup for themselves, so it was made to high standards. I found that early season syrup was lighter and better tasting, late season was darker and stronger flavor. Early season went on food, late season went in cooking. Since they passed I have bought it at stores, roadside stands, anywhere I could find it, none tasted as good as theirs. Recently I found some at Save-a-Lot and Aldis that is quite good, but only the stuff in bottles that I can see through, if the bottle is opaque the tend to fill it with the dark stuff which is only good to add to baked beans.

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