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Subdeacon Joe

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Posts posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. 35 minutes ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

    After the Iowa turret explosion in the 80’s, the physical capability to repair it didn’t exist anymore, even if they had the personnel. 


    Which is a sad comment on the state of American manufacturing. 

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  2. We all know that Santa lives at the North Pole.



    But have you ever stopped to consider the implications of that?



    It means that Santa is North Polish!




    Lordy!  Sometimes I just sleigh myself!



    Thank you,  thank you!  I'm here all week.   Try the veal schnitzel.   Remember to tip your waitress. 



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  3. Seen here the late actress Honor Blackman once spoke about how The Avengers launched her as "a pin-up as the smart, sexy, gun-wielding, judo throwing anthropologist Cathy Gale. 'I really did go to judo classes,' she says. At the age of 38 she was cast as Pussy Galore in Goldfinger", and if you ever wondered if she really was a natural action star: “When I was in the Civil Service I became a dispatch rider, because all the men were at war they asked girls to volunteer to learn how to ride a motorbike and go from hospital to hospital in an emergency carrying blood. Sadly I never got to because no-one ran out, but we used to ride across London- it frightened my mother to death. I was known as Top Gear Tessie. I remember riding on the A4 from London to Oxford with my feet on the petrol tank singing at the top of my voice, quite a gal was our Honor.



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  4. One thing that I do really fault him for is the trend he started for former presidents of his party trying to stay in the public view, acting as if they still have some sort of power or authority, inserting themselves, unasked, into international politics. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, Charlie Harley, #14153 said:

    Yes, he did. President Carter was also a brilliant engineeyr


    Which I think often worked against him. He got too involved and interested in the details and managing them and lost sight of the overall picture.   Or became distracted from the overall picture. 


    People blame him for inflation, but forget the group fornication of an economy he inherited from Ford.  We were already in a recession with inflation starting to run away. Remember Ford and hus Whip Inflation Now buttons?  And his tax hikes to fight inflation and almost immediate tax cuts to boost the economy?  (I remember one of my friends in high school showing up wearing one of those.  "You've got to be kidding!  You don't really believe that,  do you?"  To which he replied, "Sure I do.  'Won't Indict Nixon'!")



  6. Found on FB.  The difference in the face of the gunport opening is due to it being work in progress.  Ridges are from the drilling to cut the opening. 



    "An excellent example of how thick battleship armor was! 

    The turret faceplate of a United States Navy battleship being prepared at the Bethlehem Steel Plant in 1941. Compare the thickness of the faceplate with the worker standing next to the far corner of it. 

    Sadly, the photo does not list the battleship to which this turret faceplate belonged. Since the photo is listed as being 1941, this turret faceplate is likely being produced for one of the South Dakota class battleships (it might possibly be intended for one of the first two Iowa class battleships, but the South Dakota class seems more likely).

    If this was for the South Dakota class battleships, the turret faceplate would be 406mm (16") of Class B armor. This armor would then be attached to a STS (Special Treatment Steel) backing plate of 64mm (2.5") for a total thickness of 470mm (18.5"). 

    The turret faceplate of the Iowa class was slightly thicker. The armor was 432mm (17") of Class B armor plate. This would be attached to a 64mm (2.5") STS backing plate for a total thickness of 495mm (19.5").

    The photo is from the LIFE Magazine Archive,  the photographer is Dmitri Kessel."




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  7. 1 hour ago, Buckshot Bear said:

    Mussels....only ever steamed, that's for us just the ultimate way to cook mussels.


    Steamed with white wine, butter,  and lemon.   


    1 hour ago, Buckshot Bear said:

    Abalone.....I've cooked it and ate it everyway possible, I don't fancy it all that much like people go crazy for it.


    Ever have it as sashimi?  Sliced thin and pounded thinner.  Hit it with a little lime or lemon juice and a pinch of salt.   

    It has such a mild flavor that it's easy to overpower it.  Also easy to overcook it so that it makes shoe leather seem tender.



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  8. 13 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


    Water, of course.:rolleyes:




    13 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


    Gotta have boilt peanuts fresh, The canned ones are nasty. 


    That's what I suspected.  I imagine that they should also be fresh dug, not dried raw peanuts. 

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