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Subdeacon Joe

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Posts posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. Found on FB


    Gettysburg, July 1st, 1863, Railroad Cut. Confederates from Davis's Brigade had sought shelter in the middle railroad cut that was too deep for them to shoot from when they were charged by the 6th Wisconsin, 14th Brooklyn, and 95th NY. Dale Gallon's great print, "The Railroad Cut" shown below, depicts the culmination of the charge as the 6th Wisconsin and 95th NY approach the cut. Below that is my photo of the cut today from the same perspective. The monuments in my shot are the 6th Wisconsin and 95th NY.



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  2. 1 hour ago, Calamity Kris said:

    O Canada! Our home and native land!
    True patriot love thou dost in us command.
    We see thee rising fair, dear land,
    The True North, strong and free;
    And stand on guard, O Canada,
    We stand on guard for thee.

    O Canada! O Canada!
    O Canada! We stand on guard for thee,
    O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.

    O Canada! Where pines and maples grow,
    Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow,
    How dear to us thy broad domain,
    From East to Western sea!
    Thou land of hope for all who toil!
    Thou True North, strong and free!

    O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies
    stalwart sons and gentle maidens rise,
    To keep thee steadfast through the years
    From East to Western sea,
    Our own beloved native land,
    Our True North, strong and free!

    Ruler Supreme, Who hearest humble prayer,
    Hold our dominion within Thy loving care.
    Help us to find, O God, in Thee
    A lasting, rich reward,
    As waiting for the Better Day,
    We ever stand on guard.



    Translation of the original French:


    O Canada!
    Land of our ancestors
    Glorious deeds circle your brow
    For your arm knows how to wield the sword
    Your arm knows how to carry the cross;
    Your history is an epic
    Of brilliant deeds
    And your valour steeped in faith
    𝄆 Will protect our homes and our rights

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  3. 25 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:



    If I were taking my time to read all of this carefully it would have taken a few hours.  Skimming through it took nearly and hour and I only found a few items I would want, but very few that I wanted but were listed in huge amounts.  Who among us really could use a pallet load of Hot Pockets, for example?


    I figured it cost me much more on lost time thanI could possibly have made by taking advantage of their offer.


    Since it's sorted by brand I found it pretty easy to scroll past things I had no use for, e.g. Cerelac or Gerber,  or bottled waters.   Contrarywise, see a brand like  Carnation and figure most of that brand will be included.


    Heck a few Stouffers Lasagna and a box of hot pockets would almost put you there.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

    The author, who apparently isn’t trained Naval personnel or never was has a couple of things that are incorrect.

    The Fleet Navy doesn’t do “Hooyahs”. Or they didn’t then. I truly hope they don’t now. The SEALs used it, but not the rest of the Navy. 

    At morning colors the flag is raised briskly or ”smartly”.  At sunset the colors are lowered slowly. The author has it backwards. 

    Look at 1206 on this pdf.

    https://www.secnav.navy.mil/doni/US Navy Regulations/Chapter 12 - Flags, Pennants, Honors, Ceremonies and Customs.pdf





    Dang!  Is Alpo on vacation and you're substituting for him?  

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:


                 ............ shhhhhhhh ! ....... if he does that he won't have anything to complain about .....  🤐


    Then he will complain about not having anything to complain about  

  6. There are a couple Calfire OV-10As that operate out of Santa Rosa. They fly both as fire observers/directors and as, I guess the term would be Pathfinders for the Grumman S-2s and other air assets,  flying low to show the insertion, and laying a smoke trail where the tankers should drop. 


    Also out of Santa Rosa are a Bell UH-1A Super Huey and a Sikorski S-70i.


    Those helicopter pilots....did any of them make ace?

    Here's another entry in our (growing) "submarine graffiti" chapter for the next book...
    TARGET: The USS Chicago (CG-11), a guided missile cruiser
    PERPETRATORS: Crew members of the USS Permit (SSN-594), a fast-attack submarine
    WHERE AND WHEN: Yokosuka, Japan, 1974
    While moored behind Chicago, two swimmers from Permit with recent UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) training decided to test their skills daringly. With a can of white paint and a brush, they swam to the hull of the cruiser at night. The swimmers chose their timing by first watching the routine of the deck guards circulating on Chicago. A conspicuous set of dolphins was applied to the stern just above the waterline. The duo made it back to Permit unscathed to a sea of high-fives and hooyahs.
    The graffiti wasn’t noticed until early the following morning. There happened to be an admiral aboard Chicago at the time, and he was livid about the egregious lapse in ship security. An all-hands meeting at the pier shortly after the crack of dawn was called by the admiral. He strongly denounced such juvenile behavior as inconsistent with the high standards of the US Navy. During a brief meeting with the Permit CO that ensued, the admiral pointed out that the enlisted man standing topside watch on the submarine the preceding night had to have known about the stunt. The admiral insisted that this sailor be among those compelled to paint over the graffiti. So, the topside watch and a couple of his shipmates boarded a rowboat and started making their way across the short stretch of water to the cruiser to repaint the stern.
    As luck (?) would have it, their transit happened to coincide with morning colors. At exactly 0800, the ensign was slowly raised on all Navy ships (at Yokosuka and elsewhere) while every sailor stood at attention saluting the flag. The national anthem blared from loudspeakers throughout the harbor. This time-honored and sacrosanct tradition was a bedrock of the service, and the three Permit crewmen in the water had no choice but to join in. They dropped their oars and tried to stand up inside the unstable rowboat to face the flag and salute.
    Everyone with a view of the rowboat cast a furtive glance at the pathetic sight in the water. As The Star-Spangled Banner rang out, its stirring passages seemed strangely incongruous with the sideshow created by “The Three Stooges” in the rowboat. Somehow, by using each other to awkwardly balance themselves while attempting to stand, the men managed to avoid spilling into the drink and offered their shaky salutes. When colors concluded, a huge peal of laughter erupted from the crews of both Permit and Chicago.
    PHOTO: Dolphins on the stern! (Courtesy of Mike Beaudet)
    May be an image of 2 people and text
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  8. 4 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:


    You mean the aiding and abetting of a terrorist organization that now controls a country that hasn't been defeated in conquest for the last 1,000 years?

    Nope, I haven't forgotten about that at all. 






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  9. 3 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    I'm still a Pisces and I am so grateful.


    It would have cost me a fortune to get new stationary, business cards, public records, jewelry, new tattoos, an engraved tooth, to change all of my historical documents, and to notify every one I know, do business with, and am respected and worshipped by so they could change all of their records, too.


    Whew!  Dodged a bullet again.



    Don't laugh, he's serious!   :lol:

    Just now, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

    NOOO! Now I'm a TAURUS!





    • Haha 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

    I'm not sure WHERE I am. The website won't even let me read the article! But as long as they don't mess with my Biorhythms, I'm okay. 


    From the article:

    Here are the brand-new astrological dates and signs, if you can bear to look.

    Capricorn: Jan. 20 to Feb. 16

    Aquarius: Feb. 16 to March 11

    Pisces: March 11 to April 18

    Aries: April 18 to May 13

    Taurus: May 13 to June 21

    Gemini: June 21 to July 20

    Cancer: July 20 to Aug. 10

    Leo: Aug. 10 to Sept. 16

    Virgo: Sept. 16 to Oct. 30

    Libra: Oct. 30 to Nov. 23

    Scorpio: Nov. 23 to Nov. 29

    Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 to Dec. 17

    Sagittarius: Dec. 17 to Jan. 20

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