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Subdeacon Joe

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Posts posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. Hmmm....

    "The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One's right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections."
    : Robert H. Jackson, US Supreme Court Justice West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943)

    Seems as if the Court called the RKBA for any reason a fundamental civil right, especially in defense of life, liberty, and property, despite what The Wise Latina claims.


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  2. If the point of a compass was centered on Fresno, California, and a 100-mile radius was drawn, the circle formed would reach across the most vital and productive growing region in the world. 
     Although this 100 Mile Circle covers less than 1% of the total landmass of the U.S., it produces nearly one-half of its fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts – more than 250 different crops rich in the vitamins and nutrients essential to human survival.

    Read the Full Report here: http://bit.ly/The100MileCircle



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  3. 16 minutes ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

    This is a Roman dodecahedron.  They are found all over the empire but concentrated in the northwestern part (Gaul, Germania and Britania).  All the holes are a different size and no one has any idea what it is for.








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  4. More on things our ancestors did:

    In the 1980s, archaeologists uncovered a remarkable Neolithic wooden road near Nieuw-Dordrecht in the Netherlands. This ancient peat road, dating back an impressive 4,573 years, stretches for at least 800 meters. Through the meticulous science of dendrochronology, or tree-ring dating, experts have pinpointed its construction to 2,549 BC.
    This discovery not only highlights the advanced engineering skills of Neolithic communities but also offers invaluable insights into their transportation and trade practices. The road's preservation in the peat bogs has allowed for a rare glimpse into the sophisticated infrastructure of prehistoric Europe.
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  5. 1 hour ago, Alpo said:

    I used to have a dog that would drink out of the toilet. The way to prevent this is put the lid down. And I learned to put the lid down.


    I learned from lots of years doing about 2 large group camping events a month from March through October or early November.   The portapotties are made to properly vent with the lids down.   Having them bake in California Central Valley sun in August and September with people leaving the lid up is rather unpleasant. 

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  6. 40 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:


    1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You are a big girl. If it is up, put it down. We need it up.  You need it down. You do not hear us complaining about you leaving it down.


    Both just put the lid down.   Every time.  Period.   


    Only exception is if you think you may have to rush back in a couple of minutes. 

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  7. Picturesque Character of CaliforniaBy H. D. Barrows - 1896



    Among the native Californians of the olden time who were of families, and who were were also prominent citizens in their day, was Don Antonio Maria Lugo, who was born at the Mission of San Antonio de Padua, of Alta California, in 1775, and who died at his rancho of San Antonio, near the present town of Compton in this county, in i860, at the age of 85 years.

    He was one of the largest land-owners and stock raisers outside of the Missionary establishments in the Californians. The writer of this knew him well; and he remembers vividly his striking appearance as he rode into town on horse back erect, with his sword strapped to his saddle beneath his left leg, he then being an octogenarian.

    He told me at his rancho in 1856, that when he was still a young man, after having served as a soldier under the king of Spain, he obtained per- mission to settle where he then lived, in 1813.

    He said he took a few head of horses and cattle there, and engaged in a small way, in the business of stock-raising, and that afterward he received a concession in legal form of, I think, seven leagues of land, which has since been known as the San Antonio rancho.The grant extended from the Dominguez or San Pedro rancho, one of the four most ancient grants in Alta California, nearly to the low range of hills separating it from the San Gabriel valley, and from the eastern Pueblo boundary to the San Gabriel river. It was one of the finest cattle ranges in the Territory; there was abundance of water on it, and on both sides of it, as the Los Angeles and San Gabriel rivers were not then taken out for irrigation, and there were lines of live willows extending along their banks to near the sea. When I was at his house in '56, there were two large spouting natural wells near by, that discharged immense quantities of water, accompanied by a roaring noise, that could be plainly heard some distance away.

    No wonder that cattle and other animals thrived and increased in numbers wonderfully, and that eventually he had more stock than he knew what to do with. So, as his boys grew up, he obtained a grant in their name of the rancho of San Bernardino which included a considerable portion of the rich and fertile San Bernardino valley; and a part of their cattle and horses were moved to the new grant, where they continued to increase in numbers, as they had done on the home rancho.

    The flocks and herds of the venerable Don and of his sons, like those of the patriarchs of Scripture, ranged over "a thousand hills;" and probably their owners did not know themselves, how many cattle they had.

    Don Antonio named over to me, all the governors of California, down to the coming of "Los Americanos," nearly every one of whom except ot course, the first three, he know personally.


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  9. 22 minutes ago, Father Kit Cool Gun Garth said:



    At least once a day we do something that causes us to say something like, "Do you think we'll ever grow up?" or "I hope we never grow up."


    11 minutes ago, Texas Joker said:

    But fold the bath towels 'wrong' ONCE!


    We would work together to fold the laundry.  After 10 years of watching her refold everything I had done, or rehang her slacks, along with her telling me to "put the seams together!" exactly as I had done, I slowly stopped helping.  About 15 years later, after a few months of her not being able to help with putting it away and me doing all of it, she realized why I had stopped helping, and that it really didn't matter that I folded the towels in a different way, and that , gee, he does put the seams together before putting the slacks on the hanger.  It was getting done, not quite how she did it, but she finally let go of the "there is only one way" mindset.

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  10. 11 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

    Our ancestors were not near as dumb as most people believe.


    That's why I stopped watching History Channel and Discovery, too much of what I call "speculative archeology."  People with a string of degrees, thinking that they can take a 6 hour crash course in something, try recreating what our ancestors did, failing miserably, and declaring that it couldn't have been done by conventional means, so must have been aliens.  Time and lots of muscle power can get a lot of stuff done if you have been raised to do it that way, and started your training in stonework, or carpentry, or whatever skills when you were 7 or younger.  

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  11. https://www.britishbattles.com/jacobite-rebellion/battle-of-prestonpans/


    Battle: Prestonpans

    War: The Jacobite Rebellion of 1745

    Date of the Battle of Prestonpans: 21st September 1745 (Old Style) (2nd October 1745 New Style). The dates in this page are given in the Old Style.

    Contemporary print showing Sir John Cope arriving at Berwick to announce his defeat at Prestonpans: Battle of Prestonpans on 21st September 1745 in the Jacobite Rebellion

    Contemporary print showing Sir John Cope arriving at Berwick to announce his defeat at Prestonpans: Battle of Prestonpans on 21st September 1745 in the Jacobite Rebellion

    Place of the Battle of Prestonpans: South East of Edinburgh in Scotland

    Combatants at the Battle of Prestonpans: The Highland Army of Prince Charles and the Royal Troops of King George II

    13th Dragoons: Battle of Prestonpans on 21st September 1745 in the Jacobite Rebellion

    13th Dragoons: Battle of Prestonpans on 21st September 1745 in the Jacobite Rebellion

    Generals at the Battle of Prestonpans: Prince Charles, Lord George Murray against Sir John Cope

    Size of the armies at the Battle of Prestonpans:  Highlanders: 2,500 men. Royal Army: 2,300 men and 6 guns.

    Winner of the Battle of Prestonpans: Prince Charles’ Army

    British Regiments at the Battle of Prestonpans: This battle is not a battle honour for British Regiments. The regiments present at the battle were: Gardiner’s (13th) and Hamilton’s (14th) Dragoons, Guise’s (6th), Lee’s (44th), Murray’s (46th) and Lascelles (47th) Foot

    Background to the Battle of Prestonpans:
    On 25th July 1745 Prince Charles landed near Moidart in the Highlands of Scotland with seven companions. He raised his standard at Glenfinnan and assembled an army from the clans that supported his bid for the throne. This army marched into Edinburgh on 17th September 1745. The two royal dragoons regiments fled at the highland approach in the infamous “Colterbrigg canter”.

    Account of the Battle of Prestonpans:  General Sir John Cope, the commander of the small royal force in Scotland, had marched to Inverness with his four regiments of foot. Cope brought his troops south to Dunbar by sea and met up with the dragoons. None of his troops, dragoons or foot, were experienced or even adequately trained. Cope’s artillery can only be described as a “scratch” force comprising invalids and seamen under by one aged gunner. Cope marched North along the coast road towards Edinburgh.






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  12. Legend is that one of his servants, every day, pulled the ball, dumped the powder, and reloaded them.

    Have to remain in France?   I would assume that it was a Frenchman who bought them.  Imagen buying something like that an not being able to take it home.


    Napoleon gave the guns to his friend Armand de Caulaincourt in 1814.


    The French government declared the guns a National Treasure on Wednesday, meaning that they can't leave the country.

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  13. 19 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

    Live rounds got onto the set. Reportedly from some on the set firing the pistol. Responsibility for this would go to the armorer for not capturing the situation, and the producer (Baldwin) for allowing it.


    Have also heard the producer may have interfered with the armorer.


    But he did fire the gun killing someone. And to the extent the armorer was present and loaded a live round, she does share responsibility.


    From what I recall of the reports, the day before some had taken it out for some plinking.  How it wasn't unloaded and cleaned is beyond me.  The armorer wasn't there, it was an assistant director that picked the revolver up off a table, handed it to Baldwin while saying "Cold Gun."   

    Or that was the initial report.  In court he said it was the armorer who handed it to Baldwin.  Interesting is that he had been fired a couple of years before on a different project when "a gun went off" and caused injury to a cast member.  

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