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Subdeacon Joe

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Posts posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. 57 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

    City planners and code enforcement got wise to what occurs in California when a Starbucks or In & Out Burgers wants to build a new restaurant and they make them show how they will route customer vehicles without disrupting traffic or access to other businesses. 
    If their plan is inadequate they don’t get to build. 




    But then those same planners will just pencil whip through an 800 unit housing project with only one entrance/exit onto a 2 lane road, claiming that it will have no impact on local traffic. 

    • Like 3
  2. 38 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    Ya wanna get that out of yer head?




    GoodGAWD that's an annoying voice! And, as Tom Lehrer said,  the most sanctimonious song ever written. 


    What's really ironic about that song,  written mocking the supposed conformity of the huge housing tracts of Daly City,  CA, is that the folk singers like her advocated for a state-imposed, Stalinesque conformity.


    Another irony is that those housing tracts allowed both lower income workers as well as "disadvantaged minorities" who were banned from living in better areas by racial exclusion laws to enter into the housing market for the first time.   Basically,  she was mocking exactly what she was advocating for with her political activism.


    Daly City:



  3. For the most part coffee is coffee.  I set up the coffee machine just before I go to bed,  in the morning I punch the brew button and by the time my morning rituals and ablutions, it's ready.


    About 25 years ago we'd walk over to the local Starbucks on a Saturday morning for a splurge on one of the dessert coffees after breakfast.  Sometimes we'd join the local cops since we knew them from the range, sometimes just sip as we walked home. 


    Any more I'll only buy at a coffee shop if we're out and about and my travel cup has gone dry, or if I want a specific type of coffee,  usually Yirgacheffe or Sidamo.  20 oz, 2 sugar or honey. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

    Gee thanks, just got rid of one in my head now this! It is a cute song but I need to listen to something else now to get this out!



    Ahhhh.....the curse is broken!  I'm FREEEEE!!!



    • Haha 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    They are good. But it threw me there when they went from The Lone Ranger to the Can-Can. Had to listen to it again to see what happened. I still haven't placed that third song before it went back to William Tell.


    Only two,  William Tell and Galop Infernal. 

    • Like 1
  6. Winchester employee with an M1 Garand Receiver after forging prior to the machining process at the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Factory in New Haven, Connecticut during WW2

    Winchester was contracted to produce the M1 Garand in 1940 with the first completed rifle rolling off the production line on January 10, 1941.

    By the time Winchester ceased M1 production in 1945, they had produced a total of 513,880 M1 Garand Rifles.

    Winchester Repeating Arms Company Archives
    Buffalo Bill Center of the West - P.20.3019.1




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  7. 39 minutes ago, Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L said:

    Unfortunately, the "Maths" as the Brit's say, are necessary.  Due to the vast distances, and the inherent Doppler shift from the expanding universe, the majority of the "Light" we can detect is not in the visible spectrum.  The astronomers and astrophysicists utilize the spectral signature of certain elements in sunlight to shift the spectrum back into the visible range to produce the images that we see.  Certainly, there is some amount of artistic license, but the scientific process is documented and repeatable, so I for one will accept the images as published and marvel at the beauty of the universe.


    If you want to check out some of the science behind this, check out Dr. Becky on YouTube.  She is an English astrophysicist (Dr. Rebecca Smethurst) with a very informative channel and she is a major fan of JWST.  She does a monthly Night Sky News video as well that give us rookie stargazers a list of things to watch for in the sky.





    I wasn't doubting the accuracy of the inferences from the maths, or the  beauty and majesty  of what is revealed, just expressing my thought that people who scoff at those who believe in a Creator because they are relying on blind faith in the works of men they have never met talking about things they themselves have never experienced, themselves have a blind faith in the works of men they have never met talking about things they have never experienced.   A bit ironic.


    As the hymn goes, "Great art Thou, O Lord, and marvelous are Thy works, and there is no word which sufficeth to hymn Thy wonders."



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  8. 34 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:

    Below is a link to the Webb Space Telescope website. Some interesting articles and very cool pictures for those with an interest in space.


    Warning - Could be a time-consuming rabbit hole! B)


    Images |ESA/Webb


    Thanks!  Great stuff.  
    But, as I was looking through it I was once again struck by how willing we are to accept all of this as True based on the inferences drawn from observations and the manipulation of the data with mathematics, mathematics sometimes created to manipulate the observational data from those marvelous instruments.  Taking it on faith that the math and inferences are correct. 


    But mention that you believe that there must have been a Creator to make all this out of nothing, and create order out of chaos, and all of a sudden you "believe in a mythical sky-daddy."  

    • Like 1
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  9. 1 hour ago, Cypress Sun said:

    I used to have a couple of these for water balloons. Couldn't use a big water balloon, but one the size of a small/medium avocado would fly about 300' with 3 people using it as shown in the picture below. We tried a pineapple type hand grenade (inert of course) in it once, it went about 300' also. We got pretty accurate with the launcher after a while. I don't think I'd ever try a real, armed grenade in it though.


    Water Balloon Launcher; Water Balloon Slingshot;Beast Waters Balloon ...


    There are, or we're, videos on YouTube of people in the Middle East using similar rigs to launch Molotov's Cocktails. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:


    I saw that video. The male officer kept his head about him, the female cop was completely clueless and had very poor training, firearms training in particular.



    Well, asking the guy who just got shot if he was OK was kinda dumb. "Am I OK?  HELL NO!  I just got shot in the leg with  my own gun "for everyone's safety! "

    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Alpo said:

    No Joe you don't understand. It's for everyone's safety. The cop pulls me over and he should take my gun for everyone's safety. And I should take his gun for everyone's safety.


    I mean, hell - fair is fair



    Hell, he'd likely be trading up!  What's fair about that?:D

    • Haha 2
  12. 19 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    The driver told the cop that he was carrying, so the cop had him get out of the truck. Then the cop would take the man's gun, "for everyone's safety"


    I know that several people will be upset at me for saying this,  but that's a big barrel of male bovine excrement.


    It frosts me every time i hear about it.   Guy complying with the law, letting the cop know he's armed, docile as a sleeping lamb.  If he was going to be a danger to the cop he wouldn't have said anything,  or denied that he was armed.  


    From my view it's just an ego boosting power play by cop.

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