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Uriah, SASS # 53822

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Posts posted by Uriah, SASS # 53822

  1. I loaded a bunch of spire point bullets in a 30-30 for a friend. 1899 Savage, no tube feed. They went in to the gun OK and shot fine, at the range. At the command, clear all guns, he had a couple around in the magazine, that’s when we found they wouldn’t eject. He had to fire the gun to make it safe. 

    Load and unload. Lesson learned.



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  2. JackSlade,

    I concur with SD. 25” high at 100 yards via Hornady ballistic calculator. 365 gr bullet, 38-50 Rem-Hepburn, 1295 fps.

    I’m running .22” to .25” Goex FFg and Olde Epnsford (sp - I have the bottle in front of me and I can’t figure out what the first two letters are).


    How about the twist on your rifle? Seems kind of slow. 


  3. The melt point is 618° for 25:1 or 30:1 lead tin. I figured that the lead will hold the same temperature in transition, same as water. I don’t know if that’s so, that’s all I have got.


    I placed the thermometer when it’s half liquid and half hard. If thermometer doesn’t read 618° I change it with a 5/8 inch wrench, just under the face of the thermometer.


    Single cavity, hand dipping

    365gr 750-760° with garage temp at 60°

    550gr 780°, garage temp 70°


    I am going to experiment with lower temperatures in the bottom pure Lee elect pot, on the six cavity mold. 740-745° is too hot.


    Mold oven. Fits 1-4 cavity molds, but, not six.





  4. Can anyone recommend a nose punch for a Lyman lubersizer for Lee 358-125-RF.


    I can’t find it in any of the Lee documents online nor can I see it in Midway.

    Lyman nose punches for the 357 cal bullets: 495 RF point bullet, 429 Keith style bullet.


    Help needed.



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  5. 10 hours ago, Cholla said:

    BC being the bullet's ballistic coefficient? Hornady had a podcast about bullet BC, and my takeaway is that the BC changes with velocity.

    Cholla, yes, you are right. On the other hand, black powder cartridge rifles, 45-70, top out at 1200 ft./s. And from the graph, it’s almost a straight line function. The games we play with the BPCR, the range are known. I’m interested in the wind deflection.



  6. While were talking about chronographs in a separate post, I was wondering if any of you dived into the BC?


    I’m looking for a Paul Jones 45001 BC. I’m using the estimation BC of .357


    I know LabRadar is capable of this, And based on my brothers experience, is difficult to use (Been waiting for the BC 3-4 years now).


    Garmin looks like it’s easy to use, but doesn’t offer the BC. Although, I’ve talk to some users, and they say that there’s an app for a Garmin, that offers a myriad of information, minus the BC.




  7. 11 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

    I’ve used the same 150 Federal brown plastic shells for several years, trimming the damaged crimps when necessary and roll crimping them.



    10ga- How do you get them to not burn through?



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  8. 4 hours ago, German Jim said:

    Diamondback is gone unless you know where to get some or have a large stash.

    German Jim,


    I had the misfortune of ordering in 25 pounds, thinking that it would be all right for the 45-70. Same for the KIK powder. I could get neither one of those to shoot.  The only things I use those powder for his practice offhand for my 45-70 hunting loads, 50 - 100yds, CAS, and shotguns.



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