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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Posts posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. I didn't think I was ever going to make him confess that Ole DDD was his brother-in-law...

    I had about used up all my Interrogation tactic's, then I tricked him by turning to,  was Barn Sweeper his

    Brother-in-law that was his un-doing, since I already Knew all about Barn Sweepers ferriferous Clan...


    Jabez Cowboy 

    Beating the truth of the rotten 

    Gangs one by one 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. Hey Triple D;

    I hear you are a bit Wobbly, of late...

    Met a Bearded Man that after I questioned him about How He knew You , Well to make along story a little shorter...

    I interrogated, tortured, and threatened his life, he finally admitted you were his brother-in-law... 

    He admitted that Barn Sweeper was his Brother-in-Law with-out the need of torturing him...


    Jabez Cowboy   

    • Haha 3
  3. The emergency Act was not fully brought into effect, it still required a final yes vote... Which never happened...

    But Brainless used it anyway to trample the rights of the citizens, then he used mounted Cops to trample little old Ladies with Walkers....


    Jabez Cowboy 

    • Sad 2
  4. Drama Teacher,,, Fired from both jobs... 

    Inappropriate relationship with a minor, and undisclosed sealed pay-out...

    He is rotten to the core...


    Here's to the Hope of a better year..

    Happy New Year Grumps....


    Jabez Cowboy

    • Thanks 2
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